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    ladladlad's Avatar
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    Feb 2013

    Question SetWindowsHookEx NON-GLOBAL (not LL), how to ignore/detect SendInput?


    I am trying to write a keyboard (and mouse later on) macro for a game in C++ for windows, and I decided to use the thread-specific variant WH_KEYBOARD (as opposed to WH_KEYBOARD_LL) where I had to make a DLL and so on... Due to differences between these hook types, the thread-specific one I'm using doesn't seem to have a way of recognizing a simulated input (from SendInput). My question: is it possible in any practical way to allow all simulated inputs to not get picked up by the thread-specific hook, or for the hook to distinguish them from real physical inputs and just return?

    Before you recommend sticking with global hooks, note that I'd prefer to use thread-specific hooks if possible because (primarily) they don't pick up inputs when the game is not focused and I would imagine that perhaps global hooks are not as performant as thread-specific hooks? amongst other reasons...

    That said, I'd appreciate any and all advise given! Thanks.
    Last edited by ladladlad; 04-25-2020 at 05:40 PM. Reason: wording mistake fixed

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