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  1. #1
    GamersPlace's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    My Mood

    Tons of CFG codes for making hacks.

    Here is a list of CFG to make your own hack for beginners.

    color.set "window_text" 255 204 0 255
    color.set "window_background" 50 51 51 255
    color.set "window_border_highlight" 255 255 255 84
    color.set "window_border_shadow" 5 5 5 137
    color.set "button_text" 250 250 250 255
    color.set "button_background" 31 158 199 255
    color.set "button_border_highlight" 31 158 199 239
    color.set "button_border_shadow" 31 158 199 255
    color.set "text_edit_selected_text" 0 0 0 255
    color.set "text_edit_selected_background" 145 134 60 255
    color.set "text_edit_text" 250 250 250 255
    color.set "text_edit_background" 45 45 45 255
    color.set "text_edit_border_highlight" 121 121 121 243
    color.set "text_edit_border_shadow" 20 20 20 234
    color.set "text_readonly_selected_text" 0 0 0 255
    color.set "text_readonly_selected_background" 145 134 60 255
    color.set "text_readonly_text" 250 250 250 255
    color.set "text_readonly_background" 45 45 45 255
    color.set "text_readonly_border_highlight" 121 121 121 243
    color.set "text_readonly_border_shadow" 20 20 20 234
    color.set "scrollbar_button_background" 74 75 72 255
    color.set "scrollbar_button_pressed" 84 86 81 255
    color.set "scrollbar_background" 77 77 77 144
    color.set "scrollbar_border_highlight" 104 106 101 255
    color.set "scrollbar_border_shadow" 37 38 37 255
    color.set "slider_nob_passive" 255 204 0 255
    color.set "slider_nob_active" 255 63 0 255
    color.set "slider_text" 255 204 0 250
    color.set "slider_background" 94 96 91 205
    color.set "slider_border_highlight" 0 0 0 0
    color.set "slider_border_shadow" 0 0 0 0
    color.set "list_selected_text" 255 255 255 255
    color.set "list_selected_background" 0 0 0 255
    color.set "list_text" 200 200 200 255
    color.set "list_background" 45 45 45 255
    color.set "list_border_highlight" 91 91 91 185
    color.set "list_border_shadow" 0 0 0 228
    color.set "tree_line" 255 0 0 255
    color.set "tree_selected_text" 255 255 255 255
    color.set "tree_selected_background" 0 0 0 255
    color.set "tree_text" 200 200 200 255
    color.set "tree_background" 45 45 45 255
    color.set "tree_border_highlight" 91 91 91 185
    color.set "tree_border_shadow" 0 0 0 228
    color.set "menu_grayed" 150 150 150 255
    color.set "menu_selected_text" 196 181 80 255
    color.set "menu_selected_background" 0 9 0 255
    color.set "menu_text" 200 200 200 255
    color.set "menu_background" 76 76 76 255
    color.set "menu_border_highlight" 128 128 128 255
    color.set "menu_border_shadow" 55 55 55 255
    color.set "tab_active_text" 0 196 255 255
    color.set "tab_active_background" 59 59 59 255
    color.set "tab_passive_text" 128 162 173 255
    color.set "tab_passive_background" 36 36 36 255
    color.set "tab_text" 18 59 222 152
    color.set "tab_background" 59 59 59 255
    color.set "tab_border_highlight" 31 158 199 255
    color.set "tab_border_shadow" 31 158 199 255
    color.set "tip_text" 255 255 255 255
    color.set "tip_background" 0 0 0 191
    color.set "tip_border_highlight" 0 0 0 255
    color.set "tip_border_shadow" 0 0 0 255
    color.set "header_active_text" 255 255 255 255
    color.set "header_active_1" 67 67 67 255
    color.set "header_active_2" 51 51 51 255
    color.set "header_passive_text" 255 255 255 255
    color.set "header_passive_1" 25 25 25 255
    color.set "header_passive_2" 41 41 41 255
    color.set "taskbar_text" 201 201 194 255
    color.set "taskbar_background" 48 48 48 255
    color.set "taskbar_border_highlight" 128 128 128 177
    color.set "taskbar_border_shadow" 55 55 55 255
    color.set "colorarea_border_highlight" 123 133 115 255
    color.set "colorarea_border_shadow" 47 52 47 255
    color.set "gui_messages" 90 220 10 240
    color.set "pc_friend" 77 146 225 100
    color.set "pc_enemy" 227 107 15 100
    color.set "pc_enemy_visible" 247 0 0 120
    color.set "veh_neutral" 226 226 226 105
    color.set "veh_friend" 0 153 241 255
    color.set "veh_enemy" 229 57 0 255
    color.set "mine_unknown" 177 177 177 255
    color.set "mine_friend" 175 255 113 243
    color.set "mine_enemy" 193 23 255 255
    color.set "loot_weapon" 255 178 0 255
    color.set "loot_ammo" 0 254 254 255
    color.set "loot_armor" 0 255 67 255
    color.set "BAR: health" 255 90 30 255
    color.set "BAR: health bg" 0 0 0 255
    color.set "BAR: armor" 255 90 30 255
    color.set "BAR: armor bg" 0 0 0 255
    color.set "esp_target" 30 245 10 255
    color.set "RADAR: background" 15 21 59 109
    color.set "RADAR: border" 11 32 52 221

