Attention All Soldiers of Combat Arms Europe!

We've got an estimate time regarding server restorations!

All game servers will be back online approximately at around 05:00 P.M. CET today.

Game servers could possibly be open couple minutes earlier if the maintenance is finished earlier than expected.

Thank you all for your kind patience and full understanding regarding the current matter in advance.


First of all, we sincerely apologize for the abrupt shutdown
of the game servers that happened just a few minutes ago.

Due to technical difficulties occurring at the moment, we've pulled down the servers back down once again to patch up the surfaced problem.

Such measures are taken to provide best services to our faithful Soldiers, thus ask for our Soldiers' kind patience and full understanding regarding the matter throughout.

Further notifications will be posted as soon as anything else comes up.

Thank you all in advance.

- Combat Arms Europe Command -

Nexon FUCK U !

@Eminem ^^ i say you they will fail muahahhaha