I'm pretty new to making mpgh forum threads so i apologize for not having mainstream formats or whatever.

My chore: I want to make a client that has only the hacks i want, and hiding all implications of hacking everywhere (so i can stream while using it) then i could also just update my own hacked client every time there's a new update.

My problem: I learned basic RABCDASM and used it to decompress a blank swf client (ran into problems that i wont talk about right now) and i downloaded Yogda and notepad++ to make editing it easier, but, to be completely honest i have no idea where to go from there. I spent alot of time learning, and searching through my "client-1" folder but i still don't know the important parts, for instance, the difference from auto-nexus code and anti-clientsided-debuffs code.

The hacks i want are only anti-confuse|paralyze|armorbreak, safewalk, and auto-nexus. The parts i need hidden are, well, everything else. Especially the loading screen and the "made with orape" text on the loading screen. I used to just use the old Orape builder for my clients but i cant find orape 3.0 or 3.2, so now i seek help.

If a few paragraphs would explain my problem to me, that would be just amazing, but if the problem is much more than i perceive, i would appreciate links to websites/other threads that could explain it, or if someone would skype me and explain (for compensation of course, whether rotmg items or a few bucks) that would be great as well.

Thanks in advance, please dont leave my thread to die with no replies .