    // _bone_link:
    // Reference
    // AITrajectory
    // Trajectory
    // TrajectoryEnd
    // Hips
    // Spine
    // Spine1
    // Spine2
    // LeftShoulder
    // LeftArm
    // LeftArmRoll
    // LeftForeArm
    // LeftForeArmRoll
    // LeftForeArmRoll1
    // LeftHand
    // LeftHandMiddle0
    // LeftHandMiddle1
    // LeftHandMiddle2
    // LeftHandMiddle3
    // LeftHandMiddle4
    // LeftHandRing0
    // LeftHandRing1
    // LeftHandRing2
    // LeftHandRing3
    // LeftHandRing4
    // LeftHandPinky0
    // LeftHandPinky1
    // LeftHandPinky2
    // LeftHandPinky3
    // LeftHandPinky4
    // LeftHandIndex0
    // LeftHandIndex1
    // LeftHandIndex2
    // LeftHandIndex3
    // LeftHandIndex4
    // LeftHandThumb1
    // LeftHandThumb2
    // LeftHandThumb3
    // LeftHandThumb4
    // LeftHandProp1
    // LeftElbowRoll
    // LeftArmCloth
    // LeftShoulderPhys1
    // Neck
    // Neck1
    // Head
    // HeadEnd
    // Face
    // Jaw
    // LeftLowerLip
    // LeftLowerInnerLip
    // LowerLip
    // LowerInnerLip
    // RightLowerLip
    // RightLowerInnerLip
    // Tongue
    // TongueTip
    // Chin
    // LeftLowCheek
    // RightLowCheek
    // LeftEye
    // LeftIris
    // RightEye
    // RightIris
    // LeftUpCheek
    // LeftUpInnerCheek
    // RightUpInnerCheek
    // RightUpCheek
    // LeftCheek
    // RightCheek
    // LeftMouth
    // LeftInnerMouth
    // LeftMiddleCrease
    // LeftUpperLip
    // LeftUpperInnerLip
    // UpperLip
    // UpperInnerLip
    // RightUpperLip
    // RightUpperInnerLip
    // RightMouth
    // RightInnerMouth
    // RightMiddleCrease
    // LeftUpEyelid
    // RightUpEyelid
    // LeftLowEyelid
    // RightLowEyelid
    // LeftInnerEyebrow
    // LeftOuterEyebrow
    // RightInnerEyebrow
    // RightOuterEyebrow
    // LeftNose
    // RightNose
    // LeftCrease
    // RightCrease
    // LeftLowMiddleEyebrow
    // RightMiddleEyebrow
    // LeftLowEyelidCrease
    // LeftLowOuterEyebrow
    // NoseTip
    // RightLowOuterEyebrow
    // LeftMiddleEyebrow
    // RightLowMiddleEyebrow
    // RightLowEyelidCrease
    // LowNose
    // HeadCloth
    // Throat
    // Spine2Phys1
    // Spine2Prop1
    // RightShoulder
    // RightArm
    // RightArmRoll
    // RightForeArm
    // RightForeArmRoll
    // RightForeArmRoll1
    // RightHand
    // RightHandMiddle0
    // RightHandMiddle1
    // RightHandMiddle2
    // RightHandMiddle3
    // RightHandMiddle4
    // RightHandRing0
    // RightHandRing1
    // RightHandRing2
    // RightHandRing3
    // RightHandRing4
    // RightHandPinky0
    // RightHandPinky1
    // RightHandPinky2
    // RightHandPinky3
    // RightHandPinky4
    // RightHandIndex0
    // RightHandIndex1
    // RightHandIndex2
    // RightHandIndex3
    // RightHandIndex4
    // RightHandThumb1
    // RightHandThumb2
    // RightHandThumb3
    // RightHandThumb4
    // RightHandProp1
    // RightElbowRoll
    // RightArmCloth
    // RightShoulderPhys1
    // Wep_Root
    // Wep_Trigger
    // Wep_Slide
    // Wep_Grenade1
    // Wep_Grenade2
    // Wep_Mag
    // Wep_Mag_Ammo
    // Wep_Mag_Extra1
    // Wep_Scope1
    // Wep_Scope2
    // Wep_Belt1
    // Wep_Belt2
    // Wep_Belt3
    // Wep_Belt4
    // Wep_Belt5
    // Wep_Belt6
    // Wep_Belt7
    // Wep_Belt8
    // Wep_Belt9
    // Wep_Belt10
    // Wep_Bipod1
    // Wep_Bipod2
    // Wep_Bipod3
    // IK_Joint_LeftHand
    // IK_Joint_RightHand
    // Wep_Physic1
    // Wep_Physic2
    // Wep_Physic3
    // Wep_Physic4
    // Wep_Physic5
    // Wep_Extra1
    // Wep_Extra2
    // Wep_Extra3
    // Wep_Extra4
    // Wep_Extra5
    // Wep_Aim
    // LeftSpine1Phys1
    // RightSpine1Phys1
    // LeftUpLeg
    // LeftUpLegRoll
    // LeftLeg
    // LeftFoot
    // LeftToeBase
    // LeftToe
    // LeftLegCloth
    // LeftKneeRoll
    // LeftHipsRoll
    // LeftUpLegCloth
    // HipsCloth
    // LeftHipsFrontPhys
    // LeftHipsBackPhys
    // LeftHipsSidePhys
    // RightUpLeg
    // RightUpLegRoll
    // RightLeg
    // RightFoot
    // RightToeBase
    // RightToe
    // RightLegCloth
    // RightKneeRoll
    // RightHipsRoll
    // RightUpLegCloth
    // RightHipsFrontPhys
    // RightHipsBackPhys
    // RightHipsSidePhys
    // CameraBase
    // CameraJoint
    // Connect
    // ConnectEnd
    // FacePosesAnimation

