Quote Originally Posted by headsup View Post
the only file i download is sum aimsript what do i do with it??? When i open it sayz this

; pixel search bot example
; include the misc UDF library
; UDF = user defined Function
#include <Misc.au3>

;----- set the hotkeys ------;
HotKeySet("{f3}", "chosecolor")
; set the escape button to
; the exit function
HotKeySet("{esc}", "_exit")
HotKeySet("{f5}", "start")
HotKeySet("{f6}", "stop")

; declare the variable color to be
; used globaly
; declare ON globaly and set it
; to false(off)
Global = False

While 1
Sleep(30); dont fuck the CPU
; if the on is set to true
If = True Then
; this is the pixel search function
; the last parameter (40) is the
; shade variation
; the other parameters are the
; pixel search area
; change them so they fits your needs
= PixelSearch(0, 0, 400, 400, , 40)
; if the return of coord is an array
; which means a pixel was found
If IsArray() = 1 Then
; left click on the pixel

; chose color function
Func chosecolor()
; this will display a color chose window
; the chosen color will be stored in the
; variable
= _ChooseColor(2, 0x0080C0, 2, "")
EndFunc ;==>chosecolor

; func extit
Func _exit()
; simply exits the script
EndFunc ;==>_exit

;start func
Func start()
; set the variable to true
= True
EndFunc ;==>start

;start func
Func stop()
; set the variable false
= False
EndFunc ;==>stop

What the fuck is this??????????????
You need the program. Its in my initial post, read mofucka.