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  1. #1
    sirpeazes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    My Mood

    NA Accounts Shop ☆ Championship Riven ★ 1XX Champs ☆ 30+ Skins ★ Flexible Prices

    Steps to Buy:

    1. Look at an account you want
    2. Add me on skype
    3. Skype: ben.su321, post below with ur skype
    4. Any reasonable price is accepted!!!
    5. Willing to go first with repped members or use MM with anyone.



    Border: Gold
    Current Rank: Unranked
    IP: 775
    RP: 82


    Traditional Trundle
    Crimson Akali
    Traditional Sejuani
    Traditional Karma
    Championship Thresh
    Victorious Morgana
    Championship Riven
    Earnest Elf Tristana
    Unchained Alistar
    Mistletoe LeBlanc
    Riot Girl Tristana
    Dark Valkyrie Diana
    Atlantean Fizz
    Dragon Trainer Lulu
    Wicked Lulu
    Gladiator Draven
    Soul Reaver Draven
    Fisherman Fizz
    Pentakill Olaf
    Rugged Garen
    Commando Garen
    Dreadknight Garen
    Arclight Vel'Koz
    Oktoberfest Gragas
    Vandal Gragas
    Bloodfury Renekton
    Junkyard Trundle
    Grim Reaper Karthus
    Longhorn Alistar
    Pool Party Leona
    Mafia Jinx

    Email is included.


    Account 1:
    Rank: Diamond Border, Plat 2
    IP: 17607
    RP: 445
    Rune Pages: 10
    Champs: 89
    Judgment Kayle
    Unchained Alistar
    Riot Girl Tristana
    Victorious Morgana
    Victorious Elise
    Lord Darius


    Account 2:
    Rank: Silver I
    IP: 2802
    RP: 106
    Rune Pages: 4
    Champs: 114
    Frostfire Annie
    Glacial Olaf
    Gatekeeper Galio
    Bandito Fiddlesticks
    Judgment Kayle
    Dark Crystal Ryze
    Badger Teemo
    Buccaneer Tristana
    Riot Girl Tristana
    Cowgirl Miss Fortune
    Arcade Miss Fortune
    Victorious Morgana
    Ghost Bride Morgana
    Angler Jax
    Gangster Twitch
    Kingpin Twitch
    Royal Shaco
    Urfrider Corki
    Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
    Traditional Trundle
    Festive Ma okai
    Bladecraft Orianna
    Acolyte Lee Sin
    Heartseeker Vayne
    French Maid Nidalee
    Battle Regalia Poppy
    Oktoberfest Gragas
    Pharaoh Nasus
    Swamp Master Kennen
    Blood Moon Akali
    Sanguine Garen
    Frosted Ezreal
    Lord Mordekaiser
    Redeemed Riven
    Overlord Malzahar
    Foxfire Ahri
    Spellthief Lux
    Arclight Varus
    Thunder Lord Volibear
    Soul Reaver Draven
    Nightraven Fiora
    Lord Darius
    Mecha Kha'Zix
    Reaper Hecarim
    Blood Knight Hecarim
    Wildfire Zyra
    Phoenix Quinn
    Hired Gun Lucian


    Account 3:
    Rank: Unranked [Gold Border]
    IP: 9095
    RP: 226
    Rune Pages: 10
    Champs: 89
    Workshop Shaco
    Victorious Morgana
    Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere
    Highland Tryndamere
    All-star Akali
    Rocket Girl Tristana
    Huntress Sivir False
    Traditional Trundle False
    Judgment Kayle
    FrankenTibbers Annie
    Darkflame Shyvana
    Piltover Customs Blitzcrank
    General Wukong
    Super Galaxy Rumble
    Spirit Guard Udyr
    Oktoberfest Gragas
    Reaper Hecarim
    Dunkmaster Darius
    Debonair Jayce
    Blood Moon Akali
    Myrmidon Pantheon
    Mercenary Katarina
    Valkyrie Leona
    Ice Drake Shyvana
    Pool Party Ziggs
    Jurassic Kog'Maw
    Crimson Elite Riven
    Frostfire Annie
    Rageborn Mundo
    Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
    Prestigious LeBlanc
    Vandal Vladimir
    Chosen Master Yi
    Longhorn Alistar
    Uncle Ryze
    Astronaut Teemo
    Big Bad Warwick
    Cowgirl Miss Fortune
    Arcade Miss Fortune
    Mafia Miss Fortune
    Grungy Nunu
    Woad Ashe
    Mecha Aatrox
    Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
    Jurassic Cho'Gath
    Gentleman Cho'Gath
    Deep Terror Thresh
    Almost-Prom King Amumu
    Final Boss Veigar
    Woad Scout Quinn


    Account 4:
    Rank: Unranked [Silver Border]
    IP: 1899
    RP: 9
    Rune Pages: 7
    Champs: 92
    Prom Queen Annie
    High Noon Twisted Fate
    Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
    Golden Alistar
    Warrior Princess Sivir
    Buccaneer Tristana
    Riot Girl Tristana
    Arcade Miss Fortune
    Justicar Aatrox
    Gangster Twitch
    Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
    Pentakill Karthus
    Dragonwing Corki
    Traditional Karma
    Officer Caitlyn
    Super Galaxy Rumble
    Mythic Cassiopeia
    Muay Thai Lee Sin
    Heartseeker Vayne
    Pharaoh Nidalee
    Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
    Frosted Ezreal
    Battle Bunny Riven
    Midnight Ahri
    Arctic Ops Varus
    Pool Party Graves
    Gladiator Draven
    Debonair Jayce
    Phoenix Quinn
    PROJECT: Yasuo
    Blood Moon Kalista
    Shockblade Zed
    Hired Gun Lucian


    Read before even THINKING about Purchasing:
    Failure to do ANY of these steps will result in a full refund immediately.

    How You Will Pay:
    1) Paypal
    2) Send as payment to family and friends
    3) Copy & Paste in message of payment: "I will not dispute this payment as this transaction is for a purchase of virtual goods. I am acknowledging that I am satisfied with the product and recognize that I do not make the seller responsible for what happens to the account after I have purchased it. Refunds up to seller."
    4)Enjoy the account

    All accounts are insured for 2 weeks after sale date as long as you have the right proof. All refunds are in the form of another account. However, I have only had to replace 1 account so far out of 70+ sales. I don't expect to ever be replacing accounts.

    Account #:
    Method of contact (PM, Skype):
    Have you read & agree to the conditions?:

  2. #2
    sirpeazes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    My Mood
    bump /chars

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