Hello, I have problem with some on-screen drawn menu. Normal it's all good but there is one point where item list is too long for screen and it has been drawn out of visible area. I can go through it but I can't see what I'm picking.

struct itemEntry
	char name[64];
	BYTE type;
	void* item;
	itemEntry* last;
	itemEntry* next;
	bool show;
	itemEntry(char * n, BYTE t,void *i)
		type = t;
		item = i;
		show = 1;
		next = NULL;

struct itemPicker
	itemEntry* first;
	itemEntry* last;
	itemEntry* selected;
		itemEntry *f = new itemEntry("...",0,0);
		selected = last = first = f;
		f->last = NULL;
	void add(itemEntry* nm)
		last->next = nm;
		nm->last = last;
		last = nm;
	void update(char* t)


void DrawFont (int X, int Y, D3DCOLOR Color, char *format, ...)
 char buffer[256];
 va_list args; 
 va_start (args, format);
 vsprintf (buffer,format, args);
 RECT FontRect = { X, Y, X + 120, Y + 16 };
 m_pFont->DrawText( NULL, buffer, -1, &FontRect, DT_NOCLIP , Color );
 va_end (args);