an087535's hack won't work for some people because they have windows xp service pack 3.

If you do, but can change compatibility to windows xp sp 2, then lucky u..

Otherwise there is no hope on getting it to work.

For those of u who don't have windows xp sp 3 this is how to get it to work right:

1. turn off anti virus.
2. download hack.
3. extract it to your desktop.
4. rename the folder to w/e u want. rename the .dll to d3dx9_33.dll and rename the .exe to d3dx9_33 aswell.
5. Change compatibility to windows 95. If it doesnt work on that change it to windows xp sp 2.
6. Start up the hack and then start up combat arms
7. At the login screen press insert and choose all the hacks u want on.
Chams/color hack will d/c u. Everything else works.
8. Press insert again to close the menu and save it. Make sure u DO NOT press isnert again or IT WILL D/C U.
9. Log in and go join a game and own!

If this helped then plz thank me!