
i have an flash player quiz made via wonder-share which i wanted to protect via unique password for each user, so far everything is good. and the following code works for (.net) assembles only. how can i mod this to make it work? i'm trying to load the PE directly without writing to disk.

Public Sub Execute(ByVal bytes As Byte())
    Dim t As New Thread(AddressOf DoExecute)
End Sub

Public Sub DoExecute(ByVal d As Byte())
    Dim asm As Assembly = Assembly.Load(d)
    Dim entryPoint As MethodInfo = asm.EntryPoint
    Dim o As Object() = Nothing
    If entryPoint.GetParameters().Length > 0 Then
        o = New Object() {New String() {"1"}}
    End If
    entryPoint.Invoke(Nothing, o)

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
i know this would rise an AV alert, but again its for Educational purposes, and i'm still open for any other ideas.