Want to sell NA acc unranked with:
85 champions ( with yasuo )
3 refunds available
Marks: 9x armor pen, 9x mr ,9x ad
Seals: 2x ap , 9x ad ,9x crit , 9x ap per lvl , 9x armor
Glyphs: 8x ap,8x ad,9x crit,9x ap per lvl ,9x mr per lvl
Quints: 3x armor pen,3x magic pen,3x ms,3x spell vamp
3 rune pages
Skins : Traditional trundle , royal shaco,aristrocat vayne,heartseeker vayne,monarch kog maw,battleborn kayle,buccaneer tristana

I am selling the acc because im moving back to europe where i can't play because i got high ping,already buyed acc i need some rp to get change name,skins etc.

For more info Skype: mss_playon
Price: 50$