Welcome MPGH! Today i am going to tell you a little bit about Amnesia!
What Do You Do / What Is The Story
You play as Daniel , a normal fella from London , Mayfair , somehow you wind up in this freaky world and have to deal with tons of shit your pants moments and scary chases and jumpscares , the story unwinds and is suprizingly an amazing story that is told through visions , notes and strange occurences. Mix all this in with mega loads of extreme horror and you have an excellent game in your hands!
How much does it cost / rate?
The game is set at an amazing 20$ and can be found on Steam ( Online Gaming Program) it is a great game and i give it an amazing 9.2 out of 10 as a rate!
Videos Of This Game!
WhatDehFkIsDat's Channel - YouTube ( Me and my freind sammies video and gameplay of amnesia (Preety Hilarious)
PewDiePie's Channel - YouTube ( Absolutly amazing My idol!)
Thanks for reading this guys and i hope you have tons of fun , jump scares and shit your pants moments by playing Amnesia : The Dark Descent!