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  1. #1
    eth0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Newer Version of the Serverside Antihack

    Updated Version of the Serverside Antihack Script.
    inb4 not the newest one

    waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_init"};
    loadFile = "STRING";
    markerText = "STRING";
    //_debug = getMarkerPos "respawn_west";
    _list = ["0"];
    fn_genRand =
    	_arr = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"];
    	_gen = "v_";
    	for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {_gen = _gen + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
    _tlmrand1 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand2 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand3 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand4 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand5 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand6 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand7 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand8 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand9 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand10 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand11 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand12 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand13 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand14 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand15 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand16 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand17 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand18 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand19 = call fn_genRand;
    _tlmrand20 = call fn_genRand;
    call compile ("
    "+_tlmrand1+" =
    	[] execVM ""ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf"";
    	BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer2 = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + 'remExServer.sqf');
    	BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer =
    		_input = (_this select 1) select 2;
    		if (_input in ['switchmove','playmove','say','jipexec','execvm','spawn','titleCut','titleText']) then {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer2;};
    	"+_tlmrand2+" =
    		if (isNil '"+_tlmrand3+"') then
    			"+_tlmrand3+" = true;
    			preProcessFileLineNumbers 'scan completed, bad content was';
    			_fileArray = ['scr\exec.sqf','Scripts\ajmenu.sqf','wuat\screen.sqf','TM\menu.sqf','TM\screen.sqf','Scripts\menu.sqf','crinkly\keymenu.sqf','ASM\startup.sqf',
    			'TM\98. Enable hotkeys --------------------------------------------------.sqf','TM\98. Enable hotkeys --------------------------------------------------.sqf',
    			'97. Secret hakez -----------------------------------------------------.sqf','0------------------------------------------------------------------------------.sqf',
    			'yolo\w4ssup YoloMenu v2.sqf','Menus\infiSTAR_SEVEN\startup.sqf','Menus\battleHIGH_Menu\startup.sqf','battleHIGH_Menu\startup.sqf','infiSTAR_SEVEN\startup.sqf',
    			'Rustler v4\startup.sqf','Rustler v5\startup.sqf','Rustler v4\exec.sqf','Rustler v5\exec.sqf','Missions\battleHIGH_Menu\startup.sqf','Missions\Scripts\ajmenu.sqf',
    			for '_i' from 0 to (count _fileArray)-1 do
    				if ((preProcessFileLineNumbers (_fileArray select _i)) != '') then
    					"+_tlmrand10+" = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Script', toArray (_fileArray select _i)];
    					publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    					for '_j' from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _j) closeDisplay 0;};
    				sleep 0.1;
    			sleep 60;
    			"+_tlmrand3+" = nil;
    	"+_tlmrand4+" =
    		if (isNil '"+_tlmrand5+"') then
    			"+_tlmrand5+" = true;
    			"+_tlmrand10+" = [name player, getPlayerUID player, _this select 0];
    			publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    			sleep 1;
    			"+_tlmrand5+" = nil;
    	"+_tlmrand6+" =
    		_key = _this select 1;
    		_shift = _this select 2;
    		_ctrl = _this select 3;
    		_alt = _this select 4;
    		if ((_key == 0xD3) && !_alt && !_ctrl) then {['Delete'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0xD2) then {['Insert'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x58) then {['F12'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x3B) then {['F1'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x3C) then {['F2'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if (_key == 0x3D) then {['F3'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if ((_key == 0x3E) && _alt) then {['Alt-F4'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    		if ((_key == 0x29) && _shift) then {['DAMI'] spawn "+_tlmrand4+";};
    	[] spawn "+_tlmrand2+";
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand20+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand20+"} do
    				if (!(_x isKindOf ""TentStorage"") and !(_x isKindOf ""AllVehicle"") and (_x != player)) then
    					if ((((count ((getWeaponCargo _x) select 1))+(count ((getMagazineCargo _x) select 1))) > 50) or (count ([currentWeapon _x] + (weapons _x) + (magazines _x)) > 40)) then {
    						diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING AN HACKBOX "" + (typeOf _x));
    						deleteVehicle _x;
    			} foreach (position player nearObjects 50);
    			sleep 0.2;
