what does this mean,, i know what #define means but i dont get the knives and stuff like the ((i==5) and stuffs like that do those numbers represent like a weapon as in crazyknife, axe, xmas axe, katana, golden katana, and stuffs like that bcus they look like weapon melee ID's -_-
please help and i dont really seem why you should use this in a hack but is it really that good and tell me why its good and what does it do?

#define Knives ((i==5)||(i==176)||(i==177)||(i==178)||(i==182)||(i==195)||(i==196)||(i==197)||(i==198)||(i==199)||(i==223)||(i==224)||(i==225)||(i==226)||(i==227)||(i==228)||(i==270)||(i==271)||(i==302)||(i==303)||(i==304)||(i==305)||(i==306)||(i==307)||(i==404)||(i==405)||(i==406)||(i==407)||(i==408)||(i==409))