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    133spider's Avatar
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    Exclamation Cetera [R7] & Revenant [R2] | The Major Botting Revamp Update! | [Windows/MAC]

    First and foremost, I am sorry for not replying to a majority of you in the last Cetera thread. I was overwhelmed with rewriting the entire bot again by creating a test project named "Revenant" to see how well and optimized I could rewrite the bot for Cetera. (Revenant is designed to be extremely lightweight)

    Secondly, I'm grateful and would like to thank those who tested and tried Revenant out for a spin.

    This Cetera bot update will resolve many of your concerns such as disconnecting when accepting drops, and etc. One new notable feature I'm proud of is the universal class/skills for bots.

    This thread will be a combination of releases for both Revenant and Cetera. Revenant will continue to be updated as either a prototype to test the newest botting functions before being implemented into Cetera, or a completely secondary version to Cetera acting as a highly focused botting program.

    On the final note: I'm open to suggestions and please report any bugs.

    [Information on the Botting Revamp] Note: Some of these only apply to when using Revenant
    Quote Originally Posted by 133spider View Post
    Little backstory to this is that I was unhappy with Cetera's final product being unstable and all that sorts on its botting end. Well, I decided to make a bot solely focused on botting meaning features that don't contribute to improving/helping with botting won't be appearing on Revenant. I've completely rewritten every part of the bot and added a bunch of nifty features. Also, class skills when botting should be extremely responsive. I designed Revenant in mind to be using the least amount of CPU and RAM as it possibly can to be able to run in the background while a bot is running (which is already pretty difficult with AQW being a very CPU heavy game). That's pretty much the primary reason for Revenant's simple and basic UI design.

    In short, I've designed the bot to be extremely efficient to run in the background of your computer while you're playing other games. With the updated skills, it's also pretty efficient in botting.

    I've also taken my time and put some heavy stress test onto this bot and continued to leaving it running overnights. Doing that had managed myself to get VHL in the fastest & least amount of days which is 17.


    If you're going to make changes and run the bot, please make sure to always save changes first by saving the bot in the Save/Load tab. If you make changes to a bot and forget to save, you will lose all progress because when you click "Start" in the toolbar, the bot reads the selected bot from the list's already saved data and overwrites everything with it. For this reason, I've disallowed any interactions with the "Start" button in the toolbar while bot manager is open.

    You can, however, run the bot after you make changes and not saving it by ONLY ticking "Enable Bot" in the Bot Manager and not running the bot through the "Start" button on the toolbar.

    Fiddling with the "Drop Delay" and "Bot Delay" in the 2nd advanced tab could lead to problems hence why they are placed in the advanced tab. I recommend leaving those untouched unless you know what you're doing. Though you can decrease Bot Delay by a fair amount if the bot's too slow.


    So you may be noticing that Skills is missing in the Bot Manager and it's being replaced with something called Utils. Just a note that Utils just contains commands to activate boosts and grab map items (the delay for Utils uses Bot Delay).

    In botting, it's always frustrating to try botting a monster like Blood Titan because skills/classes in a bot were always so basic. In search for a resolve, I decided to separate skills from the bot to allow them to become GLOBAL. Meaning, you needn't fiddle with the class skills of a loaded bot file anymore. With the new Classes & Skills system, the bot automatically adapts to what class you are using. Provided that the class exists as an entry in Classes & Skills. You can even change classes while the bot is still running and the bot will STILL adapt to your class! (For those people that switch from farming classes to boss soloing classes) Not only that but I've added some start-up advanced functions for the skills and will be adding more in the future as time goes on.

    Classes & Skills SHOULD be self-explanatory as there are notes on the interface itself that remind you how classes & skills are ran. If you're confused don't be afraid to ask.

    Oh and you can distribute and load these classes & skills through .cclass files.

    Also I've added a little feature where the bot will always prioritize the Staff of Inversionist when fighting escherion.


    Not a major overhaul, but somewhat of an overhaul has been given to quests. Quests now check periodically if it can turn in the quest. If you are still in combat, you will be teleported out temporarily to exit combat to be able to turn in the quest.


    "Kill For Items" and "Kill Until Quest Complete" will now check if you have the items/quest finished already before proceeding to attack.

    Spent quite some time on drops tweaking and fixing it. Drops are now separated and in their own tab so you don't have to keep adding GET DROP commands in the main tab ever so often anymore. Also worth mentioning is that Drops had received the same treatment as Quests as it now checks periodically. Drops should work fine, but if it doesn't just remember I'm still human and I make mistakes. Just don't tamper with the Drop Delay unless you know exactly what you're doing.

    Oh, and just to be safe Auto Decline will only work when the bot is running.