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand15+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand15+"} do
    				if !(isNil _x) exitWith
    					"+_tlmrand10+" = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Global Var', toArray _x];
    					publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    					for '_i' from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
    			} forEach ['pic','veh','wuat_fpsMonitor','unitList','list_wrecked','addgun','ESP','BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n','ViLayer','maphalf','activeITEMlist',
    			'SVMmenu_stored','OBJmenu_stored','WEPmenu_stored','advert_SSH','_exec','_remexec',	'antiantiantiantih4x','Ruslter',	
    			if ((groupIconsVisible select 0) or (groupIconsVisible select 1)) exitWith
    				"+_tlmrand10+" = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Group Icons', toArray (str groupIconsVisible)];
    				publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    				for '_i' from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
    			[] spawn "+_tlmrand2+";
    			sleep 10;
    	[] spawn
    		_sName = name player;
    		_sUID = getPlayerUID player;
    		"+_tlmrand16+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand16+"} do
    			(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';
    			(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
    			(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','if ((_this select 4) and ((_this select 1) == 0x3E)) then { [] spawn dayz_forceSave; }; _this call dayz_spaceInterrupt'];
    			(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp','_this call "+_tlmrand6+"'];
    			sleep 0.1; "+_tlmrand7+" = true;
    			(findDisplay 106) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';
    			(findDisplay 106) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
    			((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonDown';
    			((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonUp';
    			((findDisplay 3030) displayCtrl 2) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'LBDblClick';
    			if (isNull (findDisplay 106) and isNull (findDisplay 6902)) then {closeDialog 0;};
    			if ((typeName player != ""OBJECT"") or (typeName true != ""BOOL"")) then
    				"+_tlmrand10+" = [_sName, _sUID, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray ('player = '+(typeName player)+' - true = '+(typeName true))];
    				publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    				for '_i' from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
    		"+_tlmrand10+" = [_sName, _sUID, toArray 'Anti-Anti Hack', toArray 'Loop Exited'];
    		publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    		for '_i' from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand17+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand17+"} do
    			_items = [currentWeapon player] + (weapons player) + (magazines player);
    				if (_x in _items) then
    					[_x,_items] spawn
    						_item = _this select 0;
    						_items = _this select 1;
    						if (_item in ['Mine','MineE','pipebomb']) then
    							for '_i' from 0 to ({_x == _item} count _items) do {player removeMagazine _item;};
    						} else {for '_i' from 0 to ({_x == _item} count _items) do {player removeWeapon _item;};};
    					"+_tlmrand10+" = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray 'Bad Item', toArray _x];
    					publicVariable '"+_tlmrand10+"';
    			} forEach (['BAF_AS50_TWS','ItemRadio','UZI_SD_EP1',
    			'BAF_L110A1_Aim','BAF_L7A2_GPMG','PMC_AS50_scoped','PMC_AS50_TWS','M8_sharpshooter','M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo'] +
    			sleep 10;
    	[] spawn
    		"+_tlmrand18+" = true;
    		while {"+_tlmrand18+"} do
    			_cMenuDefault = ["""",""RscMainMenu"",""RscMoveHigh"",""#WATCH"",""#WATCH0"",""RscWatchDir"",""RscWatchMoreDir"",""#GETIN"",""RscStatus"",""RscCallSupport"",""#ACTION"",""RscCombatMode"",""RscFormations"",""RscTeam"",""RscSelectTeam"",""RscReply"",""#CUSTOM_RADIO"",""RscRadio"",""RscGroupRootMenu""];
    			if !(commandingMenu in _cMenuDefault) then {showCommandingMenu """";};
    			_tempRemoveAction = player addAction ["""", """", [], 1, false, true, """", ""false""];
    			_startRemove = _tempRemoveAction - 50;
    			_endRemove = _tempRemoveAction + 100;
    			for '_i' from _startRemove to _endRemove do
    				_dayzActions = (s_player_repairActions + r_player_actions2 + r_player_actions +
    				if (!(_i in _dayzActions) and (_i > -1)) then {player removeAction _i};
    			player allowDamage true;
    			sleep 0.01;
    BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer =
    	if ((_this select 1) select 2 == ""JIPrequest"") then
    		[nil,(_this select 1) select 0,""loc"",rJIPEXEC,[any,any,""per"",""execVM"",""ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf""]] call RE;
    		_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit format [""if !(isServer) then {['%1'] spawn "+_tlmrand19+";};"", getPlayerUID ((_this select 1) select 0)]; processInitCommands;
    		clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    		_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit ""if !(isServer) then {[getPlayerUID player] spawn "+_tlmrand8+";};""; processInitCommands;
    		clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    """+_tlmrand10+""" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    	if (count (_this select 1) == 3) then
    		_name = (_this select 1) select 0;
