Ok,Some of you seen my last winchester tips thread.Which was for beginners which is why im making this one...

This will be more focused on aiming your shots there will be maybe 3 parts so make sure u read em all.

Aiming with winchester:

A) Winchester is very good at aiming close range,But say for instance someone is jumping all up in your face.What i do is i have a certain mouse sensitivity when i use winchester...
Mine is set at 40 same for when sniping.35/40 is nice and slow,So u can just be calm and move ur crosshair without F**king missing everyshot when ur at 50 sensitivity...

B) Aiming when jump shotting,This is very unusual to see.But not impossible as i can do it,Pretty much its like a awm it could go anywhere seeing as awm has no crosshair,But winchester loses accuracy.
Mainly try jump at them or if u can do a 360 in the air and when u land make sure ur crouched and cap their ass.Cause if your not crouched they will get u if they got a SMG,Or even a rifle...

C) Long shotting,Winchester is one of the many accurate guns in the game,But you need to not waste your shots at shooting long range...For instance of my experience.I was 1v5 all my team was dead and i got a 5 kill streak with winchester.Try not be long range,Like when i long shot i move side to side and aim for their head ( but don't use a freakin aimbot + 1 hit kill hack ) cause then ur noob if u do.But mainly the winchester is basically more for people who can aim very well,Aim for the upper waist and you should kill them pretty fast if your mid range.

I know guys this was alot longer than my older one.But this one is a main thing u need to learn for using winchester.As i said before aim your shots don't spray like a scarlight nub.

Btw,When using my tips make sure u combine them.So every part i make use the parts you have read and the part that is the latest one...

If this helped you please THANK /me cause these tips take a while to write.