    _bones_lock 1

    // add hitbox:
    // _bone_hit <name> <H> <W> <D> <X>
    // command ignored if h/w or d is 0/empty

    //all below - around the head-----------//
    _bone_hit Head 0.25 0.085 0.10 0.09 //
    _bone_hit Neck 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.05 //
    _bone_hit Neck1 //
    _bone_hit Face //
    _bone_hit LeftEye //
    _bone_hit Spine2Phys1 //
    // end of the head----------------------//

    _bone_hit LeftArm 0.29 0.06 0.06
    _bone_hit RightArm 0.29 0.06 0.06

    _bone_hit Spine2 0.227 0.16 0.14 0.075
    _bone_hit Spine1
    _bone_hit Spine 0.25 0.19 0.16

    _bone_hit Hips 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.05

    _bone_hit LeftForeArm 0.34 0.04 0.04 0.02
    _bone_hit RightForeArm 0.34 0.04 0.04 0.02

    _bone_hit LeftShoulder
    _bone_hit RightShoulder

    _bone_hit LeftHand 0.125 0.042 0.025 0
    _bone_hit RightHand 0.125 0.042 0.025 0

    _bone_hit LeftUpLeg 0.41 0.085 0.075 -0.01
    _bone_hit RightUpLeg 0.41 0.085 0.075 -0.01

    _bone_hit LeftUpLegRoll
    _bone_hit RightUpLegRoll

    _bone_hit LeftLeg 0.44 0.075 0.07 0.01
    _bone_hit RightLeg 0.44 0.075 0.07 0.01

    //_bone_hit Wep_Aim 0.01 1 0.01

    // link bone with hitbox:
    // _bone_link <bone> <hitbox>

    _bone_link HeadEnd Head

    _bone_link LeftLegCloth LeftLeg
    _bone_link LeftFoot LeftLeg
    _bone_link RightLegCloth RightLeg
    _bone_link RightFoot RightLeg