    		_uid = (_this select 1) select 1;
    		_key = (_this select 1) select 2;
    		_log = format [""Key Log: %1 (%2) KEY: %3 - |DayZ Instance: %4|"", _name, _uid, _key, dayZ_instance];
    		diag_log (_log);
    		if (count (_this select 1) == 1) then
    			_player = (_this select 1) select 0;
    			_uid = getPlayerUID _player;
    			_log = format [""Hack Log: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4) - |DayZ Instance: %5|"", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, ""Anti-Hax OFF"", format [""Time: %1"", str time], dayZ_instance];
    			diag_log (_log);
    			_array = _this select 1;
    			_name = _array select 0;
    			_uid = _array select 1;
    			_reason = toString (_array select 2);
    			_field = toString (_array select 3);
    			_log = format [""Hack Log: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4) - |DayZ Instance: %5|"", _name, _uid, _reason, _field, dayZ_instance];
    			diag_log (_log);
    			"+_tlmrand13+" = format [""Anti-Hax Caught: %1 Reason: %2 (%3)"", _name, _reason, _field];
    			publicVariable """+_tlmrand13+""";
    "+_tlmrand8+" =
    	_"+_tlmrand14+" = _this select 0;
    	if (!(_"+_tlmrand14+" in "+(str _list)+") && !(isNull player)) then
    		if (isNil '"+_tlmrand11+"') then
    			waitUntil {!isNil 'dayz_Totalzedscheck'};
    			"+_tlmrand11+" = true;
    			sleep 10;
    			"+_tlmrand7+" = false;
    			sleep 5;
    			if !("+_tlmrand7+") then
    				"+_tlmrand10+" = [player];
    			"+_tlmrand11+" = nil;
    "+_tlmrand9+" =
    	hackerLog = [];
    	keyLog = [];
    	"""+_tlmrand10+""" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    		if ((count hackerLog) > 150) then
    			for ""_i"" from 0 to 49 do
    				hackerLog = hackerLog - [hackerLog select 0];
    		if ((count keyLog) > 150) then
    			for ""_i"" from 0 to 49 do
    				keyLog = keyLog - [keyLog select 0];
    		if (count (_this select 1) == 3) then
    			_name = (_this select 1) select 0;
    			_uid = (_this select 1) select 1;
    			_key = (_this select 1) select 2;
    			_log = format [""KEY LOGGED: %1 (%2) KEY: %3"", _name, _uid, _key];
    			keyLog = keyLog + [[""     ""+_log,"""",""0"",""1"",""0"",""0"",[]]];
    			if (count (_this select 1) == 1) then
    				_player = (_this select 1) select 0;
    				_log = format [""HACKER: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4)"", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, ""Anti-Hax OFF"", format [""Time: %1"", str time]];
    				hackerLog = hackerLog + [[""     ""+_log,"""",""0"",""1"",""0"",""0"",[]]];
    				_array = _this select 1;
    				_name = _array select 0;
    				_uid = _array select 1;
    				_reason = toString (_array select 2);
    				_field = toString (_array select 3);
    				_log = format [""HACKER: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4)"", _name, _uid, _reason, _field];
    				hackerLog = hackerLog + [[""     ""+_log,"""",""0"",""1"",""0"",""0"",[]]];
    "+_tlmrand19+" =
    	_uid = _this select 0;
    	_puid = getPlayerUID player;
    	if (_uid == _puid) then
    		if (_puid in "+(str _list)+") then
    			'"+_tlmrand13+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler {taskHint [_this select 1, [1, 0.05, 0.55, 1], 'taskNew'];};
    			[] spawn "+_tlmrand9+";
    			[] spawn tlmxzyxzy;
    			[] spawn
    				waitUntil {!isNil 'dayz_Totalzedscheck'};
    				_blCmd = ['buttonSetAction','processDiaryLink','createDiaryLink',
    				for '_i' from 0 to (count _blCmd)-1 do {call compile ((_blCmd select _i)+""='STRING';"");};
    				_retArr = ['allUnits','entities','allMissionObjects','vehicles','playableUnits'];
    				for '_j' from 0 to (count _retArr)-1 do {call compile ((_retArr select _j)+""=[player];"");};
    			[] spawn "+_tlmrand1+";
    publicVariable """+_tlmrand1+""";
    publicVariable """+_tlmrand8+""";
    publicVariable """+_tlmrand9+""";
    publicVariable """+_tlmrand19+""";
    	Admin Menu
    tlmxzyxzy =
    	waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)};
    	inSub = false;
    	tpEnabled = false;
    	getControl = {(findDisplay 3030) displayCtrl _this;};
    	if (isNil "admin_toggled") then {admin_toggled = [];};
    	admin_list =
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + [" Spawn Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spawn Vehicle","Vehicles","0","0","1","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spawn Buildings & Objects","Objects","0","0","1","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spawn Weapons & Items","Weaponz","0","0","1","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spawn Box",admincrate,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + [" Toggleable Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle TP",{if !(tpEnabled) then {tpEnabled = true;} else {tpEnabled = false;};},"1","0","0","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Map Markers",adminmark,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle ESP",adminesp,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle God",admingod,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Toggle Stealth",admininvis,"1","0","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + [" Targeted Scripts ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Spectate Target",adminspec,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Move to Target",admintele,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Move Target to Me",admint2me,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Break Target's Legs",adminbreakleg,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Kill Target",adminkill,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Heal Target",adminheal,"0","0","0","1",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + [" Miscellaneous ","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Repair Vehicle",adminrepair,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Delete CursorTarget",{deleteVehicle cursorTarget;},"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		 adminadd = adminadd + ["     Bypass Anti-TP",admin_aatp,"0","0","0","0",[]];
