I already posted this I thought, but for some reason it didn't come through.

This is just common knowledge, I know I'm soooo dumb and this is just for if anyone who feels dumb today, this is to make you feel a bit smarter

Well, I always told my friends stuff like this would NEVER happen to me. Their instagrams would would get hacked with the typical (make money so easy here crypto) etc and I've gotten all their accounts back. But, here's my story

Typical me, downloading paid programs for free, guy even added his own code in there, I'm not sure if I got this from the program or not, but somehow I got hit hard with Hazard-Nuker. It was created with python, and it's supposed to screw up your ******* account (REALLY BAD) as the description says, and takes all of your tokens and cookies and shit off your browser.

First of all, my computer sucks. It's a old rig, can only play a decent amount of games, I only use it to program/code sometimes, and make music.
So sometimes this computer bugs out. My entire background was a git-hub active page and I'm like "Uhhh" so I just changed my background instantly but it would spawn back, Idk what that was about hazard-nuker doesn't say anything about it doing that.

Everything was fine till I seen a notification that I paid 9.99 for ******* nitro to gift and I'm like, "Jesus, did I accidentally buy nitro" because I was actually editing my profile picture at the time. I didn't see the little notification for the nitro logo, so I was confused.

My girlfriend texts me and goes "Wtf did your ******* get hacked?" I sent a spammy message saying "Hey, this is legit I got 2 nitros" with a spammy link I don't know how these script skiddies think that message is actually going to work. So I go "Hang on, it's finally been my turn"
After helping everybody get their stuff back for so long, I definitely got hit the hardest. Briefly learning about cybersecurity I only recently started taking measures with certain things, but not all. My laziness still took over and My dumb ass still had "Auto-fill" on and had major login cookies
I opened up ******* and it was in "light-mode" I messaged everyone on my friends-list in 2 seconds with the same link and silly message and it was flickering constantly and whoever did it changed everything in Chinese LMFAO the one thing I DID NOT like though is he created a bunch of servers like the max out servers with "racial slurs" and due to all of that, I couldn't delete my account because *******s setting is "You gotta give ownership to all your servers" THERE SHOULD BE A BUTTON WHERE I CAN EASILY JUST SAY THE REASON I WANNA DELETE MY ******* ACCOUNT AND JUST DELETE THE SERVERS WITH IT??

Whoever was running it the bot attempted to get into all of my gmails, successfully almost changed my paypal information, and attempted to log into my burner Facebook. I got into everything so fast, he couldn't get anything. The purchase he only made was the 9.99 but attempted to make a 5 other 9.99 for nitros then a 99.99 one too but all failed since I took my card off.

The nerdy side of me after this was all over was so interested because he changed my ******* status to "Got shit on by www.******/hazard-nuker" etc and even the devs of the hazard nuker were like "if you use this on someone, you're awful" I was really intrigued seeing how it was made.Completely open source It was created in python and ANYONE can do it. and I watched videos on it and the fact this is free and anyone can seriously do it, is so interesting. It's just so scary and really motivated me to take cybersecurity more seriously and just be a little bit more cautious and don't be so reckless with files.

Don't be like me, don't download programs like that just make sure it's reliable and listen to your anti-virus stuff, don't have auto-fill on your browsers and use authentications and make sure your passwords are soooo long with symbols caps and numbers.