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  1. #1
    encoresx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    [EU-W] League account, 85 Champions, 41 skins, 10 rune pages, Gold 2

    ( Hi, just randomly popped "Sell league account" in Google and registered here )

    Hello. I've started having a lot more obligations in real life, plus I wasn't getting results I expected in solo ranked play, so I decided to quit LoL and sell my account.

    Account is level 30, has 921 normal wins, and of "rarer" summoner icons, has s1 Bronze cup, s2 Gold cup, s2 championship icon and first three halloween icons.

    Account was Gold rating in season 2, but lost the border after transfer. However, the border can be activated if you PM the support staff. It's also currently in Gold 2 divison in solo queue.

    Highest ELO before the system changed on account was around 1900. Nowadays, it's in Gold 2, near promotion series for Gold 1, so if you're good enough you'll hit platinum without needing to do placement games, etc etc.

    There are exactly 85 champions and 41 skins owned on the account, which are as follows ( skin names included in brackets next to the champions ):

    -Ahri ( Midnight, Foxfire )
    -Akali ( Blood Moon )
    -Alistar ( Unchained )
    -Cho'gath ( Battlecast Prime )
    -Diana ( Dark Valkyrie )
    -Dr. Mundo
    -Ezreal ( Frosted )
    -Fiddlesticks ( Bandito, Dark Candy, Surprise Party )
    -Fizz ( Tundra )
    -Irelia ( Frosted )
    -Janna ( Victorious )
    -Jarvan IV
    -Jayce ( Full Metal )
    -Kassadin ( Harbinger )
    -Katarina ( High Command )
    -Kayle ( Aether Wing )
    -Kennen ( Kennen M.D. )
    -Lee Sin ( Dragon Fist )
    -Malphite ( Obsidian )
    -Master Yi
    -Mordekaiser ( Lord )
    -Morgana ( Black Thorn )
    -Nasus ( Galactic )
    -Nocturne ( Void, Ravager, Eternum )
    -Orianna ( Bladecraft )
    -Riven ( Championship )
    -Shaco ( Asylum )
    -Shyvana ( Ironscale, Darkflame )
    -Singed ( Augumented )
    -Skarner ( Earthrune )
    -Swain ( Tyrant )
    -Teemo ( Cottontail, Super )
    -Twisted Fate ( Magnificent, Underworld )
    -Vayne ( Dragonslayer )
    -Vladimir ( Blood Lord )
    -Xin Zhao ( Commando )

    There are 10 runepages on the account, with following rune sets bought:

    __RED RUNES___

    - 9x +1.3 Armor penetration
    - 9x +0.95 Physical damage
    - 9x +1.7% Attack Speed
    - 9x +3.5 Health
    - 9x +0.87 Magic Penetration
    - 9x +2.4 Physical damage at level 18


    - 9x +0.59 Ability Power
    - 9x +1.4 Armor
    - 9x +0.43 Physical Damage
    - 9x +0.25 Gold Per 10
    - 9x +0.74 Magic Resist
    - 9x +0.41 Mana regen/5
    - 9x +19 Health at level 18

    __BLUE RUNES___

    - 9x +1.2 Ability Power
    - 9x +0.64% Attack Speed
    - 9x +1.3 Magic Resist
    - 9x +3.1 Ability Power at level 18
    - 9x 0.96% Cooldown Reduction at level 18


    - 3x +5.0 Ability Power
    - 3x +2.6 Armor Penetration
    - 3x +2.3 Physical Damage
    - 3x +1.0 Gold per 10
    - 3x +26 Health
    - 3x +2.0% Lifesteal Bonus
    - 3x +1.5% Move Speed
    - 3x +2.0% Spellvamp Bonus

    Account has 296 Riot Points and ~2k Influence Points. Was banned once ( not due to my fault ), and is otherwise in good standing.

    Payment is through Western Union most likely ( or Paypal if I deem you trustworthy from the talk I'll have with you before selling ). I'm looking for 80 euros for it ( well, 78.4 if via Paypal, seeing you'll have to pay the 2% fee for sending cash in Paypal ). I've sold my accounts before and I can usually identify scammers, so please don't harrass me if you're into that kind of stuff, I'm just an honest guy trying to make a buck off his video game addiction.

    More contact for more information regarding account ( Summoner name, etc ) or for potential sale ( or my Skype account ), send me a private message. Thank you for your time.
    Last edited by encoresx; 02-18-2013 at 05:56 PM.

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