League of Legends Ashe Abilities

Focus (Innate)

While not auto attacking, Ashe’s critical strike chance increases by 3 / 6 / 9 / 12/ 15 / 18 % every 3 seconds. It is removed after her next attack.

Frost Shot (Toggle)

While active, each of Ashe’s basic attacks slow her target’s movement speed for 2 seconds.

Cost: 8 mana per attack

Volley (Active)

Ashe fires 7 arrows in a cone, dealing physical damage to each target hit. It also applies a slow equal to the one in her current level of Frost Shot even if it is not active. Cost: 60 mana Range: 1200 Cone Width: 57.5º.


Passive: Each time Ashe kills a unit, she gains extra gold.

Active: Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission, revealing terrain as it travels and granting vision of the end area for 5 seconds.

Cooldown: 60 seconds

Enchanted Crystal Arrow

Active: Ashe fires a missile of ice in a straight line that will pass over all other units until it collides with an enemy Champion or leaves the map. If the arrow collides with an enemy Champion, it deals magic damage, stuns and adds a slow to the champion hit, it also explodes after hit to slow and deal half damage to all other enemies in a small area around the champion hit. The duration of the stun is based on how far the arrow has traveled and cap at 3.5 seconds. Both slows are 50% and last for 3 seconds.

Cost: 150 mana

Slow duration: 3 seconds

Explosion Radius: 250

Recommended League of Legends Ashe Ability Build for Beginners

1. Volley
2. Frost Shot
3. Volley
4. Hawkshot
5. Volley
6. Enchanted Crystal Arrow
7. Volley
8. Frost Shot
9. Volley
10. Frost Shot
11. Enchanted Crystal Arrow
12. Frost Shot
13. Frost Shot
14. Hawkshot
15. Hawkshot
16. Enchanted Crystal Arrow
17. Hawkshot
18. Hawkshot
Volley is a great spell, to harass opponents in the lane. The cooldown in lower on the ability as the level of the spell increases. Max it out as soon as possible, as this will be your primary harassing ability.
Take a level of Frost Shot, at the early level, you will need it to keep the enemy champion slowed, incase of an early gank.

Hawkshot is a very good spell. Use it to check on brushes, the river, dragon, baron etc etc. Use this effectively to avoid getting ganked.

Enchanted Crystal Arrow, this is a very good ultimate, it can be shot from anywhere in the map to anywhere in the map. On collision it deals a stun and slows the enemy nearby. So it very effective when used in battles.

It is also advisable, to use this ability from a distance, as the duration of the travel increases the duration of the stun.

LoL Ashe Runes Guide

Lot of Champions, counter Ashe by stacking great amounts of armor, this is why it is good to rune for armor penetration. This also gives a great damage boost, early game.

Volley is a great harassing ability, we use Mana per 5 runes so that you can use it to the max.

League of Legends Ashe Summoner Abilities:


Exhaust is a must. It helps in catching enemies that are running away. Even with Frost Arrows, it is always better to have this.


I use Ghost at times to run behind champions or to run after champions.


Flash can also be used to to get out of sticky situations. Especially when you are very low on health.. time this properly and you’d be able to escape close fights alive.


Ignite can be taken to ensure a kill. But it’s not advisable to take this over a defensive spell.

League of Legends Ashe Masteries

The standard 21/0/9 works great for Ashe

League of Legends Ashe Items

Recommended Items

1. Boots of Swiftness – This is the perfect set of boots for Ashe, as it can let Ashe easily chase down Champions.

2. Infinity Edge – The damage, and the crit damage increase makes her what she is. A sustained ranged damage carry.

3. Phantom Dancer – Gives her the Attack Speed and Crit Chance. Ashe also gets the movement speed she needs to chase down champions.

4. The Bloodthirster – Good damage and good amounts of lifesteal. This combined with infinity edge will allow you to tank and push minions solo.

5. Banshee’s Veil – Good amounts of health and mana. Gives good amount of MR. As Ashe is a fragile champion, people tend to target nukes at her. This will help her .

6. The Blackcleaver – Good damage and attackspeed. Very effective against champions who stack armor.

Other Optional Items


1. Madred’s Bloodrazor – Useful against tanks who stack large amounts of HP.

2. Last Whisper – Use this when the enemy tanks are stacking a lot of armor.

League of Legends Ashe Basic Gameplay Guide and tips

1. Remember that you are not a tank and always stay behind the tank and deal damamge.

2. In the mid lane, for every step the enemy champion takes towards you, take a step back. Always take the cover of your creeps and use Volley to harass the enemy champion.

3. Keep using Hawkshot to spy in nearby bushes.

4. After you hit level 6. Look out for enemy champions that are low, and go and gank them.

5. Don’t forget to turn off Frost Shot while killing creeps

6. Do farm, Ashe needs items to be strong late game.

7. Don’t wander off alone, Ashe can’t escape easily.

8. Stay back during the battles and attack, if need to be use the Ultimate to initiate.