    _bone_link LeftUpLegRoll LeftUpLeg
    _bone_link RightUpLegRoll RightUpLeg

    _bone_link Spine1 Spine

    _bones_lock 0

    // _bone_link:
    // Reference
    // AITrajectory
    // Trajectory
    // TrajectoryEnd
    // Hips
    // Spine
    // Spine1
    // Spine2
    // LeftShoulder
    // LeftArm
    // LeftArmRoll
    // LeftForeArm
    // LeftForeArmRoll
    // LeftForeArmRoll1
    // LeftHand
    // LeftHandMiddle0
    // LeftHandMiddle1
    // LeftHandMiddle2
    // LeftHandMiddle3
    // LeftHandMiddle4
    // LeftHandRing0
    // LeftHandRing1
    // LeftHandRing2
    // LeftHandRing3
    // LeftHandRing4
    // LeftHandPinky0
    // LeftHandPinky1
    // LeftHandPinky2
    // LeftHandPinky3
    // LeftHandPinky4
    // LeftHandIndex0
    // LeftHandIndex1
    // LeftHandIndex2
    // LeftHandIndex3
    // LeftHandIndex4
    // LeftHandThumb1
    // LeftHandThumb2
    // LeftHandThumb3
    // LeftHandThumb4
    // LeftHandProp1
    // LeftElbowRoll
    // LeftArmCloth
    // LeftShoulderPhys1
    // Neck
    // Neck1
    // Head
    // HeadEnd
    // Face
    // Jaw
    // LeftLowerLip
    // LeftLowerInnerLip
    // LowerLip
    // LowerInnerLip
    // RightLowerLip
    // RightLowerInnerLip
    // Tongue
    // TongueTip
    // Chin
    // LeftLowCheek
    // RightLowCheek
    // LeftEye
    // LeftIris
    // RightEye
    // RightIris
    // LeftUpCheek
    // LeftUpInnerCheek
    // RightUpInnerCheek
    // RightUpCheek
    // LeftCheek
    // RightCheek
    // LeftMouth
    // LeftInnerMouth
    // LeftMiddleCrease
    // LeftUpperLip
    // LeftUpperInnerLip
    // UpperLip
    // UpperInnerLip
    // RightUpperLip
    // RightUpperInnerLip
    // RightMouth
    // RightInnerMouth
    // RightMiddleCrease
    // LeftUpEyelid
    // RightUpEyelid
    // LeftLowEyelid
    // RightLowEyelid
    // LeftInnerEyebrow
    // LeftOuterEyebrow
    // RightInnerEyebrow
    // RightOuterEyebrow
    // LeftNose
    // RightNose
    // LeftCrease
    // RightCrease
    // LeftLowMiddleEyebrow
    // RightMiddleEyebrow
    // LeftLowEyelidCrease
    // LeftLowOuterEyebrow
    // NoseTip
    // RightLowOuterEyebrow
    // LeftMiddleEyebrow
    // RightLowMiddleEyebrow
    // RightLowEyelidCrease
    // LowNose
    // HeadCloth
    // Throat
    // Spine2Phys1
    // Spine2Prop1
    // RightShoulder
    // RightArm
    // RightArmRoll
    // RightForeArm
    // RightForeArmRoll
    // RightForeArmRoll1
    // RightHand
    // RightHandMiddle0
    // RightHandMiddle1
    // RightHandMiddle2
    // RightHandMiddle3
    // RightHandMiddle4
    // RightHandRing0
    // RightHandRing1
    // RightHandRing2
    // RightHandRing3
    // RightHandRing4
    // RightHandPinky0
    // RightHandPinky1
    // RightHandPinky2
    // RightHandPinky3
    // RightHandPinky4
    // RightHandIndex0
    // RightHandIndex1
    // RightHandIndex2
    // RightHandIndex3
    // RightHandIndex4
    // RightHandThumb1
    // RightHandThumb2
    // RightHandThumb3
    // RightHandThumb4
    // RightHandProp1
    // RightElbowRoll
    // RightArmCloth
    // RightShoulderPhys1
    // Wep_Root
    // Wep_Trigger
    // Wep_Slide
    // Wep_Grenade1
    // Wep_Grenade2
    // Wep_Mag
    // Wep_Mag_Ammo
    // Wep_Mag_Extra1
    // Wep_Scope1
    // Wep_Scope2
    // Wep_Belt1
    // Wep_Belt2
    // Wep_Belt3
    // Wep_Belt4
    // Wep_Belt5
    // Wep_Belt6
    // Wep_Belt7
    // Wep_Belt8
    // Wep_Belt9
    // Wep_Belt10
    // Wep_Bipod1
    // Wep_Bipod2
    // Wep_Bipod3
    // IK_Joint_LeftHand
    // IK_Joint_RightHand
    // Wep_Physic1
    // Wep_Physic2
    // Wep_Physic3
    // Wep_Physic4
    // Wep_Physic5
    // Wep_Extra1
    // Wep_Extra2
    // Wep_Extra3
    // Wep_Extra4
    // Wep_Extra5
    // Wep_Aim
    // LeftSpine1Phys1
    // RightSpine1Phys1
    // LeftUpLeg
    // LeftUpLegRoll
    // LeftLeg
    // LeftFoot
    // LeftToeBase
    // LeftToe
    // LeftLegCloth
    // LeftKneeRoll
    // LeftHipsRoll
    // LeftUpLegCloth
    // HipsCloth
    // LeftHipsFrontPhys
    // LeftHipsBackPhys
    // LeftHipsSidePhys
    // RightUpLeg
    // RightUpLegRoll
    // RightLeg
    // RightFoot
    // RightToeBase
    // RightToe
    // RightLegCloth
    // RightKneeRoll
    // RightHipsRoll
    // RightUpLegCloth
    // RightHipsFrontPhys
    // RightHipsBackPhys
    // RightHipsSidePhys
    // CameraBase
    // CameraJoint
    // Connect
    // ConnectEnd
    // FacePosesAnimation

