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  1. #1
    0Bx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    My Mood

    Batch-file Junk code generator

    If you don't want to download unknown exe files this one is for you!
    "Batch-file" is a native "coding" language based on Windows OS and practically any Windows based operating system can run it.
    I have the files below and the source code is further down for those who want to have a look/just copy it from below! Virustotal


     @EcHo off
    if exist "Generated code" goto skip
    md "Generated code"
    if exist "Data" goto skip2
    md "Data"
    if exist "%CD%\Data\eula.txt" goto skip3
    echo eula=true>>"%CD%\Data\eula.txt"
    rem This was written by 0BX
    rem Could not find the artist behind the header skull so:
    title %random%
    set /a junkc=100
    set /a headercd=5
    set "linecount=100"
    set "voidname=Project::JustJunk"
    set cc=00
    set ss=00
     @EcHo off
    findstr /m "eula=true" "%CD%\Data\eula.txt"
    if %errorlevel%==0 (
    goto header
    ) else (
    goto eerror )
    title %random%
    mode con cols=70 lines=22
    color 4
    echo                      Junk code generator V0.1 (C++)
    echo     .o oOOOOOOOo                                            OOOo
    echo     Ob.OOOOOOOo  OOOo.      oOOo.                      .adOOOOOOO
    echo     OboO"""""""""""".OOo. .oOOOOOo.    OOOo.oOOOOOo.."""""""""'OO
    echo     `O'OOOO'     `OOOOo"OOOOOOOOOOO` .adOOOOOOOOO"oOOO'    `OOOOo
    echo     .OOOO'            `OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'            `OO
    echo     OOOOO    by 0Bx     '"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"`      @ MPGH      oOO
    echo    oOOOOOba.                .adOOOOOOOOOOba               .adOOOOo.
    echo  "OOOO"       "YOoOOOOMOIONODOO"`  .   '"OOROAOPOEOOOoOY"     "OOO"
    echo     Y           'OOOOOOOOOOOOOO: .oOOo. :OOOOOOOOOOO?'         :`
    echo     :            .oO%OOOOOOOOOOo.OOOOOO.oOOOOOOOOOOOO?         .
    echo     .            oOOP"%OOOOOOOOoOOOOOOO?oOOOOO?OOOO"OOo
    echo                  '%o  OOOO"%OOOO%"%OOOOO"OOOOOO"OOO':
    echo                       `$"  `OOOO' `O"Y ' `OOOO'  o             .
    echo     .                  .     OP"          : o     .
    echo                               :
    echo                               .
    echo                      Continuing in %headercd% seconds.
    set /a headercd=%headercd%-1
    if %headercd%==-1 goto menu
    ping localhost -n 2 >nul
    goto header
    mode con cols=76 lines=17
    title Junk code generator V0.1
    color E
    echo #          Made by 0BX @
    echo #          Please make your selection below:                        
    echo #                                                                   
    echo #          [1] Start writing                Logged in as: 0Bx
    echo #          [2] *Coming soon*                Expiration date: never
    echo #          [3] *Coming soon*                Sexiness: Hyper
    echo #          [4] *Coming soon*                   
    echo #          [5] Exit                                                  
    echo #                                                                   
    echo #          + This is a beta version and all options 
    echo #            may not work as intended 
    echo #          + Generating speed depends on your computer
    echo #          + A lot of junk code may slow down your script
    echo #      
    echo #          Previous time: %ss%,%cc% seconds                                               
    set /P mmenuc=Input: 
    if %mmenuc%==1 goto sw
    if %mmenuc%==2 goto ivip
    if %mmenuc% GEQ 3 goto ivip
    if %mmenuc%==5 exit
    color C
    echo Invalid input, try again...
    ping localhost -n 2 >nul
    goto menu
    color E
    mode con:cols=70 lines=14
    echo Set your file name:
    set /P filename=Input: 
    color E
    if not defined voidname set "voidname=Project::JustJunk"
    echo How many lines do you want? (20-1000000)
    set /P linecount=Input: 
    if %linecount%== goto linecount
    if %linecount% GEQ 1000001 goto linecount
    echo set linecount=%linecount%>>"%CD%\Data\settings"
    goto writeprocesswin1
    findstr /m "set filename=%filename%"
    findstr /m "set linecount=%linecount%" "%CD%\Data\Settings"
    echo Line count: %linecount% 
    ping localhost -n 3 >nul
    title Generating...
    for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%time%") do (
       set /A "start=(((%%a*60)+1%%b %% 100)*60+1%%c %% 100)*100+1%%d %% 100"
    color E
    if not defined filename set filename=Generated_Junk
    echo void %voidname% ()>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    echo {>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-2
    goto nextstepf
    echo 	float pJC = %random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = 3rf%random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 		pJC = %random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 		pJC = %random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 		pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	if (pJC = %random%%random%);>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    echo 	pJC = %random%%random%%random%;>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    set /a linecount=%linecount%-1
    if %linecount%==0 goto stop
    if %linecount% GEQ 2 goto nextstepf
    title Generating done,
    echo }>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    echo . >>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    echo This was generated with 0BX's junk code generator.>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%time%") do (
       set /A "end=(((%%a*60)+1%%b %% 100)*60+1%%c %% 100)*100+1%%d %% 100"
    set /A elapsed=end-start
    set /A hh=elapsed/(60*60*100), rest=elapsed%%(60*60*100), mm=rest/(60*100), rest%%=60*100, ss=rest/100, cc=rest%%100
    if %mm% lss 10 set mm=0%mm%
    if %ss% lss 10 set ss=0%ss%
    if %cc% lss 10 set cc=0%cc%
    title Generating done, time elapsed: %ss%,%cc%
    echo Code written in %ss%,%cc% seconds>>"%CD%\Generated code\%filename%.txt"
    echo Done, you can find the generated text from the
    echo same directory as this application.                                                   
    echo             + Code written in %ss%,%cc% seconds 
    echo                               sec, 100th of a sec              
    ping localhost -n 10 >nul
    title Junk code generator V0.1
    goto menu
    color 4
    echo Error! You must accept the eula first!
    ping localhost -n 4 >nul
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails

    screenie (2).png  

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to 0Bx For This Useful Post:

    hdywdgqwy7g (01-25-2023)

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