Hey guys, this is my personal thoughts in concerns of our most popular CS:GO hack by Merccy2, The "Poly Loader" Hacks.

Rules and steps that I follow, that I personally stick by, in hope that my CS Go account will not get banned:
1. Before even running PolyLoader, I close all steam runned applications, including steam itself.
2.Use task manager to make sure steam.exe is not in the process tab, before you run the polyLoader.
3. Run the PolyLoader and compile the hack, now close Polyloader, so you don't forget about it.
4. Use VMProtect/Enigma etc, to make the hack more secure
5. Run the protected File as you please, and play for X ammount of hours in CS:GO
6. Once done playing, CLOSE all steam runned applications, and use task manager to check if steam.exe is still active.
7. Delete the hacks that you have produced, that you have most recently compiled (Yes delete it also from the recycle bin)
8. Repeat step 1 again if you'd like to play again

Some other rules ( I don't necessary Follow these, this is up to your choice.
-Only use the updated hacks
-Don't use Hacks when there is an update

Personal thought: I believe when CS:GO or if steam updates VAC will not detect the hack, as long as you keep to the steps above, I've been cheating using this hack for over 3 months, (Older versions as well) and I have not been in any Vacations. I also sell my accounts quite frequently once I get to a certain rank, and I have not been given a complaint of a VAC ban once. Thanks for your time and reading this post
Happy Hacking

One last thing I must ask, if you are a veteran hacker and have not been banned in a period of at least a month using this hack, I ask of you if you have used these steps as well, or if you have some other concepts or rules that you abide in to continue your successful hacking spree to please post below I'll greatly appreciate it, and might add it in the list. Thank you for your time