No WoW section -,-

I've made the simplest thing ever, and it's one of those "Works every so often", like a bruteforcer -,- But it does work occasionally, although I haven't gotten the key taken away from me, I bet if you do get one you'll lose it eventually because someone else complains about theirs not working. I don't know. But I have proof, and I wouldn't lie.

I made it in Notepad
Since it's a bat I'll provide the simple as shit coding here:

@echo off
title WoW Keygen
SET /A i=1
SET /A fixedrand=%random%*10
CALL SET r%i%=%%fixedrand:~1,1%%
SET /A i=i+1
if %i% LEQ 25 goto reworkrandom
echo  __________________________________________________________
echo   WoW Key Generator
echo   By Seemliss
echo  __________________________________________________________
echo   KEY: %r1%%r2%%r3%%r4%-%r5%%r6%%r7%%r8%%r9%%r10%-%r11%%r12%%r13%%r14%%r15%-%r16%%r17%%r18%%r19%%r20%%r21%-%r22%%r23%%r24%%r25%
echo  __________________________________________________________
echo   Type YES to regenerate a key, or
SET /P cont=  Type EXIT to exit: 
if "%cont%"=="YES" goto restartprog
if "%cont%"=="yes" goto restartprog
As you can see, nothing special. Just for fun. You can use it to scam people too if you want, really. But yeah, don't take this too seriously.