Pictures are at the bottom of the carved images of the ancient world

Keep in mind every Religion speaks of A Flood; Every Religion speaks of the hidden continents/realms beyond Antartica; Every religion speak of these beings coming from the sky and gene engineering and teaching man knowledge. I will now be posting A lot in the religion section exposing what the Elites been hiding from the public about the bible they know GOD exist they just despise the true creator; i'm here to wake most of you up because of they lies they taught all of us but true history of earth will known

The GOD of the bible flooded the Earth because of the Angles/annunaki of Genisis 6; God brought the flood to kill the Demi Gods; Hybrids animals, and giants. Have you ever stopped to think why did every ancient advanced civilization in the past carved Hybrids and Demi gods all on their hieroglyphs? The answer is because they was drawing what they was actually seeing; the book of Enoch which was removed from the bible by the elites explains all this; on how they was taking all of GOD animals and cross species/ gene mixing them into hybrids monsters abominations like the TREX
Now when I say the Trex.. i'm not saying GOD didn't create dinosaurs i'm saying the Trex is not part of GOD creation by looking up the genes of the TREX it has chicken and lizard DNA... Now you can understand why the preflood era was so violent due to the fact you had hybrids running around; we all know some species you cannot gene mix because the subject will be radical and unstable.

Now Jesus said the last days will be like Noah right? ok now we know Gene mixing was a big thing in preflood era right? Now scientist are trying to bring extinct animals back to life through gene engineering.. Hmm sounds familiar?? This is why I tell people we are not in the last days yet because we still have to see the preflood world activities come back again.. Yes they are gene mixing now but its not perfect yet; we still got years to go before it get back to how it was back then

Yes the Elites show us this through movies like Jurassic park and the super hero movies.. In Jurassic park they revived the dinosaurs back through DNA engineering. Then the spider man movie the scientist mixed his genes with the lizard and became A super villain.. The superheros in these hollywood movies slightly represent the Demigods of the preflood ERA.. this is why in most bible translantions it say The Nephilim were the heroes of old, men of renown. The Demigods ruled the ancient world and I know many people Think the Bible copied the Sumerian Text due to the fact the sumerian Text talked about the flood way before the bible was written.. Yes True but they don't realize in the book of enoch God warned the Demi Gods of the coming flood thousand + years before it even happened... That how they knew way beforehand...

The Elites are the people who work for Satan and the fallen angles they knew this for hundreds of years because like I tell people they have the complete bible; they hid the history from us but soon everyone will know the truth. Anyway remember the Ancients drew what they saw and they actually saw demi gods and hybrids here are the photos from different ancient temples around the world.. Most popular and most talked about Demi God was gilgamesh can even see him holding A lion dude must've been at least 25-35ft tall