I was making my own cheat for this game but I wanted to make "spawnentityat" work as even if you do console bypass and have debug is not working..
After inspecting the game I found some interesting line of code: "GameManager.Instance.adminTools.Users.AddUser(cli entInfo, platformUserIdentifierAbs, num);"

I tried to do:
foreach (EntityPlayer entityPlayer2 in GameManager.Instance.World.Players.list)
							if (SingletonMonoBehaviour<ConnectionManager>.Instance != null && entityPlayer2 == GameManager.Instance.World.GetPrimaryPlayer())
								ClientInfoCollection clients = SingletonMonoBehaviour<ConnectionManager>.Instance.Clients;
								ClientInfo forNameOrId = clients.GetForNameOrId(entityPlayer2.EntityName, true, false);
								Console.WriteLine("Works till here");
								Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: {0} {1}", forNameOrId.playerName, clients.GetForNameOrId(forNameOrId.playerName, true, false).CrossplatformId);
								GameManager.Instance.adminTools.Users.AddUser(forNameOrId.playerName, clients.GetForNameOrId(forNameOrId.playerName, true, false).CrossplatformId, 0);
But I get errors on client info as I call a funtion outside the "Instance" but all the classes utilize "SingletonMonoBehaviour<ConnectionManager>.Instanc e.Clients" so at this point i cannot understand..
Can someone help me? or fix my issue?