    _bones_lock 1

    // add hitbox:
    // _bone_hit <name> <H> <W> <D> <X>
    // command ignored if h/w or d is 0/empty

    _bone_hit LeftArm 0.29 0.06 0.06
    _bone_hit RightArm 0.29 0.06 0.06

    _bone_hit Spine2 0.227 0.16 0.14 0.075
    _bone_hit Spine1
    _bone_hit Spine 0.25 0.19 0.16

    _bone_hit Hips 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.05

    _bone_hit LeftForeArm 0.34 0.04 0.04 0.02
    _bone_hit RightForeArm 0.34 0.04 0.04 0.02

    _bone_hit LeftShoulder
    _bone_hit RightShoulder

    _bone_hit LeftHand 0.125 0.042 0.025 0
    _bone_hit RightHand 0.125 0.042 0.025 0

    _bone_hit LeftUpLeg 0.41 0.085 0.075 -0.01
    _bone_hit RightUpLeg 0.41 0.085 0.075 -0.01

    _bone_hit LeftUpLegRoll
    _bone_hit RightUpLegRoll

    _bone_hit LeftLeg 0.44 0.075 0.07 0.01
    _bone_hit RightLeg 0.44 0.075 0.07 0.01

    //all below - around the head-----------//
    _bone_hit Head 0.25 0.085 0.10 0.09 //
    _bone_hit Neck 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.05 //
    _bone_hit Neck1 //
    _bone_hit Face //
    _bone_hit LeftEye //
    _bone_hit Spine2Phys1 //
    // end of the head----------------------//

    // link bone with hitbox:
    // _bone_link <bone> <hitbox>

    _bone_link HeadEnd Head

    _bone_link LeftLegCloth LeftLeg
    _bone_link LeftFoot LeftLeg
    _bone_link RightLegCloth RightLeg
    _bone_link RightFoot RightLeg

    _bone_link LeftUpLegRoll LeftUpLeg
    _bone_link RightUpLegRoll RightUpLeg

    _bone_link Spine1 Spine

    _bones_lock 0

    // Keybinds, replace keynames here if you want to change binds.

    gbind f4 gui.toggle // OPEN MENU

    // notify alt +aim // remove "//" from the beginning of the line to enable aimbot holding alt
    // notify kp_5 "bot.aim !=" // remove "//" from the beginning of the line to toggle aimbot on and off with numpad_5

    gbind kp_delete AllSave
    gbind kp_1 Save
    gbind kp_2 GuiSave
    gbind kp_3 ColorSave

    gbind kp_4 switch //switch settings presets
    gbind kp_5 switchBones //switch bones presets
    gbind kp_6 switchAim //Enable/Disable aimbot

    bind f12 "engine.disabled !=" // Show/Hide hag UI


    bind f12 "engine.disabled !="
    bind f11 "module_load game"
    exec bones.cfg
    skin_load steam
    skin_enable 1
    crosshair crosshair.png

    // Aimbot HOLD code
    alias +aim "bot.aim 1;clear;print Aimbot ENABLED"
    alias -aim "bot.aim 0;clear;print Aimbot DISABLED"

    // Aimbot TOGGLE code
    alias aimEnabled "bot.aim 1;clear;print Aimbot ENABLED;alias switchAim aimDisabled"
    alias aimDisabled "bot.aim 0;clear;print Aimbot DISABLED;alias switchAim aimEnabled"
    alias switchAim aimEnabled

    // Save settings configs
    alias AllSave "save;;;; clear; print [All Settings Saved]; alias toggle_AllSave AllSave"
    alias Save "save; clear; print [Settings Saved]; alias toggle_Save Save"
    alias GuiSave "; clear; print [GUI Settings Saved]; alias toggle_GuiSave GuiSave"
    alias ColorSave "; clear; print [Color Settings Saved]; alias toggle_ColorSave ColorSave"

    // Presets switching code
    alias 1 "exec 1.cfg; alias switch 2"
    alias 2 "exec 2.cfg; alias switch 3"
    alias 3 "exec 3.cfg; alias switch 1"
    alias switch 1

    // Bones presets switching code
    alias bonesHead "exec bones_head.cfg;clear;print HEAD priority; alias switchBones bonesBody"
    alias bonesBody "exec bones.cfg;clear;print BODY priority; alias switchBones bonesHead"
    alias switchBones bonesHead

