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  1. #1
    batusxai's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012

    I have a Problem with this>>can u make a bypass for this and download the source code


    #ifndef _BASE_H
    #define _BASE_H

    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <d3dx9.h>
    #include <vector>

    #pragma comment(lib,"d3dx9.lib")

    #define FONT LPD3DXFONT

    typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* oBeginScene) (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice);
    typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* oEndScene) (PDEVICE pDevice);
    typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* oReset ) (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters );
    typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* oDrawIndexedPrimitive) (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE Type,INT BaseIndex,UINT MinIndex,UINT NumVertices,UINT StartIndex,UINT PrimitiveCount);



    // Project : Basic Special Force Hacks (D3D9)
    // Revised : FireFox800
    // Date : October 20, 2010
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "Base.h"

    #define ForceRecon (NumVertices == 83 && PrimitiveCount == 137 || NumVertices == 79 && PrimitiveCount == 105 || NumVertices == 142 && PrimitiveCount == 174 || NumVertices == 278 && PrimitiveCount == 462 || NumVertices == 263 && PrimitiveCount == 290 || NumVertices == 316 && PrimitiveCount == 556)
    #define ForceReconAddons (NumVertices == 432 && PrimitiveCount == 354 || NumVertices == 144 && PrimitiveCount == 136 || NumVertices == 299 && PrimitiveCount == 311 || NumVertices == 167 && PrimitiveCount == 252 || NumVertices == 298 && PrimitiveCount == 506 || NumVertices == 168 && PrimitiveCount == 254 || NumVertices == 860 && NumVertices == 778 || NumVertices == 648 && PrimitiveCount == 710 || NumVertices == 113 && PrimitiveCount == 189 || NumVertices == 142 && PrimitiveCount == 172 || NumVertices == 87 && PrimitiveCount == 90 || NumVertices == 79 && PrimitiveCount == 105 || NumVertices == 84 && PrimitiveCount == 110 || NumVertices == 70 && PrimitiveCount == 70 || NumVertices == 860 && PrimitiveCount == 778 || NumVertices == 85 && PrimitiveCount == 137)
    #define Mulan (NumVertices == 118 && PrimitiveCount == 126|| NumVertices == 121 && PrimitiveCount == 180|| NumVertices == 124 && PrimitiveCount == 126|| NumVertices == 295 && PrimitiveCount == 482|| NumVertices == 299 && PrimitiveCount == 452|| NumVertices == 474 && PrimitiveCount == 728)
    #define MulanAddons (NumVertices == 162 && PrimitiveCount == 200|| NumVertices == 120 && PrimitiveCount == 188|| NumVertices == 167 && PrimitiveCount == 276|| NumVertices == 108 && PrimitiveCount == 198|| NumVertices == 512 && PrimitiveCount == 728|| NumVertices == 790 && PrimitiveCount == 881|| NumVertices == 619 && PrimitiveCount == 800|| NumVertices == 399 && PrimitiveCount == 532|| NumVertices == 402 && PrimitiveCount == 580|| NumVertices == 102 && PrimitiveCount == 170|| NumVertices == 125 && PrimitiveCount == 98|| NumVertices == 116 && PrimitiveCount == 128|| NumVertices == 160 && PrimitiveCount == 174)

    LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 Red,Yellow,Green,Blue,Purple,Pink,Orange,White,Bla ck;

    float ScreenCenterX = 0.0f;
    float ScreenCenterY = 0.0f;

    FONT pFont = NULL;
    PDEVICE pDevice;

    bool Color = true;
    int texnum;
    int m_Stride;
    int PrimitiveCount;
    int NumVertices;

    int xhair;
    int wallhack;
    int xqz;

    D3DCOLOR colRed = D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255, 0, 0);
    D3DVIEWPORT9 g_ViewPort;

    oEndScene pEndScene;
    oDrawIndexedPrimitive pDrawIndexedPrimitive;

