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    amateraZZZ's Avatar
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    9.16 | BEST JINX GUIDE | Runes, Abilities, Builds, Laning, Mid game, Positioning

    Hello! I am amateraZZZ here with my MPGH Jinx in depth guide! This Jinx guide is for almost all skill levels. If you think you still have some things to improve, you are in the right place!

    amateraZZZ's <9.16> guide


    Runes to destroy SoloQ:

    Sustain runes to play safe:


    Abilities explained:

    Jinx Passive(Get Excited!): Jinx receives massively increased Movement Speed and stacking Attack Speed whenever she damages an enemy champion, tower, or inhibitor that is then killed or destroyed within 3 seconds.

    Jinx Q(Switcheroo!): Jinx modifies her basic attacks by swapping between Pow-Pow, her minigun and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Pow-Pow grant Attack Speed, while attacks with Fishbones deal area of effect damage, gain increased range, and drain Mana.

    Jinx swaps weapons.
    Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher: Basic attacks deal 110% Damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain 75/100/125/150/175 range, drain Mana, and scale 25% less with bonus Attack Speed.
    Pow-Pow, the Minigun: Basic attacks grant bonus Attack Speed for 2.5 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times for a total bonus of 30/55/80/105/130%.Stacks fall off one at a time and only benefit Jinx's first attack after switching to Rocket Launcher.

    COST: 20 Mana Per Rocket

    Jinx W(Zap!): Jinx uses Zapper, her shock pistol, to fire a blast that deals damage to the first enemy hit, slowing and revealing it.

    Jinx fires a shock blast that deals 10/60/110/160/210 (+160% Attack Damage) Physical Damage to the first enemy hit, revealing it and slowing it by 30/40/50/60/70% for 2 seconds.Zap!'s cast time decreases as Jinx gains Attack Speed.

    COST: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana
    RANGE: 1450

    Jinx E(Flame Chompers!): Jinx throws out a line of snare grenades that explode after 5 seconds, lighting enemies on fire. Flame Chompers will bite enemy champions who walk over them, rooting them in place.

    Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that, once armed, explode on contact with enemy champions, rooting the target for 1.5 seconds and stopping in-progress movement abilities on the spot before dealing 70/120/170/220/270 (+100% Ability Power) Magic Damage over 1.5 seconds to nearby enemies. Chompers last for 5 seconds.

    COST: 70 Mana
    RANGE: 900
    Jinx R(Super Mega Death Rocket!): Jinx fires a rocket that gains damage over the first second it travels. It explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing a minumum of 25 / 35 / 45 (+0.15 per bonus attack damage) and a maximum of 300 / 400 / 500 (+1.5 per bonus attack damage) physical damage plus 25 / 30 / 35% of the target's missing health (max 300 damage to minions and monsters). Nearby enemies take 80% damage.

    COST: 100 mana
    RANGE: 25000

    Abilities to max:


    Items you can buy for Jinx:

    Example full build: full crit

    Example full build: partially defensive

    note: don't forget buying elixir after full builded.


    Always start Q at level 1 on Jinx, your Q skill is the best skill to start with. Using minigun atack speed buff will be helpful to push the lane. Level 2 priority is important, even more important if your support is like Natilus, Thresh, or any other support that has great lvl2 powerspike. Your Q Rockets will be useful to poke enemy laners. You should always use your rockets to poke enemies with it's area damage. You can even poke them while using your rockets on caster minions, if enemies are a bit near. Your rockets will also help you to push the lane, but don't forget that it reduces your attack speed and every rocket will cost you 20 mana. Do not try to trade with enemies if you don't have the minion advantage. Don't forget to calculate minion damage too.

    If you have the lane advantage, and if you think you can win all-in, so basically if your support has a strong early game, with the minion advantage you can freeze the lane instead of pushing in order to make enemy adc lose minion gold and maybe some xp. However, you should do this carefully and you should follow up enemy moves. When enemy adc does a bad move, you with your support can easily takedown, punish enemy adc.

    Mid game

    As a Jinx player, your late game is extremely good. So in order to carry, you should level up and buy items as fast as you can. But to buy items you need gold.
    Mid game is a bit hard for Jinx. As a bot laner, you should always get gold and maximize your income. How will you do this?; of course won't go to mid lane expecting to do a fight. Instead, you will push empty lanes. When mid game begins(after min14 or first turret) You should continue maximizing your income by farming. Be careful to not risk your position while doing this.

    Let's say that top lane outer turrets aren't destroyed yet. However, you destroyed enemy bot lane's outer turret and enemy bot lane destroyed your outer turret. In this point, you can't push bot lane more than middle of the lane. Reason is, if you try to push more, you may get attacked by enemies. So what you have to do is to push until the middle of the lane, and then go to another lane. This can be top lane or mid lane. If your top laner is not staying in top lane, you can go to there and farm safe. Another choice is, you can go to mid lane and push the wave, create pressure, but without attacking the turret. This pressure will make enemies come to mid lane and your top laner will easily get the top lane turret.


    As an ADC, one of the hardest things to do is to take position. Especially when enemies are made up of many assasins, you may die quite fast. If enemy has high CC, they can kill you easily. However, if you take well position, you can survive.

    Actually, taking position can be learned by experiencing teamfights. However, there are some important points;
    1. Don't start the fight!
    You are not the frontliner, you are the carry, the most important person in the team! In order to win, you must not risk yourself by starting a fight.

    2. Stay back! Calculate enemy damage and CC and play knowing it. Try to involve fights after enemies use their main CC skills, like Veigar E, Cassiopeia R, and so on.

    3. Kite! You must kite enemy players in team fights. Kiting is basically same as taking position after every atack. So you must take position, renew your position after casting an ability or auto attacking.


    If you have read all the guide, you are now a Jinx pro! You can destroy your enemies in SoloQ!

    You can post my mistakes, for me to fix them. Thanks for reading my guide!
    “This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die..."

  2. #2
    Janitor's Avatar
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    You should include what Jinx excels at, she destroys towers real fast with her Q AS steroid, making her able to break plates fast, and I think her passive is what makes Jinx a late-game hyper carry, and a true force to be scared from if she is ahead.
    If she gets a kill/ assist late game, her passive kicks in and madness starts, making her hard to catch and dealing a lot of damage with her AS/DPS.

  3. #3
    nospixel's Avatar
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    Aug 2019
    Thanks bro

  4. #4
    Sharppey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Just useful, I learned some things

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