    In the bot, there are times where when you attempt to join a map you'll sometimes get a message saying "Action taken too quickly". To solve this, I've made it so that if the first attempt does not go through, there will be a second attempt a few seconds after to fix itself. However, after the second attempt there will be no more attempts. To be safe I'd put delays after joining a map for those people who have really bad internet.


    Misc will only contain settings and tools that are useful and used to aid in creating/using bots.

    I've noticed myself to be frequently using cell grabber so I've added it onto the toolbar for convenience.

    Relogin on AFK only works when the bot is running.


    Adding commands to the main list will now have their index on the left.

    "Index#: Command"
    "0: Attack Random"

    Instead of the hectic index up & down, I've removed those and instead implemented "Goto Index" to make life easier. Though, if you're using an old cetera bot file the index up & down functions will still work.

    Cetera bot files (.cbot) made using Cetera should be compatible with Revenant as Revenant still uses the .cbot file extension.
    However, there may possibly be errors here and there so watch out for that when you're loading a .cbot file made in Cetera.

    Classes & Skills, bots, and "Private Rooms" in Miscellaneous are all saved locally.

    Q: How come Auto Relogin doesn't work? It doesn't relogin when it's stuck on the screen: "Connecting to Game Server"!
    A: There's unfortunately nothing at the moment I can figure out to solve this problem. Reason being that this problem only occurs when your internet connection is down. If I try to make the bot reconnect from there, it wouldn't be so great since you'd be trying to connect to the game with no internet...

    Q: Drops aren't getting accepted? They're just sitting there on my screen even though the bot is running & the drop is in the drops list of the bot.
    A: Much to the same as the question above this one, it's unfortunately an issue with your internet/connection to the game. If it's still stuck on your screen just manually accept the drop. By luck, it should fix itself after that.

