So this is fun custom game.

It's called Draft Racing, and it's very simple from the surface but can be a lot of fun. It's actually not very much like racing, but more like capture the flag or soccer if your champion is the 'ball'.

  • Each allied champion that dies in the enemies' fountain counts as a point.
  • The first team to 10 points wins.
  • All items are allowed.
  • Teleport is banned.
  • Additionally, there is no laning, no killing minions or neutral monsters, no getting xp by being near lanes.
  • Because no one can lane, be near dying minions, or jungle at all, everyone can only level through killing other champions.
  • From the many games I've played, you don't level up to six until at least 28 minutes into the game, so ultimates usually don't come into play.

Join the chat room Draft Racing to talk to and group with other people who want to play!

Since this is draft pick and not blind pick, the bans might consist of good runners like Rammus, Shaco, and maybe Gragas. Alternatively, if team camptains are worried that the other team might turtle, they can ban good defenders like Blitzcrank, Nunu, Alistar. Twisted Fate and Pantheon would be good to ban because of their ultimates, but it would take them so long to get to level 6 by only killing champions that they might not be able to win it in time.

There are many roles in this game, the most popular being runners, defenders, and roamers. Runners do just that, run into the enemies fountain. Good runners have any combination of stealth, jumps, flashes, speed, and defense.

Defenders make sure enemy runners don't make it into the fountain. Good defenders usually have a combination of crowd-control and burst damage. Some of the best defenders are Alistar, Blitzcrank, and Poppy because they can physically push or pull enemy runners from range into the nexus turrets before they reach the fountain turret so they don't score a point. Other good defenders have great slows or stuns like Sion, Nunu, and Ashe.

Roamers are more rare than defenders or runners, and there is usually only one per team max, but sometimes they can make it very hard for the other team to score. A roamer's job is to roam around the jungle, warding and picking off enemy runners before they get to your team's defenders. Even if your roamer doesn't kill the enemy runner, they still made it that much easier for your defenders to kill the runners. Good roamers have mobility, cc, and sustained damage. Good roamers include Lee Sin, Gangplank, Nidalee (for her traps), and Talon.

I am very exciting about this custom game, it's a lot of fun and a good change of pace from normals or ranked, so if anyone wants to try it, add me ingame, reply here, or look for Draft Racing in the custom games list.