    HRESULT GenerateTexture(IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3Ddev, IDirect3DTexture9 **ppD3Dtex, DWORD colour32)
    if( FAILED(pD3Ddev->CreateTexture(8, 8, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, ppD3Dtex, NULL)) )
    return E_FAIL;

    WORD colour16 = ((WORD)((colour32>>28)&0xF)<<12)

    D3DLOCKED_RECT d3dlr;
    (*ppD3Dtex)->LockRect(0, &d3dlr, 0, 0);
    WORD *pDst16 = (WORD*)d3dlr.pBits;

    for(int xy=0; xy < 8*8; xy++)
    *pDst16++ = colour16;


    return S_OK;

    HRESULT WINAPI myEndScene (PDEVICE pDevice)
    ScreenCenterX = (float)g_ViewPort.Width / 2;
    ScreenCenterY = (float)g_ViewPort.Height / 2;

    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Red, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,0 ,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Yellow, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,255,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Green, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,0 ,255,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Blue, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,0 ,0 ,255));
    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Purple, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,102,0 ,153));
    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Pink, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,20 ,147));
    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Orange, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,165,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Black, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,0 ,0 ,0 ));
    GenerateTexture(pDevice, &White, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255,255,255,255));

    if (xhair1)
    D3DRECT rec2 = {ScreenCenterX-10, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+8, ScreenCenterY+1};
    D3DRECT rec3 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-8, ScreenCenterX+1, ScreenCenterY+8};
    pDevice->Clear(1, &rec2, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,colRed, 0, 0);
    pDevice->Clear(1, &rec3, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,colRed, 0, 0);

    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)&1) //Hotkey for Crosshair
    { xhair = !xhair; }

    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD2)&1) //Hotkey for Naked
    { xqz = !xqz; }

    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD3)&1) // Hotkey for Wallhack
    { wallhack = !wallhack; }

    return pEndScene (pDevice);

    HRESULT WINAPI myDrawIndexedPrimitive(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE Type, INT BaseIndex,
    UINT MinIndex, UINT NumVertices, UINT StartIndex, UINT PrimitiveCount)
    UINT Offset = 0;
    UINT Stride = 0;

