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  1. #1
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    Death Parade Episode 1 - Must watch

    First 15 seconds is pretty much my reaction..

    Wow. No other words to explain the opening episode for this series.... I mean I seriously thought this was going to be utter crap when I saw the opening play but god damn that was intense and the ending scene was just so damn good, thanks madhouse for another great anime this season it looks like. Also the MAL discussion ratings are extremely good.

    @Empire @Scotia @Stickz123 @Kodoku

    Last edited by Color; 01-09-2015 at 06:50 PM.

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  2. #2
    Takatsuki's Avatar
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    Haven't seen it yet. Plan to after beating this Hunter.

  3. #3
    Scotia's Avatar
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    Well that was interesting. I like the concept of it, kinda seems like Mario Party but extremely fucked up. It was incredibly tense, I'll agree with that, my butthole couldn't take much more of that tension. I'm not too keen on it just yet though, it just seems as though it's some sort kind of short that's been put in to fill some gaps, it doesn't feel like a fully fledged show to me but that's probably because this was it's first episode, the preview at the end for Episode 2 showed that we'll actually get some info as to what's going on and what characters are involved so I won't leave it alone for now.

  4. #4
    Kodoku's Avatar
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    your waifu's house.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stickz123 View Post
    Haven't seen it yet. Plan to after beating this Hunter.
    Add me fgt

    OT: Bookmarked to watch later tonight or tomorrow night. Will post thoughts then.

  5. #5
    Takatsuki's Avatar
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    Hunter got the nut.

    I think the Husband is voiced by the same guy as Kagami from Kuroko no Basuke. Not sure though, that's just from the first few minutes of listening.

    After watching: Wow. I like this a lot! I'm not really sure what they plan on doing now that they've shown what it's about, but I can see some connections. One thing I'd like to point out, and I'm not sure if it plays a roll yet, but in the first scene where the elevator doors open, you see two masks: One appears to be the Devils face, and the other..something else, a much more lighter tone. However, at the very end, the masks switch places, with the husband receiving the lighter one, and not the devil one to begin with. Maybe it switches depending on how many lies/truths are told throughout their marriage that was misunderstand?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Scotia View Post
    Well that was interesting. I like the concept of it, kinda seems like Mario Party but extremely fucked up. It was incredibly tense, I'll agree with that, my butthole couldn't take much more of that tension. I'm not too keen on it just yet though, it just seems as though it's some sort kind of short that's been put in to fill some gaps, it doesn't feel like a fully fledged show to me but that's probably because this was it's first episode, the preview at the end for Episode 2 showed that we'll actually get some info as to what's going on and what characters are involved so I won't leave it alone for now.
    Just another notice, random chick on the Piano, and perhaps they're in a mansion. That first game was probably like an entrance exam, and they are now going to meet the other group on another floor.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kodoku View Post

    Add me fgt

    OT: Bookmarked to watch later tonight or tomorrow night. Will post thoughts then.

    Edit: Was just informed there is more info. I retract the Mansion concept, as that's no longer possible, and the mask thing was answered too. It seems that the light one is reincarnation, and the devil is Hell. Well, I'm officially done with speculation.
    Last edited by Takatsuki; 01-09-2015 at 07:46 PM.

  6. #6
    Scotia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickz123 View Post
    Just another notice, random chick on the Piano, and perhaps they're in a mansion. That first game was probably like an entrance exam, and they are now going to meet the other group on another floor.
    I noticed the chick on the piano, I doubt it has any significance, probably just an artistic touch to create some atmosphere. As for the whole elevator ride thing and going to meet another group, do you mean that the couples going to go through more trials than what they already have? The bartender specifically states after the credits where each of them went, I doubt that we'll be seeing much of those two again. If you're not talking about the couple then I presume that you mean the group which includes the bartender and those two girls at which point I'm also going to have to say no seeing as the intro for shows the bar and pretty much only the bar which makes me think that that's the shows main setting. Sure after the credits we see some ruin type place but I doubt that it'll play any significance whenever a group are taken in to play a game.