    	admin_tgfnc =
    		_toggle = _this select 0;
    		if !(_toggle in admin_toggled) then
    			lbSetColor [2, _toggle, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
    			admin_toggled = admin_toggled + [_toggle];
    			lbSetColor [2, _toggle, [1, 0, 0, 1]];
    			admin_toggled = admin_toggled - [_toggle];
    	admin_dbclick =
    		_isran = false;
    		_code = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+1;
    		_istoggle = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+2;
    		_istitle = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+3;
    		_issubmenu = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+4;
    		_isplayer = adminadd select ((lbCurSel 2))*7+5;
    		if (_istitle == "1") exitWith {};
    		if (_issubmenu == "1") then
    			if (_code == "Vehicles") exitWith {call admin_fillveh};
    			if (_code == "Objects") exitWith {call admin_fillobj};
    			if (_code == "Weaponz") exitWith {call admin_fillwpn};
    			if (_code == "HackerLog") exitWith {call admin_fillhlog};
    			if (_code == "KeyLog") exitWith {call admin_fillklog};
    			if (_code == "MainMenu") exitWith {call admin_filllist};
    		if (inSub) then
    			call compile _code;
    			_isran = true;
    		if (_istoggle == "1") then
    			[] spawn _code;
    			[lbCurSel 2] call admin_tgfnc;
    			_isran = true;
    		if (_isplayer == "1") then
    			if ((lbCurSel 1) >= 0) then
    				[lbtext [1, (lbCurSel 1)]] spawn _code;
    				_isran = true;
    				hint "Select a player!";
    				_isran = true;
    		if ((_isplayer == "0") && !_isran && (typeName _code != "STRING")) then {[] spawn _code;};
    	admin_filllist =
    		inSub = false;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		call admin_list;
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_togglable = adminadd select (_num+2);
    			_istitle = adminadd select (_num+3);
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    			if (_togglable == "1") then
    				if (_index in admin_toggled) then
    					_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
    				} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 0, 0, 1]];};
    			if (_istitle == "1") then {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0]];};
    			if ((_issubmenu == "1") && (count _thcolor == 0)) then {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [0.9, 0.44, 0, 1]];};
    	admin_fillplr =
    		while {!(isNull (findDisplay 3030))} do
    			_count = count playableUnits;
    			_ctrl = 1 call getControl;
    			lbclear _ctrl;
    				if (getPlayerUID _x != "") then
    					_ctrl lbAdd format ["%1", name _x];
    					_ctrl lbSetData [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, "1"];
    					_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0]];
    			} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 11000]);
    			lbSort _ctrl;
    			sleep 3;
    			waitUntil {_count != (count playableUnits)};
    	admin_fillveh =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		_spwx = "['%1'] call adminsveh;";
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_cfgvehicles = configFile >> "cfgVehicles";
    		for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgvehicles)-1 do
    			_vehicle = _cfgvehicles select _i;
    			if (isClass _vehicle) then
    				_veh_type = configName _vehicle;
    				if ((getNumber (_vehicle >> "scope") == 2) && (getText (_vehicle >> "picture") != "") && (((_veh_type isKindOf "LandVehicle") or (_veh_type isKindOf "Air") or (_veh_type isKindOf "Boat"))) && !((_veh_type isKindOf "ParachuteBase") or (_veh_type isKindOf "BIS_Steerable_Parachute"))) then
    					adminadd = adminadd + ["     "+_veh_type,format[_spwx,_veh_type],"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format ["%1",adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_fillobj =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		_spwx = "['%1'] call adminsobj;";
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_cfgobjects = configFile >> "cfgVehicles";
    		for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgobjects)-1 do
    			_object = _cfgobjects select _i;
    			if (isClass _object) then
    				_obj_type = configName _object;
    				if ((getNumber (_object >> "scope") == 2) && (getText (_object >> "picture") != "") && !((_obj_type isKindOf "ParachuteBase") or (_obj_type isKindOf "BIS_Steerable_Parachute")) && (_obj_type isKindOf "Building")) then
    					adminadd = adminadd + ["     "+_obj_type,format[_spwx,_obj_type],"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index = _ctrl lbAdd format ["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_fillwpn =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		_spwx = "['%1'] spawn adminweapon;";
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_cfgweapons = configFile >> 'cfgWeapons';