    if(pDevice->GetStreamSource(0, &Stream_Data, &Offset, &Stride) == D3D_OK)
    //--------------------Player Wallhack ----------------------------------------------
    if (wallhack)
    if (m_Stride==40 &&
    (texnum==11800126)||// MULAN Left Boot
    (texnum==12100180)||// MULAN Hands
    (texnum==29900452)||// MULAN Legs
    (texnum==12400126)||// MULAN Right Boot
    (texnum==29500482)||// MULAN Chest
    (texnum==47400728)||// MULAN Head
    (texnum==16000174)||// MULAN Battle Suit Arms
    (texnum==11600128)||// MULAN Battle Suit Boots
    (texnum==39900532)||// MULAN Battle Suit Legs
    (texnum==40200580)||// MULAN Battle Suit Chest
    (texnum==34900580)||// Delta Force Head
    (texnum==36100604)||// Spetsnaz Head
    (texnum==38000658)||// Spetsnaz Legs
    (texnum==18300268)||// Spetsnaz Body
    (texnum==36200604)||// GIGN Head
    (texnum==21200306)||// GIGN Body
    (texnum==35500568)||// GSG9 Head
    (texnum==2200024)||// GSG9 Bangs
    (texnum==8800105)||// GSG9 Feet
    (texnum==36900650)||// GSG9 Legs
    (texnum==19600314)||// GSG9 Body
    (texnum==36700612)||// SAS Head
    (texnum==8500105)||// SAS Feet
    (texnum==37000650)||// SAS Legs
    (texnum==18000274)||// SAS Body
    (texnum==35300556)||// KSF Head
    (texnum==7500121)||// KSF Arms
    (texnum==9200115)||// KSF Feet
    (texnum==12400168)||// KSF Hands
    (texnum==30100522)||// KSF Legs
    (texnum==18700288)||// KSF Body
    (texnum==40900594)||// ARTC Head
    (texnum==11700190)||// ARTC Arms
    (texnum==9100118)||// ARTC Feet
    (texnum==12500170)||// ARTC Hands
    (texnum==37000634)||// ARTC Legs
    (texnum==41700516)||// ARTC Body
    (texnum==19400260)||// ROKMC Body
    (texnum==37900592)||// ROKMC Head
    (texnum==36500642)||// ROKMC Legs
    (texnum==44800776)||// SRG Head
    (texnum==15900200)||// SRG Left Arm
    (texnum==10500168)||// SRG Right Arm
    (texnum==80401016)||// SRG Body
    (texnum==10000121)||// SRG Feet
    (texnum==13200180)||// SRG Hands
    (texnum==33800534)||// SRG Leg
    (texnum==8300137)||// FORCE RECON Arms
    (texnum==7900105)||// FORCE RECON Feet
    (texnum==14200174)||// FORCE RECON Hands
    (texnum==27800462)||// FORCE RECON Legs
    (texnum==26300290)||// FORCE RECON Body
    (texnum==31600556)||// FORCE RECON Head
    (ForceRecon)|| // ForceRecon
    (texnum==16200200)||// MULAN Battle Cap
    (texnum==12000188)||// MULAN Boonie Hat
    (texnum==16700276)||// MULAN Helmet
    (texnum==10800198)||// MULAN Beret
    (texnum==51200728)||// MULAN Gas Mask
    (texnum==79000881)||// MULAN Clan BDU #1
    (texnum==900008)||// MULAN Clan BDU #2
    (texnum==61900800)||// MULAN Bulletproof Vest
    (texnum==10200170)||// MULAN Elbow Protector
    (texnum==12500102)||// MULAN Holster
    (texnum==7400098)||// MULAN Pouch
    (texnum==16700252)||// FORCE RECON Combat Helmet
    (texnum==16800254)||// FORCE RECON Clan T-Shirt 1
    (texnum==8500137)||// FORCE RECON Clan T-Shirt 2
    (texnum==10300170)||// FORCE RECON Red Beret
    (texnum==11900192)||// FORCE RECON Red Bandana
    (texnum==13500176)||// FORCE RECON Boonie Hat
    (texnum==10300170)||// FORCE RECON Beret
    (texnum==16700252)||// FORCE RECON Helmet
    (texnum==14400136)||// FORCE RECON Mid-Class Sunglasses
    (texnum==34100534)||// FORCE RECON Gas Mask
    (texnum==33500548)||// FORCE RECON Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==29800506)||// FORCE RECON Balaclava
    (texnum==86000778)||// FORCE RECON Clan BDU
    (texnum==64800710)||// FORCE RECON Bulletproof Vest
    (texnum==11300189)||// FORCE RECON Advanced Tattoo
    (texnum==14200174)||// FORCE RECON Tactical Gloves
    (texnum==8700090)||// FORCE RECON Holster
    (texnum==8400110)||// FORCE RECON Pouch
    (texnum==7300116)||// FORCE RECON Winter Earflaps
    (texnum==18500208)||// FORCE RECON Trooper Hat
    (texnum==43200354)||// FORCE RECON Night Vision Goggles
    (texnum==29900311)||// FORCE RECON Headset
    (texnum==10000153)||// FORCE RECON Winter Parka Sleeves
    (texnum==26600406)||// FORCE RECON Winter Parka Jacket
    (texnum==20300242)||// FORCE RECON Winter Parka Pockets/Hood
    (texnum==7700129)||// FORCE RECON Combat Liner Sleeves
    (texnum==25200294)||// FORCE RECON Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==11900187)||// FORCE RECON Combat Parka Sleeves
    (texnum==44700594)||// FORCE RECON Combat Parka Vest
    (texnum==12800108)||// FORCE RECON Combat Parka Jacket
    (texnum==15500214)||// FORCE RECON Winter Gloves
    (texnum==13200212)||// Delta Force Helmet
