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    TheRealMakan's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    ▼ MakanDesign - Cheap Website Designs! ▼

    Makan Designs!

    What do I offer?

    I offer a quick and easy stop for a website design for you. I can make you a website in HTML within a 2 to 5-day span! I can do a design on lots of things from personal fuck you sites to nice clean app websites.

    What do we not offer?

    I don't do just about ANY Design! We have a series of templates that are premade and we start in by filling in your information and start glamming it up with any color preferences or other tweaks needed such as font. If you are looking for a custom and brand new unique site, things like that start at the high $700's.

    How long?

    Many small works such as a quick personal site will only take about 2 days or less depending on how busy I am. Other sites take around up to 7 days or longer on how long they are and how much you paid.

    How will it work?

    Once the payment is made, we will start off by having you tell me what you want your website to possibly is about. Next you send me in some information and I show you the template that we will be starting with. You can try to tell us some small design changes that you might need and we will start right on it. Next we need you to send in some information about the website or we can also write the script for you! You send the images you want to us and we start right on with your website. Once the work is done, we send you in the .html and source code files for you to start hosting or for us to help you get started with.

    Estimated Prices

    Product | Description | Estimated Price!

    Website Design! | Template is shown, you provide scripts, images, and names for us to add | $4.99

    MyWebsite Design! | Everything from ^. + Free Script Creation and Hosting Support to get online! | $7.99

    Script Creation | You tell us what your site is about and the theme so we write it up for you! | + $2.99

    Hosting Support | Support so I can help you get started on a free host and basics on the web hosting | + $2.99

    Hosting Support+ | Support with paid hosts and I get you started with how to register cheap domains and set up with paid hosting! | +$3.99


    Want a website now? Contact me on Skype @ coding_4_fun


    * Proof will be shown after 1st Vouch Given out!

    Last edited by TheRealMakan; 05-25-2015 at 05:44 PM.

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