    		for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgweapons)-1 do
    			_weapon = _cfgweapons select _i;
    			if (isClass _weapon) then
    				_wpn_type = configName _weapon;
    				if ((getNumber (_weapon >> "scope") == 0) or (getNumber (_weapon >> "scope") == 2)) then
    					adminadd = adminadd + ["     "+_wpn_type,format[_spwx,_wpn_type],"0","0","0","0",[]];
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_fillhlog =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_num = if (count hackerLog > 100) then {(count hackerLog)-100;} else {0;};
    		for "_i" from (count hackerLog)-1 to _num step -1 do
    			adminadd = adminadd + (hackerLog select _i);
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_fillklog =
    		inSub = true;
    		_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    		lbclear _ctrl;
    		adminadd = [];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Main Menu","MainMenu","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Hacker Log","hackerLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["     Key Log","keyLog","0","0","1","0",[1,0.1,0.55,1]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		adminadd = adminadd + ["","","0","1","0","0",[]];
    		_num = if (count keyLog > 100) then {(count keyLog)-100;} else {0;};
    		for "_i" from (count keyLog)-1 to _num step -1 do
    			adminadd = adminadd + (keyLog select _i);
    		for [{_num = 0}, {_num <= count(adminadd)-1}, {_num = _num+7}] do
    			_index     = _ctrl lbAdd format["%1", adminadd select _num];
    			_issubmenu = adminadd select (_num+4);
    			_thcolor   = adminadd select (_num+6);
    			if (count _thcolor == 0) then
    				_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
    			} else {_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1, _thcolor];};
    	admin_init =
    		if (isNull (findDisplay 3030)) then
    			createDialog "RscConfigEditor_Main";
    			_ctrl = 3 call getControl;
    			_ctrl ctrlSetText "Admin Tool";
    			_ctrl ctrlSetTextColor [1, 0.5, 1, 1];
    			_ctrl = 2 call getControl;
    			_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "call admin_dbclick;"];
    			call admin_filllist;
    			[] spawn admin_fillplr;
    	adminheal =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [5,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Healing %1", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 11000]);
    	admin_aatp =
    		[] spawn
    			_tempTime = time;
    			time = "aatp";
    			sleep 3;
    			[_tempTime] spawn
    				_tempTime = (_this select 0) + 3;
    				while {true} do
    					time = _tempTime;
    					_tempTime = _tempTime + 1;
    					sleep 1;
    	adminrepair =
    		if (vehicle player != player) then
    			_vehicle = vehicle player;
    			_newFuel = 1;
    			_vehicle setdamage 0;
    			dayzSetFuel = [_vehicle,_newFuel];
    			dayzSetFuel spawn local_setFuel;
    			publicVariable "dayzSetFuel";
    			hint format ["Repairing %1", getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> 'displayName')];
    		} else {hint "Not in a vehicle!"};
    	admincrate =
    		tlmadminrq = [6,player];
    		publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    		hint "Spawning Box";
    	adminmark =
    		adminpmark =
    			while {mark == 1} do
    				_entities = ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Survivor1_DZ", "Survivor2_DZ", "SurvivorW2_DZ", "Bandit1_DZ", "Survivor3_DZ", "Soldier1_DZ", "Camo1_DZ", "Sniper1_DZ", "BanditW1_DZ", "BanditW2_DZ", "SurvivorW3_DZ", "Hero1_DZ"], 11000]);
    				for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do
    					deleteMarkerLocal ("adminpmark" + (str _i));
    					_pm = createMarkerLocal [("adminpmark" + (str _i)), getPos (_entities select _i)];
    					_pm setMarkerTypeLocal "destroyedvehicle";
    					_pm setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8];
    					_pm setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", name (_entities select _i)];
    					_pm setMarkerColorLocal ("ColorBlue");
    				sleep 3;
    			_entities = ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Survivor1_DZ", "Survivor2_DZ", "SurvivorW2_DZ", "Bandit1_DZ", "Survivor3_DZ", "Soldier1_DZ", "Camo1_DZ", "Sniper1_DZ", "BanditW1_DZ", "BanditW2_DZ", "SurvivorW3_DZ", "Hero1_DZ"], 11000]);
    			for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do {deleteMarkerLocal ("adminpmark" + (str _i));};
    		adminvmark =
    			while {mark == 1} do
    				_entities = ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["LandVehicle", "Air", "Ship"], 11000]);
    				for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do
    					deleteMarkerLocal ("adminvmark" + (str _i));
    					_vm = createMarkerLocal [("adminvmark" + (str _i)), getPos (_entities select _i)];
    					_vm setMarkerTypeLocal "destroyedvehicle";
    					_vm setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8];
    					_vm setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof (_entities select _i)) >> 'displayName')];
    					_vm setMarkerColorLocal ("ColorBlack");
    				sleep 3;
    			_entities = ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["LandVehicle", "Air", "Ship"], 11000]);
    			for "_i" from 0 to (count _entities)-1 do {deleteMarkerLocal ("adminvmark" + (str _i));};
    		if (isNil "mark") then {mark = 0;};
    		if (mark == 0) then
    			mark = 1;
    			hint "2D Map Markers Enabled";
    			[] spawn adminpmark;
    			[] spawn adminvmark;
    			mark = 0;
