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  1. #1
    pvt.cookies?'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    My Mood

    Silver IV ~ A lot of skins ~ Every champ 100$$

    Selling Silver 4 LoL NA account, 81 Skins. 100 Dollars.


    - Goth Annie (975)
    - Glacial Olaf (520)
    - Commando Galio (520)
    - Jack Of Hearts TF (520)
    - Commando Xin Zhao (520)
    - Prestigious Leblanc (520)
    - Viridian Kayle (520)
    - Chosen Master Yi (520)
    - Unchained Alistar (free)
    - Lumberjack Sion (520)
    - Bandit Sivir (750)
    - Huntress Sivir (975)
    - Badger Teemo (520)
    - Cottontail Teemo (975)
    - Panda Teemo (975)
    - Dryad Soraka (520)
    - Riot Girl Tristana (Free)
    - Rocket Girl Tristana (975)
    - Waterloo Miss Fortune (520)
    - TPA NuNu (750)
    - Amethyst Ashe (975)
    - Ghost Bride Morgana (975)
    - Justicar Aatrox (975)
    - Vandal Jax (520)
    - Surfer Singed (975)
    - Groovy Zilean (520)
    - Kingpin Twitch (520)
    - Shadow Evelynn (520)
    - BlackFrost Anivia (1820)
    - Royal Shaco (520)
    - Pharaoh Amumu (520)
    - Freljord Rammus (520)
    - TPA Mundo (750)
    - Toxic Mundo (520)
    - Arcade Sona (1350)
    - Hot Rod Corki (520)
    - Traditional Karma (Old)
    - Tempest Janna (520)
    - Spooky Gangplank (520)
    - Sheriff Caitlyn (520)
    - Traditional Trundle (Old)
    - Mercenary Katarina (520)
    - Shamrock Malphite (520)
    - iBlitzcrank (1350)
    - Commando Jarvan (520)
    - Frozen Terror Nocturne (975)
    - Jade Dragon Wukong (975)
    - Tpa Oriana (750)
    - Deathblossom Elise (975)
    - Heartseeker Vayne (975)
    - Frenchmaid Nidalee (520)
    - Headhunter Nidalee (975)
    - Spirit Guard Udyr (3250)
    - Piltover Customs Heimerdinger (975)
    - Nurse Akali (975)
    - Commando Garen (520)
    - Frosted Ezreal (520)
    - TPA Ezreal (750)
    - Pulsefire Ezreal (3250)
    - Renegade Talon (520)
    - Shadowprince malzahar (520)
    - Foxfire Ahri (975)
    - Scorched Earth Xerath (1350)
    - TPA Shen (750)
    - Yelow Jacket Shen (520)
    - Sorceress Lux (520)
    - Commando Lux (520)
    - Lion Dance Kogmaw (1350)
    - Arclight Varus (975)
    - Runegaurd Volibear (975)
    - Mafia Graves (975)
    - Tundra Fizz (750)
    - Gladiator Draven (975)
    - Bear Calvary Sejuani (1350)
    - Traditional Sejuani (Old)
    - Bloodstone Lissandra (975)
    - Debonair Jayce (975)
    - Woad King Darius (975)
    - Phoenix Quinn (975)
    - Special Weapon Zac (975)
    - Pumpkin Head Fiddle (520)

    Proof ;

  2. #2
    kshew12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Can I offer $60?

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