    I dunno, there's only been one episode so we'll have to wait and see.

  7. #7
    Takatsuki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scotia View Post

    I noticed the chick on the piano, I doubt it has any significance, probably just an artistic touch to create some atmosphere. As for the whole elevator ride thing and going to meet another group, do you mean that the couples going to go through more trials than what they already have? The bartender specifically states after the credits where each of them went, I doubt that we'll be seeing much of those two again. If you're not talking about the couple then I presume that you mean the group which includes the bartender and those two girls at which point I'm also going to have to say no seeing as the intro for shows the bar and pretty much only the bar which makes me think that that's the shows main setting. Sure after the credits we see some ruin type place but I doubt that it'll play any significance whenever a group are taken in to play a game.

    I dunno, there's only been one episode so we'll have to wait and see.
    Chick on Piano is the one who asks the Bartender a question, so it seems. And yeah, I thought that after the first trial, that they would meet another group who has also gone through a trial, but that's not the case, after watching the ending.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickz123 View Post
    Wow. I like this a lot! I'm not really sure what they plan on doing now that they've shown what it's about, but I can see some connections. One thing I'd like to point out, and I'm not sure if it plays a roll yet, but in the first scene where the elevator doors open, you see two masks: One appears to be the Devils face, and the other..something else, a much more lighter tone. However, at the very end, the masks switch places, with the husband receiving the lighter one, and not the devil one to begin with. Maybe it switches depending on how many lies/truths are told throughout their marriage that was misunderstand?
    Really? I thought the masks were in the same place at the beginning. Guess not. Also now that they've done an opening episode catch it seems that they will start off by doing a brief description of the people who work there but since the purple haired girl a new girl there it seems like she'll put her nose into the trials..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Color View Post

    Really? I thought the masks were in the same place at the beginning. Guess not. Also now that they've done an opening episode catch it seems that they will start off by doing a brief description of the people who work there but since the purple haired girl a new girl there it seems like she'll put her nose into the trials..
    Nope. Go back and look. They apparently resemble who is reborn and who is not.

  10. #10
    Empire's Avatar
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    :/ So basically the plot of "true justice" aka Saw or w/e horror vengeance movie you want to use.
    The good:
    The animation was actually pretty good. It's definitely above average.
    I for one liked the opening. But maybe that's because it reminds me of slice of life / Baccano!
    Violence ahoy! I'm perfectly fine with violence, as long as subbers explain it. They said it was "nerves" in the subs, and it turns out that it was.......but they were still bleeding. Contradictions will not fly in this type of show.
    The potential for breaking outside the norm is there.
    Decent character design.
    Maybe serious setting? Not sure with the opening.

    The bad:
    We already knew they were dead from the get-go. If you didn't know that then I applaud you for not only missing the title of the show, but the fact that this theme has been done SO many times that I can't even remember the first time I saw it because it was so long ago. Literally the first thought when the bar came up was "oh, these people must be dead already, because there is a sullen guy there talking about a quiz show". You know what would have been cool? If the bartender had an interesting conversation and they roamed the halls THEN he proposed a game to past time or something. Idk, there is just so many better ways to handle this than straight up going to the game and saying "it's betting your life".

    The worse part (imo) of the episode is when they get "flashbacks". Because they aren't really telling of the past, what they are doing is trying to provoke drama and emotion by just saying "look, here is two people who loved and hated each other! Look how they originally loved each other and then grew discontent. Look at that shit, you haven't seen that before huh?". Except I have. It's every single romance story with the headline: "how did we get here? I'm not happy". Seriously, no one fucking cares at this point.

    The boring:
    For a first episode it really wasn't that interesting.. When I saw it was a husband and wife my first thought was:
    "Well I bet they are going to betray each other. There is no other reason to have a married couple if you aren't going to show that.".