    (texnum==13200212)||// Delta Force Helmet 2
    (texnum==34700538)||// Delta Force Gas Mask
    (texnum==35200552)||// Delta Force Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==19500352)||// Delta Force Balaclava
    (texnum==84900778)||// Delta Force Clan BDU
    (texnum==27500442)||// Delta Force Body Armor
    (texnum==42800576)||// Delta Force Body Armor 2
    (texnum==52100658)||// Delta Force Tactical Vest
    (texnum==12200196)||// Spetsnaz Helmet
    (texnum==27100464)||// Spetsnaz Gas Mask
    (texnum==27100484)||// Spetsnaz Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==33600552)||// Spetsnaz Body Armor
    (texnum==44100646)||// Spetsnaz Tactical Vest
    (texnum==44900596)||// Spetsnaz Combat Parka Vest
    (texnum==17800292)||// GIGN Red Bandana
    (texnum==21300290)||// GIGN Helmet
    (texnum==2800036)||// GIGN Helmet Lens
    (texnum==35700558)||// GIGN Gas Mask
    (texnum==22100396)||// GIGN Balaclava
    (texnum==29700492)||// GIGN Body Armor
    (texnum==11200188)||// ROKMC Beret
    (texnum==12000194)||// ROKMC Helmet
    (texnum==29800450)||// ROKMC Gas Mask
    (texnum==31000470)||// ROKMC Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==27100394)||// ROKMC Body Armor
    (texnum==28700374)||// ROKMC X Harness
    (texnum==34700470)||// ROKMC X Harness
    (texnum==5100056)||// ROKMC Pouch
    (texnum==9900163)||// ROKMC Left Arm
    (texnum==18300163)||// ROKMC Right Arm
    (texnum==19000280)||// ROKMC Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==37700592)||// GSG9 Skull Mask
    (texnum==16400266)||// GSG9 Red Bandana
    (texnum==16200243)||// GSG9 Helmet
    (texnum==31900466)||// GSG9 Gas Mask
    (texnum==33200492)||// GSG9 Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==19300342)||// GSG9 Balaclava
    (texnum==83600752)||// GSG9 Clan BDU
    (texnum==33400477)||// GSG9 Body Armor
    (texnum==10500163)||// GSG9 Rolled Up Sleeves
    (texnum==38100666)||// GSG9 Tactical Knee Pads
    (texnum==11000100)||// GSG9 Water Canteen
    (texnum==18600210)||// GSG9 Trooper Hat
    (texnum==19000280)||// GSG9 Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==8500137)||// SAS Clan T-Shirt 1
    (texnum==16400248)||// SAS Clan T-Shirt 2
    (texnum==9600172)||// SAS Boonie Hat
    (texnum==14200236)||// SAS Helmet
    (texnum==37800552)||// SAS Gas Mask
    (texnum==7000070)||// SAS Water Canteen
    (texnum==28100486)||// SAS Balaclava
    (texnum==62400752)||// SAS Clan BDU
    (texnum==27900456)||// SAS Body Armor
    (texnum==45700654)||// SAS Tactical Vest
    (texnum==39800532)||// SAS Tactical Vest 2
    (texnum==9200100)||// SAS Holster
    (texnum==4800040)||// SAS Magazine Pouch
    (texnum==4000044)||// SAS Pouch
    (texnum==21000280)||// SAS Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==15800218)||// SAS Winter Gloves
    (texnum==6500110) ||// KSF Boonie Hat
    (texnum==8500137) ||// KSF Clan T-Shirt 1
    (texnum==16200246) ||// KSF Clan T-Shirt 2
    (texnum==12900208)||// KSF Helmet
    (texnum==29600448)||// KSF Gas Mask
    (texnum==30300460)||// KSF Gas Mask 2
    (texnum==31100398)||// KSF Sunglasses
    (texnum==84700776)||// KSF Clan BDU
    (texnum==600004)||// KSF Clan BDU Logo
    (texnum==36500606)||// KSF Body Armor
    (texnum==63100646)||// KSF Tactical Vest
    (texnum==19800163)||// KSF Rolled Up Sleeves
    (texnum==7000066)||// KSF Holster
    (texnum==20100240)||// KSF Winter Parka Pockets/Hood
    (texnum==20800278)||// KSF Combat Liner Jacket
    (texnum==44500592)||// KSF Combat Parka Vest
    (texnum==10400190)||// SRG Beret
    (texnum==9000146)||// SRG Clan T-Shirt 1
    (texnum==39400640)||// SRG Clan T-Shirt 2
    (texnum==23800294)||// SRG Deer Head
    (texnum==11600180)||// SRG NIJ IIIA Helmet
    (texnum==17100278)||// SRG Red Bandana
    (texnum==14600198)||// SRG Battle Cap
    (texnum==18200266)||// SRG Helmet
    (texnum==19100106)||// SRG Gas Mask
    (texnum==54300350)||// SRG Sunglasses
    (texnum==30800380)||// SRG Mid Class Sunglasses
    (texnum==79300995)||// SRG Clan BDU 1
    (texnum==13300138)||// SRG Clan BDU 2
    (texnum==300001)||// SRG Clan BDU 3
    (texnum==1200012)||// SRG Clan BDU Logo
    (texnum==10900110)||// SRG Bulletproof Vest
    (texnum==6200064)||// SRG Holster
    (texnum==22700250)||// SRG Pouch
    (texnum==56600611)||// SRG Combat Helmet
    (texnum==5800084)||// SRG Winter Earflaps
    (texnum==18700210)||// SRG Trooper Hat
    (texnum==23700288)||// SRG Winter Parka Pockets/Hood
    (texnum==38700602)||// SRG Combat Liner Jacket

