Ok I dont want anyone trolling about copy/paste. I looked through a Dvar dump to find these and some of them I know have not been found before. I only picked ones that were particularly useful in Campaign mode because I had trouble finding threads with only the useful ones. Also I know this is probably the wrong section but whatever.

aim_autoaim_enable "1" // Enables autoaim
aim_autoaim_lerp "999" // Degrees/second that autoaim will aim
aim_autoaim_region_width "640" // Obvious
aim_autoaim_region_height "480" // Also Obvious
aim_autoAimRangeScale "2" // Scale of the autoaim range
aim_input_graph_enabled "1" // Allows use of graph for autoaim input
aim_lockon_enabled "1" // Enabled aim lockon (helps targeting)
aim_lockon_region_width "640" // Also Obvious
aim_lockon_region_height "480" // Also Obvious
aim_lockon_deflection "0.05" // Amount of stick deflection to use AL
aim_lockon_strength "2" // Lockon Strength

bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "9999"
bg_fallDamageMinHeight "9998"

bg_viewKickMax "0.001" // NEW!
bg_viewKickMin "0" // NEW!

bullet_penetrationMinFxDist "999"
bullet_penetration_enabled "1"

OTHERS: These are the assorted interesting ones I found. All confirmed working. Some have been found before others have not.

ThermalBlurFactorNoScope "0" // no thermal blur when ADS NEW!
ThermalBlurFactorScope "0" // no thermal blur when ADS (snipers) NEW!
player_lastStandCrawlSpeedScale "2" // Obvious. useful in spec ops NEW!
player_burstFireCooldown "0" // full auto FAMAS/M16/Raffica
overrideNVGModelWithKnife "1" // Put this on with nightvision NEW!
nightVisionFadeInOutTime "0.001" // Faster NightVision
nightVisionPowerOnTime "0.001" // Faster NightVision
jump_spreadAdd "0" // No spread increase when jumping NEW!
grenadeRollingEnabled "0" // All grenades now STICKY!!!! NEW!
glass_fall_gravity "-10" // Broken glass floats. NEW!
bg_forceDualWield "1" // Akimbo FAL's/Thumpers
bg_forceDualWield "1" // Akimbo M9's/TMP's NEW!
cg_fov "85" // point of view changer (ProMod)
laserForceOn "1" // Hooray for LAZERS!
player_meleeHeight "480" // HERP DERP
player_meleeRange "999" // ditto
player_meleeWidth "640" // ditto
player_sustainAmmo "1" // Infinite Ammo
player_sprintUnlimited "1" // Obvious
jump_height "300" // Duh
dynEnt_bulletForce "9999" // Try it. its funneh.
r_specularmap "2" // Chrome Vision
r_debugShader "1" // RainbowVision (pretty intense)

This obviously isn't a huge list but I didn't want to post ALL of them. especially some of the more common ones. Just wanted to post essentials and a couple new ones I found. I'll add more to this list as I find them so keep posted and please NO FLAMING!

Also a sidenote: I discovered that binds can be used to some extent by using dvar "mapname" with a value of "mp_afghan;putbindshere". so far godmode, noclip, and a few others have worked but weapons are a no-go. oh well. experiment with it and post results! happy modding!