    			hint "2D Map Markers Disabled";
    	adminesp =
    		xdistance = 1200;
    		if (isNil "adminxtags") then
    			adminxtags = 0;
    			fn_esp =
    				if (isNil "BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n") then {BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = 2733;};
    				BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n cutRsc ["rscDynamicText", "PLAIN"];
    				BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n + 1;
    				_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_dynamicText") displayctrl 9999);
    				_ctrl ctrlShow true; _ctrl ctrlEnable true; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
    				_unit = _this select 0;
    				while {(alive _unit) && ((player distance _unit) < xdistance) && (adminxtags == 1)} do
    					_pos = [(getPosATL _unit) select 0, (getPosATL _unit) select 1, ((getPosATL _unit) select 2) + 2];
    					_pos2D = worldToScreen _pos;
    					if (count _pos2D > 0) then
    						_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];
    						_text = parseText format ["<t size='0.35' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 (%2m)</t>", name _unit, round (player distance _unit)];
    						_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;
    						_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
    					sleep 0.01;
    				_ctrl ctrlShow false;
    				_ctrl ctrlEnable false;
    		if (adminxtags == 0) then
    			adminxtags = 1;
    			hint "ESP Enabled";
    			_a = [];
    			while {adminxtags == 1} do
    				_count = count ((position player) nearEntities [["CAManBase"], xdistance]);
    					if (((_x in _a) && !(alive _x)) or ((_x in _a) && ((player distance _x) > xdistance))) then {_a = _a - [_x];};
    					if ((_x != player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "") && (name _x != "") && !(_x in _a) && ((player distance _x) < xdistance)) then
    						_a = _a + [_x];
    						[_x] spawn fn_esp;
    						sleep 1;
    				} forEach playableUnits;
    				waitUntil {_count != count ((position player) nearEntities [["CAManBase"], xdistance])};
    			adminxtags = 0;
    			hint "ESP Disabled";
    	admingod =
    		if (isNil "gmdadmin") then {gmdadmin = 0;};
    		if (gmdadmin == 0) then
    			gmdadmin = 1;
    			_object = player;
    			player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0;
    			player_zombieCheck = {};
    			fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};
    			fnc_usec_unconscious  = {};
    			_object allowDamage false;
    			hint "God Enabled";
    			player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 1;
    			player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
    			fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
    			fnc_usec_unconscious = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf";
    			player allowDamage true;
    			gmdadmin = 0;
    			hint "God Disabled";
    	admininvis =
    		if (isNil 'inv1') then {inv1 = 0;};
    		if (inv1 == 0) then
    			tlmadminrq = [3, player, true];
    			publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    			inv1 = 1;
    			hint "Invisibility Enabled";
    			tlmadminrq = [3, player, false];
    			publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    			inv1 = 0;
    			hint "Invisibility Disabled";
    	admintele =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				_bolt = vehicle player;
    				_hitObject = vehicle _x;
    				_val = [0,-1,0];
    				_hitMemoryPt = "";
    				_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];
    				hint format ["Moving to %1", _this select 0];
    				sleep 1;
    				detach _bolt;
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 11000]);
    	adminbreakleg =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [2,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Breaking %1's legs", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 11000]);
    	adminspec =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				_x switchCamera "EXTERNAL";
    				hint format ["Spectating %1, press F10 to cancel", name _x];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 11000]);
    	adminkill =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [4,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Killing %1", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 11000]);
    	admint2me =
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				tlmadminrq = [7,player,_x];
    				publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    				hint format ["Teleporting %1", _this select 0];
    		} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 11000]);
    	adminweapon =
    		_item = _this select 0;
    		_config = [_item];
    		_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		_mags = getArray(configfile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> _item >> 'magazines');
    		_config = _mags select 0;
    		_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		player selectWeapon _item;
    		reload player;
    	adminsveh =
    		tlmadminrq = [0, player, _this select 0, [((getPos player) select 0) + 3, ((getPos player) select 1) + 3, 0]];
    		publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    	adminsobj =
    		tlmadminrq = [0, player, _this select 0, [((getPos player) select 0) + 3, ((getPos player) select 1) + 3, 0]];
    		publicVariable "tlmadminrq";
    	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp","