    (texnum==47700604))// SRG Combat Parka Vest

    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);

    if(m_Stride==40 && texnum== 21300174)

    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);

    if(NumVertices == 158 && PrimitiveCount == 131)
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);

    if (NumVertices == 171 && PrimitiveCount == 143)
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);

    if(m_Stride==40 &&//face,mask etc...
    (texnum==36700612) ||
    (texnum==9600172 ) ||
    (texnum==14200236) ||
    (texnum==37800552) ||
    (texnum==28100486) ||
    (texnum==35500568) ||
    (texnum==2200024 ) ||
    (texnum==16200243) ||
    (texnum==31900466) ||
    (texnum==19300342) ||
    (texnum==36200604) ||
    (texnum==21300290) ||
    (texnum==35700558) ||
    (texnum==22100396) ||
    (texnum==36100604) ||
    (texnum==27100464) ||
    (texnum==11400180) ||
    (texnum==34900580) ||
    (texnum==13200212) ||
    (texnum==34700538) ||
    (NumVertices == 448 && PrimitiveCount == 776))

    if (NumVertices == 213 && PrimitiveCount == 174) // M67 Grenade =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 158 && PrimitiveCount == 131) // Flashbang =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 171 && PrimitiveCount == 143) // Smoke Grenade =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 271 && PrimitiveCount == 257) // VX Grenade =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
    if (NumVertices == 338 && PrimitiveCount == 339) // RGD-5 Grenade =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);

