Share your original content by filling out the request form and PM'ing MPGHRewind on Youtube or sending an email to

If you post a series, like: (Machinima, Music Videos, Commentaries, Weekly Montages, Top 10 Community Clips etc; ) you can have a chance at being a Community Director and the benefits will be discussed in time. So be our first Community Director! .

make sure you comply with the rules:
  1. No nudity, racism, advertising, or leeched content can be uploaded.
  2. Uploads must be made through Youtube PM or by email to or your video may not be on the channel.
  3. The MPGHRewind Intro must be placed before your video before you send it to us (Youtube PM or Email)
  4. Videos must be no less than 30 seconds and no longer than 15 minutes.

and fill out the form:

Link to video Download: (use this site)
Title: (Title of video)
Description: (Enter description for directors to add)
Credits: (Youtube Channels and/or MPGH Usernames, Songs [Artist - Title], etc;)
Tags: (Enter tags for video)
Category: (Tutorial, Commentary, Release, Promo, etc;)