    	if (_this select 1 == 0x3B) then {call admin_init;};
    	if (_this select 1 == 0x44) then {player switchCamera 'EXTERNAL';};"];
    	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 0xD3) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ""\nope\start.sqf"";};"];
    	((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 0) then
    		if (tpEnabled) then
    			tlmadminrq = [1, player, (_this select 0) posScreenToWorld [_this select 2, _this select 3]];
    			publicVariable 'tlmadminrq';
    "tlmadminrq" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    	_array = _this select 1;
    	_option = _array select 0;
    	if (_option == 0) then
    		_object = (_array select 2) createVehicle (_array select 3);
    		dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];
    		_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
    		_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
    	if (_option == 1) then
    		vehicle (_array select 1) setPosATL (_array select 2);
    	if (_option == 2) then
    		_do = format ["if (getPlayerUID player == '%1') then
    			_unit = player;
    			_selection = ""legs"";
    			_damage = 1;
    			_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];
    		};", getPlayerUID (_array select 2)];
    		_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit _do; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    	if (_option == 3) then
    		if (_array select 2) then
    			doinv = format ["
    				if (getPlayerUID _x == '%1') then
    					_x hideObject true;
    			} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [['AllVehicles'], 11000]);", getPlayerUID (_array select 1)];
    			doinv = format ["
    				if (getPlayerUID _x == '%1') then
    					_x hideObject false;
    			} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [['AllVehicles'], 11000]);", getPlayerUID (_array select 1)];
    		_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit doinv; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    	if (_option == 4) then
    		vehicle (_array select 2) setDamage 1;
    	if (_option == 5) then
    		_unit = _array select 2;
    		_unit setVariable ["USEC_lowBlood",false,true];
    		usecMorphine = [_unit,player];
    		publicVariable "usecMorphine";
    		_unit setVariable["medForceUpdate",true];
    		usecBandage = [_unit];
    		publicVariable "usecBandage";
    		{_unit setVariable[_x,false,true];} foreach USEC_woundHit;
    		_unit setVariable ["USEC_injured",false,true];
    		_unit setVariable ["USEC_lowBlood",false,true];
    		usecTransfuse = [_unit];
    		publicVariable "usecTransfuse";
    		_unit setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious", false, true];
    		_unit setVariable ["USEC_iscardiac",false,true];
    		usecPainK = [_unit,player];
    		publicVariable "usecPainK";
    		_unit setVariable ["medForceUpdate",true];
    		_unit setdamage 0;
    		_do = format ["if (getPlayerUID player == '%1') then
    			r_fracture_legs = false;
    			r_fracture_arms = false;
    			dayz_sourceBleeding = objNull;
    			r_player_blood = r_player_bloodTotal;
    			r_player_inpain = false;
    			r_player_infected = false;
    			r_player_injured = false;
    			dayz_hunger = 0;
    			dayz_thirst = 0;
    			dayz_temperatur = 40;
    			r_fracture_legs = false;
    			r_fracture_arms = false;
    			r_player_dead = false;
    			r_player_unconscious = false;
    			r_player_loaded = false;
    			r_player_cardiac = false;
    			r_player_lowblood = false;
    			r_player_timeout = 0;
    			r_handlercount = 0;
    			_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';
    			_control = _display displayCtrl 1203;
    			_control ctrlShow false;
    			r_player_handler = false;
    			disableUserInput false;
    			""dynamicBlur"" ppEffectAdjust [0]; ""dynamicBlur"" ppEffectCommit 5;
    			_unit = player;
    			_selection = ""legs"";
    			_damage = 0;
    			_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];
    		};", getPlayerUID (_array select 2)];
    		_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit _do; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    	if (_option == 6) then
    		_pos = getPos (_array select 1);
    		admincrate = "MedBox0" createVehicle _pos;
    		{admincrate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 5];} forEach
    		{admincrate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 20];} forEach
    		admincrate addBackpackCargoGlobal ['DZ_Backpack_EP1', 1];
    	if (_option == 7) then
    		_list = [0,0,0] nearEntities 1000000000000000; (_list select 0) setVehicleInit format ["if !(isServer) then
    			if (getPlayerUID player == '%1') then
    				[] spawn
    					if (isNil ""aatp"") then
    						aatp = true;
    						_tempTime = time;
    						time = ""aatp"";
    						sleep 3;
    						[_tempTime] spawn
    							_tempTime = (_this select 0) + 3;
    							while {true} do
    								time = _tempTime;
    								_tempTime = _tempTime + 1;
    								sleep 1;
    					_tent = player;
    					_dir = 90;
    					_location = %2;
    					_tent setdir _dir;
    					_tent setpos _location;
    					player reveal _tent;
    		};", getPlayerUID (_array select 2), str (getPosATL (_array select 1))]; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit (_list select 0);
    publicVariable "tlmxzyxzy";
    profileNamespace = "STR";
    publicVariable "profileNamespace";
    diag_log ("ANTI-HACK INIT");
    Greetings from Russia.