    // The green messages you see after hag injects in the game code
    // NO NEED to edit this to change the hotkeys, it's just a text
    clear //|
    print [F4] - show MENU //|
    print [numpad_4] - switch config presets //|
    print [numpad_del] - save all //|
    print [numpad_1] - save config.cfg //|
    print [numpad_2] - save GUI //|
    print [numpad_3] - save colors //|
    print [numpad_4] - switch settings presets //|
    print [numpad_5] - switch aiming priority (Head/Body) //|
    print [numpad_6] - Enable/Disable aimbot //|
    print Default hotkeys: //|

    font.set "GUI: Window" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: Label" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: CheckBox" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: Button" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: TextBox" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: List" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: Tree" "Lucida Console" 12 0 0 48
    font.set "GUI: Menu" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: Tab" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: Radio" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: Slider" "Lucida Console" 14 0 0 16
    font.set "GUI: Taskbar" "Lucida Console" 12 0 0 48
    font.set "GUI: Tip" "Lucida Console" 12 0 0 48
    font.set "GUI: Messages" "Verdana" 12 1 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_friend Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_friend Weapon" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_friend Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_friend Health" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_friend Armor" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy Weapon" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy Health" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy Armor" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy_visible Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy_visible Weapon" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy_visible Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy_visible Health" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: pc_enemy_visible Armor" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_neutral Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_neutral Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_neutral Health" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_friend Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_friend Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_friend Health" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_enemy Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_enemy Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: veh_enemy Health" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: loot_weapon Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: loot_weapon Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: loot_ammo Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: loot_ammo Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: loot_armor Name" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: loot_armor Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: mine_unknown Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: mine_friend Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "ESP: mine_enemy Dist" "Verdana" 11 0 0 32
    font.set "RADAR: pc_friend" "Verdana" 9 0 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: pc_enemy" "Verdana" 9 0 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: pc_enemy_visible" "Verdana" 11 0 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: veh_neutral" "Verdana" 9 1 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: veh_friend" "Verdana" 9 1 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: veh_enemy" "Verdana" 9 1 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: mine_unknown" "Verdana" 11 0 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: mine_friend" "Verdana" 11 0 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: mine_enemy" "Verdana" 11 0 0 64
    font.set "RADAR: loot_weapon" "Verdana" 10 0 0 32
    font.set "RADAR: loot_ammo" "Verdana" 10 0 0 32
    font.set "RADAR: loot_armor" "Verdana" 10 0 0 32

    clear 0 //enable ESP
    bot.aim 1 //enable aimbot
    bot.shots_skip 1 //shots to miss
    bot.shots_aim 1 //shots to hit
    bot.fov 5 //field od view for aimbot to pick the target
    bot.dist_max 100 //maximum aimbot distance

    print "Most safe, ESP off, aimbot"

    clear 1 //enable ESP
    bot.aim 1 //enable aimbot
    bot.shots_skip 1 //shots to miss
    bot.shots_aim 4 //shots to hit
    bot.fov 20 //field od view for aimbot to pick the target
    bot.dist_max 500 //maximum aimbot distance

    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Draw 1 //disable ESP for invisible enemies
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Draw 1 //enable ESP for visibles
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Bounds.dist.max 302 //max displaying distance for the visible enemies bounds

    print "I'm 1337 and I want to pwn"

    clear 1 //enable ESP
    bot.aim 1 //enable aimbot
    bot.shots_skip 2 //shots to miss
    bot.shots_aim 2 //shots to hit
    bot.fov 5 //field od view for aimbot to pick the target
    bot.dist_max 100 //maximum aimbot distance

    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Draw 0 //disable ESP for invisible enemies
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Draw 1 //enable ESP for visibles
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Bounds.dist.max 85 //max displaying distance for the visible enemies bounds

    print "Default preset, normal one"

