Hey, I'm here to Trade my LoL Account.

The account is LvL 30, has 500 wins in Normal and 7 Ranked wins.

It has 48 Riot Points and 1000~ish Influence Points.

The account has 82 champions

And 31 Skins. Legendary: Gentleman Cho'Gath, Firefighter Tristana, Magnificent Twisted Fate

Runes to build AP / AD jungler, AP / AD / Tank top, Mid lane manareg, mid lane hp, mid lane armor, full armor support, AD Carry And personal runes for all supports. (Only 5 runepages though)

I will show you the account via Skype-screenshare.

I'm looking for:
Another lvl 30 acc on euw, that catches my interest
Minimum req.: Lvl 30, 50+ champs, skins that catch my interest, 5+ runepages, over 500 wins