    //------------------- Naked Start------------------------------------------
    texnum = (NumVertices*100000)+PrimitiveCount;
    if(m_Stride==40 &&
    (texnum==34900580)|| // Delta Force Head
    (texnum==36100604)|| // Spetsnaz Head
    (texnum==38000658)|| // Spetsnaz Legs
    (texnum==18300268)|| // Spetsnaz Body
    (texnum==36200604)|| // GIGN Head
    (texnum==21200306)|| // GIGN Body
    (texnum==35500568)|| // GSG9 Head
    (texnum==2200024)|| // GSG9 Bangs
    (texnum==8800105)|| // GSG9 Feet
    (texnum==36900650)|| // GSG9 Legs
    (texnum==19600314)|| // GSG9 Body
    (texnum==36700612)|| // SAS Head
    (texnum==8500105)|| // SAS Feet
    (texnum==37000650)|| // SAS Legs
    (texnum==18000274)|| // SAS Body
    (texnum==35300556)|| // KSF Head
    (texnum==7500121)|| // KSF Arms
    (texnum==9200115)|| // KSF Feet
    (texnum==12400168)|| // KSF Hands
    (texnum==30100522)|| // KSF Legs
    (texnum==18700288)|| // KSF Body
    (texnum==40900594)|| // ARTC Head
    (texnum==11700190)|| // ARTC Arms
    (texnum==9100118)|| // ARTC Feet
    (texnum==12500170)|| // ARTC Hands
    (texnum==37000634)|| // ARTC Legs
    (texnum==41700516)|| // ARTC Body
    (texnum==19400260)|| // ROKMC Body
    (texnum==37900592)|| // ROKMC Head
    (texnum==36500642)|| // ROKMC Legs
    (texnum==44800776)|| // SRG Head
    (texnum==15900200)|| // SRG Left Arm
    (texnum==10500168)|| // SRG Right Arm
    (texnum==80401016)|| // SRG Body
    (texnum==10000121)|| // SRG Feet
    (texnum==13200180)|| // SRG Hands
    (ForceRecon)|| // ForceRecon
    (texnum==33800534)) // SRG Leg
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    if (NumVertices == 213 && PrimitiveCount == 174) // M67 Grenade =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    if (NumVertices == 158 && PrimitiveCount == 131) // Flashbang =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    if (NumVertices == 171 && PrimitiveCount == 143) // Smoke Grenade =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    if (NumVertices == 271 && PrimitiveCount == 257) // VX Grenade =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
    if (NumVertices == 338 && PrimitiveCount == 339) // RGD-5 Grenade =============== //
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);

    if (m_Stride==40 && // Equipment =============== //
    (texnum==13200212)|| // Delta Force Helmet
    (texnum==13200212)|| // Delta Force Helmet 2
    (texnum==34700538)|| // Delta Force Gas Mask
    (texnum==19500352)|| // Delta Force Balaclava
    (texnum==84900778)|| // Delta Force Clan BDU
    (texnum==27500442)|| // Delta Force Body Armor
    (texnum==42800576)|| // Delta Force Body Armor 2
    (texnum==52100658)|| // Delta Force Tactical Vest
    (texnum==12200196)|| // Spetsnaz Helmet
    (texnum==27100464)|| // Spetsnaz Gas Mask
    (texnum==33600552)|| // Spetsnaz Body Armor
    (texnum==44100646)|| // Spetsnaz Tactical Vest
    (texnum==17800292)|| // GIGN Red Bandana
    (texnum==21300290)|| // GIGN Helmet
    (texnum==2800036)|| // GIGN Helmet Lens
    (texnum==35700558)|| // GIGN Gas Mask
    (texnum==22100396)|| // GIGN Balaclava
    (texnum==29700492)|| // GIGN Body Armor
    (texnum==11200188)|| // ROKMC Beret
    (texnum==12000194)|| // ROKMC Helmet
    (texnum==29800450)|| // ROKMC Gas Mask
    (texnum==27100394)|| // ROKMC Body Armor
    (texnum==28700374)|| // ROKMC X Harness
    (texnum==34700470)|| // ROKMC X Harness
    (texnum==5100056)|| // ROKMC Pouch
    (texnum==9900163)|| // ROKMC Left Arm
    (texnum==18300163)|| // ROKMC Right Arm
    (texnum==16400266)|| // GSG9 Red Bandana
    (texnum==16200243)|| // GSG9 Helmet
    (texnum==31900466)|| // GSG9 Gas Mask
    (texnum==19300342)|| // GSG9 Balaclava
    (texnum==83600752)|| // GSG9 Clan BDU
    (texnum==33400477)|| // GSG9 Body Armor
    (texnum==10500163)|| // GSG9 Rolled Up Sleeves
    (texnum==38100666)|| // GSG9 Tactical Knee Pads
    (texnum==9600172)|| // SAS Boonie Hat
    (texnum==14200236)|| // SAS Helmet
    (texnum==37800552)|| // SAS Gas Mask
    (texnum==28100486)|| // SAS Balaclava
    (texnum==62400752)|| // SAS Clan BDU
    (texnum==27900456)|| // SAS Body Armor
    (texnum==45700654)|| // SAS Tactical Vest
    (texnum==39800532)|| // SAS Tactical Vest 2
    (texnum==9200100)|| // SAS Holster
    (texnum==4800040)|| // SAS Magazine Pouch
    (texnum==4000044)|| // SAS Pouch
    (texnum==6500110) || // KSF Boonie Hat
    (texnum==12900208)|| // KSF Helmet
    (texnum==29600448)|| // KSF Gas Mask
    (texnum==31100398)|| // KSF Sunglasses
    (texnum==84700776)|| // KSF Clan BDU
    (texnum==600004)|| // KSF Clan BDU Logo
    (texnum==36500606)|| // KSF Body Armor
    (texnum==63100646)|| // KSF Tactical Vest
    (texnum==19800163)|| // KSF Rolled Up Sleeves
    (texnum==7000066)|| // KSF Holster
    (texnum==10400190)|| // SRG Beret
    (texnum==23800294)|| // SRG Deer Head
    (texnum==11600180)|| // SRG NIJ IIIA Helmet
    (texnum==17100278)|| // SRG Red Bandana
    (texnum==14600198)|| // SRG Battle Cap
    (texnum==18200266)|| // SRG Helmet
    (texnum==19100106)|| // SRG Gas Mask
    (texnum==54300350)|| // SRG Sunglasses
    (texnum==30800380)|| // SRG Mid Class Sunglasses
    (texnum==79300995)|| // SRG Clan BDU 1
    (texnum==13300138)|| // SRG Clan BDU 2
    (texnum==300001)|| // SRG Clan BDU 3
    (texnum==1200012)|| // SRG Clan BDU Logo
    (texnum==10900110)|| // SRG Bulletproof Vest
    (texnum==6200064)|| // SRG Holster
    (texnum==22700250)) // SRG Pouch
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false);
    pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);

