Finally managed to create "my own" routine to convert the number and print.
Although the logic is the same for everyone.
Get the number, divide by 10, get the Reminder, add 30h (or 48) to the character (ascii code for the number), save it, print it later.

Used stack to save the numbers, saved them later onto a variable and printed.

Not much i know, but I'm still a nab at this.

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

include E:\masm32\include\ 
include E:\masm32\include\ 
include E:\masm32\include\ 
include E:\masm32\include\ 
includelib E:\masm32\lib\user32.lib 
includelib E:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib 
includelib E:\masm32\lib\masm32.lib 

messageStr dd 1337,0
hStd dd ?
bytesOut dd ?
number db ?



    push -11
    call GetStdHandle
    MOV hStd, EAX

    MOV ECX, 10
    MOV EAX, messageStr
    MOV EBX, 0

        MOV EDX, 0
        DIV ECX
        CMP EDX, 0
        JE convertEnd
        push EDX
        INC EBX
        JMP convertNum
    ;This will now have the number on the stack (1,3,3,7,...)
    ;EBX will have the number lengh


    MOV EDX, offset number
        POP EAX ;recover one number from the stack to EAX and then save it
        ADD EAX, 48 ;To convert it into the correct ASCII code
        MOV BYTE PTR [EDX], AL ;Save the number to the byte pointed by EDX
        INC EDX ;Next byte to save the next number
        DEC EBX ;Counter--
        CMP EBX, 0
        JNE saveNumber

    push 0
    push offset bytesOut
    push ECX
    push offset number
    push hStd
    call WriteConsole
    push 0
    call ExitProcess