@Dave84311 I'm Exhale and in the past week or so a few people have been scammed by me in Realm of the Mad God and who they think was working with me to scam people Boombox, and today he was banned from MPGH, I don't think he should be banned because he had nothing to do with me scamming people and he did not know I was scamming he was just trying to be a middle man because I asked him too and I don't see why he would be banned. I think he should be unbanned if this is possible, He was talking to me earlier about it and is really pissed, I would do whatever it takes for him to become unbanned even if I have to repay every single item to all the previous owners of them that they were scammed of, and after this is done, have me IP banned from MPGH. Thanks for reading this thread and please unban Boombox. Thanks again.