    return pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, Type, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount);

    bool bCompare(const BYTE* pData, const BYTE* bMask, const char* szMask)
    if(*szMask=='x' && *pData!=*bMask)
    return false;
    return (*szMask) == NULL;

    DWORD FindPattern(DWORD dwAddress,DWORD dwLen,BYTE *bMask,char * szMask)
    for(DWORD i=0; i<dwLen; i++)
    if (bCompare((BYTE*)(dwAddress+i),bMask,szMask))
    return (DWORD)(dwAddress+i);
    return 0;

    int D3Dhook(void){
    DWORD hD3D, adr, *vTable;

    // wait for the d3dx dll
    do {
    hD3D = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleW("d3d9.dll");
    } while(!hD3D);
    adr = FindPattern(hD3D, 0x128000, (PBYTE)"\xC7\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x89\x86\x00\x00\x 00\x00\x89\x86", "xx????xx????xx");
    memcpy(&vTable,(void *)(adr+2),4);
    oEndScene = (pEndScene) DetourFunction((PBYTE)vTable[42] ,(PBYTE)myEndScene );
    oDrawIndexedPrimitive = (pDrawIndexedPrimitive) DetourFunction((PBYTE)vTable[82] ,(PBYTE)myDrawIndexedPrimitive);

    return 0;
    BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ){

    if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
    MessageBox(0, "Coded by: FireFox800 Public Release ","Special Force DFI PH", MB_OK);
    return TRUE;
    Last edited by batusxai; 10-21-2012 at 12:00 AM.

  2. #2
    papielala's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    My Mood
    Have no idea.. probably banned xD

  3. #3
    batusxai's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012

    I dont know how to bypass and work it have a problem wih detourfunctio

    i dont know what can i do for this error the detourfunction are my problem

  4. #4
    pixiestik's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    i think you should stop posting random source codes, c+p doesnt work btw just saying because there are things you need to change for it to compile

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