    The premise of this show is utterly boring to me because it's so limited on the outcomes.
    1. You get humans, they do some stupid violent game, drama, they go to heaven/hell.

    2. You get some humans who are smart, they go "oh look how cunning I am".

    3. The show spends the majority of the time talking about the bartender's life rather than the game itself.

    Prove me wrong show. Because I don't see any other outcome than this.

  11. #11
    Takatsuki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post
    :/ So basically the plot of "true justice" aka Saw or w/e horror vengeance movie you want to use.
    The good:
    The animation was actually pretty good. It's definitely above average.
    I for one liked the opening. But maybe that's because it reminds me of slice of life / Baccano!
    Violence ahoy! I'm perfectly fine with violence, as long as subbers explain it. They said it was "nerves" in the subs, and it turns out that it was.......but they were still bleeding. Contradictions will not fly in this type of show.
    The potential for breaking outside the norm is there.
    Decent character design.
    Maybe serious setting? Not sure with the opening.

    The bad:
    We already knew they were dead from the get-go. If you didn't know that then I applaud you for not only missing the title of the show, but the fact that this theme has been done SO many times that I can't even remember the first time I saw it because it was so long ago. Literally the first thought when the bar came up was "oh, these people must be dead already, because there is a sullen guy there talking about a quiz show". You know what would have been cool? If the bartender had an interesting conversation and they roamed the halls THEN he proposed a game to past time or something. Idk, there is just so many better ways to handle this than straight up going to the game and saying "it's betting your life".

    The worse part (imo) of the episode is when they get "flashbacks". Because they aren't really telling of the past, what they are doing is trying to provoke drama and emotion by just saying "look, here is two people who loved and hated each other! Look how they originally loved each other and then grew discontent. Look at that shit, you haven't seen that before huh?". Except I have. It's every single romance story with the headline: "how did we get here? I'm not happy". Seriously, no one fucking cares at this point.

    The boring:
    For a first episode it really wasn't that interesting.. When I saw it was a husband and wife my first thought was:
    "Well I bet they are going to betray each other. There is no other reason to have a married couple if you aren't going to show that.".

    The premise of this show is utterly boring to me because it's so limited on the outcomes.
    1. You get humans, they do some stupid violent game, drama, they go to heaven/hell.

    2. You get some humans who are smart, they go "oh look how cunning I am".

    3. The show spends the majority of the time talking about the bartender's life rather than the game itself.

    Prove me wrong show. Because I don't see any other outcome than this.
    inb4 bartender saves someone by breaking rules

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickz123 View Post
    inb4 bartender saves someone by breaking rules
    Yeah, he'll get attached to someone or feel pity and save them.

    Then it's either "you shouldn't have done that" or they fight the "system".

    More likely it's a slap on the wrist.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post

    Yeah, he'll get attached to someone or feel pity and save them.

    Then it's either "you shouldn't have done that" or they fight the "system".

    More likely it's a slap on the wrist.
    Don't see it not happening. He's already shown emotion in the first episode, so it's already a tell-tale towards it.

  14. #14
    Hachikuji's Avatar
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    It's alrightttt.

    couldn't agree more. if you look at it like what they do in Saw, they have a person "playing a game", which is totally unrelated to the plot. after that the plot starts. same with this. imo the married couple acts like the hook of the plot. this seems ALOT like Saw

    if you haven't watched saw then I can't help you

    idk it's the first episode. who knows what will happen.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickz123 View Post
    inb4 bartender saves someone by breaking rules
    Wont be him, it'll probably be the new girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hachikuji View Post
    It's alrightttt.

    couldn't agree more. if you look at it like what they do in Saw, they have a person "playing a game", which is totally unrelated to the plot. after that the plot starts. same with this. imo the married couple acts like the hook of the plot. this seems ALOT like Saw

    if you haven't watched saw then I can't help you

    idk it's the first episode. who knows what will happen.
    Yeah but instead of just a game for horror it's more for a chance to live again or be tossed in hell.

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