    bot.lock "0"
    bot.mode "1"
    bot.aim "1"
    bot.pred "0.200"
    bullet.speed "650.000"
    Esp.Filter.veh_friend.Bounds.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.veh_friend.Bounds.dist.min "15"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Health "1"
    engine.trace_dist "200.000"
    radar.veh_friend.draw "1"
    Esp.Filter.mine_friend.Draw "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Armor "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Lazor "1"
    veh.crosshair_3p "1"
    veh.crosshair_1p "0"
    engine.ents_veh_neutral "1"
    radar.pc_enemy_visible.draw "1"
    esp.position_horiz_screen "50"
    esp.bar_scale "1"
    engine.trace_delay "200"
    esp.lazor_len "100.000"
    esp.lazor_scale "0.039"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Hitbox.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Hitbox.dist.min "0"
    bot.filter "0" "0"
    radar.mine_friend.draw "1"
    radar.pc_friend.draw "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Bounds.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Bounds.dist.min "0"
    MessagesTime "50000"
    esp.dist_mine "103"
    engine.loot_ammo "1" "1"
    Esp.Filter.veh_neutral.Hitbox.alpha "0"
    Esp.Filter.veh_neutral.Dist "0"
    bot.dist_adv "50"
    bot.dist_max "500"
    bot.dist_min "500"
    hit.range "100.000"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Bounds.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Bounds.dist.min "1"
    Ban.Me.Now:********ots "0"
    engine.ents_pickup "1"
    Esp.Filter.veh_neutral.Hitbox.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.veh_neutral.Hitbox.dist.min "0"
    Esp.Filter.loot_armor.Draw "1"
    esp.bar_dist "100"
    Esp.Filter.veh_friend.Dist "0"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Hitbox.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Hitbox.dist.min "0"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Health "0"
    Esp.Data.pc_enemy "02030485000000000000000000000000"
    radar.loot_armor.draw "0" "1"
    Esp.Filter.mine_enemy.Draw "1"
    Esp.Filter.loot_ammo.Name "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Hitbox.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Hitbox.dist.min "0"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Health "1"
    Esp.Filter.loot_weapon.Name "1"
    Esp.Filter.veh_neutral.Draw "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Dist "0"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Name "0"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Draw "1"
    engine.trace_fov "70.000"
    MessagesDirection "1"
    engine.priority "0"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Weapon "0"
    engine.loot_armor "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Hitbox.alpha "84"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Name "1"
    engine.ents_veh "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Bounds.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Bounds.dist.min "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Name "0"
    Ban.Me.Now:More.Angles "1"
    esp.bar_height "2"
    Esp.Filter.mine_friend.Dist "0"
    Esp.Filter.veh_friend.Name "1"
    Esp.Data.veh_neutral "81020300000000000000000000000000"
    esp.targetcolor "1"
    Esp.Filter.veh_neutral.Health "0"
    bot.nospread "0"
    Esp.Filter.mine_unknown.Dist "0"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Health "1"
    radar.mine_enemy.draw "1"
    Esp.Data.mine_friend "01020000000000000000000000000000"
    esp.bar_width "47" "1"
    Esp.Filter.veh_friend.Health "0"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Bounds.alpha "81" "1" "1"
    Esp.Filter.veh_neutral.Name "1"
    Esp.Filter.loot_ammo.Dist "0"
    Esp.Filter.loot_weapon.Draw "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Hitbox.dist.max "500"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Hitbox.dist.min "0"
    Esp.Data.pc_friend "02030485860000000000000000000000"
    esp.position_vert_screen "50"
    esp.position_vert_world "50"
    crosshair.enabled "1" "1"
    radar.veh_neutral.draw "1"
    Esp.Filter.loot_ammo.Draw "1"
    Esp.Data.pc_enemy_visible "02030485860000000000000000000000"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Armor "1"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy.Lazor "0"
    esp.position_horiz_world "0"
    esp.position_horiz "0"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Draw "1"
    Esp.Data.loot_weapon "81020000000000000000000000000000"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Dist "0"
    Esp.Filter.pc_enemy_visible.Hitbox.alpha2 "141"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Hitbox.alpha "14"
    Esp.Filter.veh_enemy.Hitbox.alpha "0"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Dist "0"
    radar.veh_enemy.draw "1"
    Esp.Data.mine_enemy "01020000000000000000000000000000"
    Esp.Filter.veh_friend.Hitbox.alpha "0"
    Esp.Data.veh_friend "81020300000000000000000000000000"
    Esp.Filter.pc_friend.Draw "0"
    engine.loot_armed "0"
    Esp.Filter.veh_friend.Bounds.alpha "45"


    // _int <VAR> <LABEL> <TIP> <MIN> <MAX> <Width> <Height>
    // _tab <NAME>
    // _tab
    // _check <VAR> <LABEL> <TIP>
    // _label <TEXT> <TIP>
    // _br <Height>
    // _hr <Height>

    _tab ESP
    _tab View
    _check "esp active"
    _check esp.targetcolor "use target color"
    _br 4

    _list esp.position_vert "Vertical position" "" 160 0 "Top" 1 "Bottom"
    _int esp.position_vert_screen "screen:" "" -50 50 270
    _int esp.position_vert_world "world:" "" -50 50 270
    _br 4
    _list esp.position_horiz "Horizontal position" "" 160 0 "Center" 1 "Right" 2 "Left"
    _int esp.position_horiz_screen "screen:" "" -50 50 270
    _int esp.position_horiz_world "world:" "" -50 50 270
    _br 4