  2. #2
    Loganater23's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    uranus (originalamirite?)
    Man, you really hate love to leak Hangender's anti-hacks don't you? Well... I hope server admins enjoy this, if they can figure out how to use it properly and such, I wonder if someone is going to make an anti-antihack and release it now because all the newbie server owners will probably find this and use it.

  3. #3
    Terror In Paradise's Avatar
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    I hate it when people leak anti-hacks.
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  4. #4
    zemilkman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTerroriser1 View Post
    I hate it when people leak anti-hacks.
    You would, because if people find ways to circumvent anti-hacks you sell fewer keys.

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to zemilkman For This Useful Post:

    Bicycle (04-26-2013),Dejt (05-03-2013)

  6. #5
    Terror In Paradise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zemilkman View Post
    You would, because if people find ways to circumvent anti-hacks you sell fewer keys.
    It's got nothing to do with selling keys.
    I just don't like it when people leak anti-hacks.
    Error 404 Signature Not Found

  7. #6
    hangender's Avatar
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    O_O this version so old O_O

  8. #7
    Confin3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zemilkman View Post
    You would, because if people find ways to circumvent anti-hacks you sell fewer keys.
    You moron, this post is the reason all the Origins servers have this anti hack now.
    Last edited by Confin3d; 05-02-2013 at 09:08 AM.
    No longer use this website.

  9. #8
    buggeer's Avatar
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    Wait a sec, I saw this version before on another forum Leakers of leakers , or you both are the same guy.

    By the way I used a diff tool to compare the two versions and they are the same, so Hangender how old is this version? I got curious about it

  10. #9
    eth0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buggeer View Post
    Wait a sec, I saw this version before on another forum Leakers of leakers , or you both are the same guy.

    By the way I used a diff tool to compare the two versions and they are the same, so Hangender how old is this version? I got curious about it
    Correct, its me.

  11. #10
    buggeer's Avatar
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    Are you obsessed with zeros x00?

  12. #11
    eth0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buggeer View Post
    Are you obsessed with zeros x00?
    Not really, I doubt you even know what that means.

  13. #12
    buggeer's Avatar
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    eth0 comes from ethernet0, usually the default network device on linux, and x00 is hexadecimal but indeed idk what it means.

  14. #13
    Arrxzon's Avatar
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    hate to be the noob for once but how do i use this

  15. #14
    Peakz's Avatar
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    this is bypassed like ages ago LOL

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