Quote Originally Posted by Ketsueki no Ryuu View Post
I can't think of anything better to use with a BoT than LDK or Elemental Dracomancer. DBSK can't be used since you can't set it up to work properly. You could try Troll SpellSmith? More people have TSS than LDK and TSS even has the AoE nuke (with stacks of the last skill to make it a nuke) for Binky and the heal is strong enough to keep it going.
I don't like to bot with AoE classes because they don't work very well on LeBot.
One example:
-Random Attack Monster
-Delay 1000 ms
-join battleontown

If he's attacking 2 monsters at the same time, after killing the first monster he will stop attacking the second, gives a delay and will try to join battleontown.
But that's not going to happen, since there's another monster attacking him...
Well, I could make he jumps to another screen, before joining battleontown. But what if he killed the wrong monster?

Anyway, I released it already. Let's see if any member here can find a solution for other classes.