    _hr 14
    _check esp.bar_use "health bars"
    _check esp.bar_scale scale
    _check esp.bar_border border
    _br 4
    _int esp.bar_width "width" "" 20 110 270
    _int esp.bar_height "height" "" 1 16 270
    _int esp.bar_dist "dist" "" 1 100 270

    // _tab Filter
    // _check esp.view_ground "show vehicles"
    // _br
    // _check esp.view_air "show aircraft"
    // _br
    // _check esp.view_plc "show mines"
    // _tab

    _tab Lazor
    _label "Use console :|"


    _tab Radar
    _br 4
    _check radar.view_ground "show vehicles"
    _check radar.view_air "show aircraft"
    _check radar.view_facility "show facility"
    _br 2
    _br 4
    _int radar.size "size:" "" 2 10 250
    _int radar.scale "scale:" "" 50 2000 250

    _tab Aimbot
    _br 2
    _check bot.aim "Enabled"
    _int bot.fov "FOV" "" 1 180 300
    _br 4

    _check bot.lock "Lock at one target"
    _check bot.view "View aim point"
    _br 8

    // _label "Target: "
    // _br
    // _check bot.aim_at_infantry "infantry"
    // _check bot.aim_at_cloaked "cloaked"
    // _br
    // _check bot.aim_at_ground "vehicles"
    // _check bot.aim_at_air "aircraft"
    // _check bot.aim_at_facility "facility"

    _br 8
    _list bot.filter "Filter:" "" 250 0 "Enemy" 1 "Ally" 2 "Both"

    _br 2
    _list bot.mode "Target by:" "" 250 0 "Dist" 1 "Angle"

    _br 6
    _list bot.debug "Debug bones:" "" 250 0 "None" 1 "Current" 2 "All"

    _br 8
    _int bot.dist_min "dist_min:" "" 0 500 250
    _int bot.dist_max "dist_max:" "" 1 500 250
    _int bot.dist_adv "dist_adv:" "" 1 50 250

    _br 8
    _flt bot.fov "Field of View:" "" 1 180 220 0
    _br 8
    _int bot.shots_aim "Hit Shots:" "" 0 4 125
    _int bot.shots_skip "Skip Shots:" "" 0 4 125

    _br 8
    _label "Rage features (not safe): "
    _br 4
    _check Ban.Me.Now:********ots "Higher accuracy using the scope"
    _check Ban.Me.Now:More.Angles "Bigger aimbot reaction angles"


    _tab Misc
    _br 2
    _check bot.nospread "No Spread + No Recoil" ""
    _br 8
    _check crosshair.enabled "Crosshair"
    _check engine.fps "Show FPS"
    _br 50
    _int MessagesTime "Message Time: (1000 = 1 sec)" "" 1000 50000 350 0

    _tab Settings
    _br 6
    _btn "Save" "save;;;"
    _br 20
    _btn "Load" "exec autoexec.cfg;exec config.cfg"
    _br 26
    _label "Flickering problems:"
    _br 4
    _check engine.ents_pickup "Show Pickups" "Show Pickups"
    _check engine.ents_veh_neutral "Show Neutral Vehicles" "Show Neutral Vehicles"
    _check engine.ents_veh "Show Vehicles" "Show Neutral Vehicles"
    _br 150
    _btn "Quit" "qqq"

    _tab Firestorm
    _br 6
    _check engine.ents_pickup "Show Pickups" "Show Pickups"
    _check engine.loot_ammo "Show ammo pickups" "Dropped ammo"
    _check engine.loot_armor "Show armor pickups" "Dropped armor"
    _check engine.loot_armed "Hide weapons" "No idea why it's hide, not show"
    _br 6
    _int radar.scale "Radar scale" "" 1 120 250
    _br 6
    _int esp.dist_pickup "Pickups distance" "" 1 5000 250
    _int esp.dist_mine "Mines distance" "" 1 1000 250
    _br 6
    _check radar.loot_ammo.draw "Radar ammo pickups" "Dropped ammo"
    _check radar.loot_armor.draw "Radar armor pickups" "Dropped armor"
    _check radar.loot_weapon.draw "Radar weapon pickups" "Dropped weapon"

    If you dont know what any of this is, use google. It will tell you everything you need to know.

    Also, The aimbot sucks so.
    Last edited by GamersPlace; 08-29-2019 at 03:12 PM.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to GamersPlace For This Useful Post:

    praitcore (09-18-2019)

  3. #2
    praitcore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    My Mood
    I also can only use one of this files right ?

  4. #3
    Hansa2906's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    how to use this files?
    have I put them in the user.cfg?

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