This one was on my old PC i used to use.. don't no if it will still work or not..
Credits are to whoever made it.

void DrawCheckBox(bool state,int x, int y, const char *txt,D3DCOLOR CBC, D3DCOLOR CBBC,D3DCLOR TC , LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9)
FillARGB( x + 2, y - 2, 47,47 CBC,pDevice);
DrawBorder(x,y,50,50,1, CBBC, pDevice);
DrawString(x + 60 ,y, TC,pFont, txt);
DrawBorder(x,y,50,50,1, CBBC, pDevice);
DrawString(x + 60 ,y, TC,pFont, txt);
DrawCheckBox(true//is state true?,200//x,200//y,"Chams"//text,//color,//color,//color,pDevice);