The time you were sitting in your house all alone and then you hear a noise and you start freaking out, so you get up and look around, come back, to notice something has been changed but you can't quiet figure it out so then sit there for an hour trying to figure it out then you notice nothing really has been changed then you look behind you and see nothing and then look infront of you and see nothing and then you go back to lay down and you hear another noise, this time from your bathroom, so you run into your bathroom and find your water running, you turn it off, rush back to your bed and you were almost asleep, then you hear a noise from under your bed and it sounded like "Fuck..." so you look under your bed but then you see nothing so now you are freaking the fuck out, and you try to sleep but then you hear another noise, this time a knock on your door, which is wide open and you look at it and see nothing so then you start texting your friends whats going on and one texts back "ur gay" and another "cool" so then you think to yourself "Fuck texting..." and you shut your phone off and you don't know why you shut your phone off so then you set it down walk to bed, but now your blanket is gone so now umad and you go on that motherfucker but you can't find that honkey so you give up and just lie in bed, this time you fall asleep. You wake up at noon and your pants are down, your anus is red, your money is gone, your parents finaly came home and look at you and your like "OH MY FUCKING GOD"
If you read all that you're gay.