so ive been on DNspy and have searched the assembly for bandits this is what pops up..

from search DF124_d40031b5964285f8a0042dfb196eb8bd527eaccb.isB andit : bool @04004065

// Token: 0x02000213 RID: 531
public class DF124_d40031b5964285f8a0042dfb196eb8bd527eaccb : MonoBehaviour
// Token: 0x060028C5 RID: 10437 RVA: 0x002353BC File Offset: 0x002335BC
public DF124_d40031b5964285f8a0042dfb196eb8bd527eaccb()
this.aRad = 1f;
this.vRad = 1f;
this.DF124_b1d5fc9e00364b8f94ea7fdccb41ba85501dd0e 6 = 1;
this.DF124_036ea145a734961c1ad58344ca4120f098eff1a 4 = true;
this.NPCType = string.Empty;
this.DF124_bf935d81068da02d19125a53d83c06c16b98472 8 = 1f;
this.DF124_cc59264bc21697a5906dd615645bc4849a00212 1 = 5f;
this.DF124_7947e0a1b69939245f20f301cf8d7829e7e8d05 d = 5f;
this.DF124_091c6acc075c8fbb5fc6771bc70eef057114e63 3 = 2f;
this.DF124_4bb732794693a1e6e135e1cb2490f8b9359185e 5 = 0.5f;
this.DF124_6be7845dc1af86ef785e10262485348cce9d4a7 f = 3f;
this.DF124_745a5c81e07f8c35435a3e78db199d9b38ff470 4 = 1.5f;
this.DF124_f35edfdba2b6c0d5b14e27797da0ce5e7e94bc4 2 = 4f;
this.DF124_4c89b7c527d249b2e848e405f802d5a53b7be8d b = -1;
this.DF124_70310e533c8c1f5d03759e19ff3ab95846e6037 d = 1f;
this.DF124_903f1287ac977130e26050a9bd6900ad9e5900a 3 = 2.6f;
this.DF124_2992f50dd0856b1da8759a77ec36029ed36b8f8 b = 2.3f;
this.DF124_4b7f65375a63fc98b2b75bce8c6284ba19e99ee b = 0.2f;
this.DF124_d017df8e6c7e609707c45bb42fd3143db595811 5 = 2f;
this.DF124_f6b5049a69e8a777d9126121be9c9f70e74327f 1 = 2.8f;
this.DF124_f3689d6b71a8aac5408b397f785f5530867c7ef 7 = 2.6f;
this.DF124_5f282fef443f645f061105dd01fbfa64128c6f9 6 = 2.3f;
this.DF124_35af0d860c6371099aa9ba7975572eac311d933 b = 0.2f;
this.DF124_ddcf8a08b9f8741a65d60066b245e35c8731824 b = 2f;

// Token: 0x060028C6 RID: 10438 RVA: 0x002354CC File Offset: 0x002336CC
// Note: this type is marked as 'beforefieldinit'.
static DF124_d40031b5964285f8a0042dfb196eb8bd527eaccb()
so how the heck do i find the value to edit or AOB via cheat engine what do i insert in the cheat engine to find the possible value to find the please i am going insane trying to figure this out.