Hello Folks,

When i looked a bit around this forum, I found out that my favourite Duplicating Method is not listed (Yet)

You dont need 2 ppl for it, just a tent/car. First mentioned is easier to find and prolly has more space. Just follow these Steps
#1: Gather the Items/Guns you want to duplicate
#2: If you want to dupe large amounts of stuff, just put them in your Backpack NOTE: A Main Weapon needs 10 Slots, if theres 9 free, it will disappear when stuffed in the BP.
#3: Wait around 1 minute for the Hive to register the Stuff you've put into your BP.
#4: Drop the items into the Tent/Car
#5: Plug out your internet connection (i've got the router with on/off switch right next to me)
#6: Close Game via Task-manager
#7: Log back in
#8: Profit

NOTE: You've got to be fast.

I know its quite complicated but it works like a charm for me... It takes around 30 secs for me for the entire procedure.
I've did this around 100 Times, yet I won't replace banned CD-Keys

Regards, Fred