    Q: The bot equipped the class I wanted to change to, but when my player started attacking the bot didn't adapt and change its skills?
    A: Another issue that only happens when you have a really bad connection to the game. A resolve for this is to add a delay directly right after you equip a weapon or a class to ensure everything is working afterwards. This occurs when you equip a class and quickly attack a monster before the game can register that you've changed classes.
    10/6/2017 | R1
    - Release
    10/14/2017 | R1.1
    - Fixed last skill entries in Classes & Skills not being triggered (this should make combat/skills with the bot even more fluid than before now)
    - Tweaked quests a bit to lessen the amount of "You cannot do that while in combat." every time it attempts to complete a quest
    10/17/2017 | R1.2
    - Added changable window sizes in misc (saves) (courtesy of dianprof)
    - Removed "x" button from the toolbar next to the list of bots to avoid mistakenly deleting bots
    - Replaced Cell Grabber pad textbox with a list
    - Added keybindings (F1 = Bot Manager) (F2 = Classes & Skills) (F3 = Bank) (F4 = Misc)
    - Tweaking completion of quests in R1.1 caused some memory leaking issues. Should be fixed now in this update. If not, please report it to me.
    If keybinding doesn't work, press the "send" button ingame and then try again
    11/20/2017 | R2
    - Fixed rest hp & mp not working (?)
    - Added support for "Attack" cmd from Cetera bot files
    - Tweaked skills to be activated faster
    - Added "Logout" command in "Adv. 2" (WILL ignore/disable auto-relogin)
    - Added "Bank -> Inv" & "Inv -> Bank" (WARNING: It takes approx. 2 seconds for an item to be registered to your inventory after it's sent from Bank -> Inv! Use your delay commands!)
    - Drops that are detected to be inside your bank will be left on the screen until they are detected in your inventory (must use "Load Bank Items on Start" for the bot to detect bank items)
    - Added "Manual Pickup" command to allow the old & traditional way of picking items up (basically the same pickup command that Dark Mystic/Le Bot has)
    - Tweaked a few numbers in quest completion to avoid "cannot complete quest while in combat" as for user ryangarde's request
    - Added "Juggernaut/Aggro Monsters" as for user mehtzm's request
    - Fixed a bug being unable to delete a command under "Utils"
    - Release
    - Added debug messages for when a bot command is executed in the console (not all commands though)
    - possibly fixed first index bug
    - new function in the bot manager: "Join And Cell" - (if the command is side by side, I advise to put a delay in between)
    - workaround for the custom bot delay setting in more functions
    - Revision II
    - heavily fixed performance issues 
    - drop configuration heavily fixed
    - big thank you to woods_879 for bug reports contribution (will credit you in the future versions)
    - fixed the way the bot checks for items
    - fixed problems with if statements inventory check
    - Revision III
    - made autorelogin wait six seconds longer to avoid grey screens (total of seven seconds)
    - fixed "Join Room And Then Cell" to check for correct pad
    - made "kill x for items" a bit more efficient on item checking
    - possibly fixed "resume bot"
    - fixed more issues with drop configuration (should work well now)
    - fixed a problem where loading a bot won't apply drop configuration changes
    - Revision IV
    - fixed a-ab kill conflicting with regular kill functions
    - (possibly) fixed random disconnects
    - fixed consoles not scrolling all the way down sometimes
    - fixed autorelogin problem
    - fixed load bot to properly register drop configuration
    - fixed a minor issue with "Item In Inv" and "Item In Temp"
    - "kill x until item(s) drop" is now renamed to "kill x until item(s) are in inv" to lessen confusion
    - once again, wouldn't have been possible without woods_879
    - Revision 4.5
    - Added new command function "Kill x Until Quest Complete"
    - Added if statement "If Quest Complete"
    - Added an option in "Miscellaneous" to enable private rooms
    - Map joining now wait til the map has loaded before going to the next index
    - Sneak peek for a new feature coming in Revision V on the bottom right corner
    - Fixed an issue with a broken "If Item In Inv" and "If Item Not In Inv" statements
    - Fixed issues where the bot would be continuously attacking
    - Fixed issues with drops not being picked up correctly
    - Recoded how quests are completed
    - Revision V
    - Added Packet Logger (access in start menu) image:
    - Added AutoBots (not that many atm, but will grow overtime) image:
    *Use the power button on the bottom right to start/stop the autobot
    *Courtesy to woods_879 for the bots
    - Added a separate list of commands in the bot for map items
    - Added a command to select a reward when completing a quest
    - Fixed minor issue with Kill x Until Quest Completes
    - Fixed issues with Rest If MP < & Rest If HP <
    - Fixed minor issue with going to cells in the bot
    - Fixed positioning of More Functions when opening for the first time
    - (Possibly) Fixed disconnects w/ quest completion
    - Fixed walkspeed resetting to default when entering a new cell/pad
    - Revision 5.5
    - Added Generic Attack to the autobots
    - Fixed Auto-Decline Drops breaking
    - Fixed general problem relating quests
    - Waiting on the server rewrite to go live
    - Revision 5.6
    - Fixed issue with quests not being accepted
    - Revision 5.7
    - Fast Travels now join private rooms when "Private Rooms" is enabled in Miscellaneous
    - Fixed issues with getting drops breaking the bot
    - Fixed issues with Auto Bot not properly registering "Rest if MP <" and "Rest if HP <" as well as "Resume Bot on Relogin"
    - Revision 5.8
    - Added "Skip Cutscenes" in Miscellaneous
    - Added console/debug messages for if statements
    - Fixed reported issues with "If Item Not In Inv" and "if Item Not In Temp"
    - (Possibly) Fixed item pick ups erroring out
    - Revision VI
    - Finally got rid of the annoying splash popup when you first open Cetera!
    - Redesigned miscellaneous window
    - Added "Toggle Hide Players" in Miscellaneous
    - "Enemy Magnet" changed from a button to a checkbox
    - "Juggernaut" changed from a button to a checkbox
    - "Max Skills Range" changed from a button to a checkbox
    - "Private Rooms" setting will now be saved
    - Old "Item:Quantity" box for "Kill Monster Until Item(s) in Inv" is now separated into a textbox for item name, and a number input
    - Fixed a long standing bug with "Kill Monster Until Item(s) in Inv" only checking the first item
    - Bots can now be saved locally
    - "Recently Used Bots" added (a bot is added to the list when a new bot is loaded in from either a file or locally)
    - Improved/Recoded quest's constant memory leak that causes the program to crash (still testing)
    - Windows now appear centered in the screen when opened for the first time
    - Windows now have a "minimize" button (top right) 
    - Added "memory" command in consoles to pop up a miniature window to monitor memory usage
    - Cosmetic SWFs can now be locally saved
    - Separated "Bot Commands" into its own window to be able to have it open while botting without the extra clutter
    - More detailed "Bot Commands" (.cbot files created from the past won't be as detailed)
    - Skill list now highlights the skill that will be used next
    - (Possibly?) Fixed issues with map loading while the Bot is running
    - Fixed Auto Relogin
    - AutoBot is no longer toggleable while your own bot is running
    - Improved/Recoded combat (mostly just code optimization)
    - Drops will now be picked up in the middle of combat
    - Improved/Recoded item pickup's various issues
    - Added Keybinds
    - Added Settings
    - Keybinds save locally
    - Redesigned start menu interface and windows now have "icons" instead of ugly large text
    - Packet Logging now has filters for "Quests" and "Shops"
    - "Data Accumulation" added to Packet Logging (JSON grabber & parser) (useful for item ids, swfs, and etc.)
    - Fixed issue with "Auto Rest if HP < " and "Rest if MP < " not having their values saved when saving as a .cbot file
    - Fixed "Complete Quest for Item" in More Functions not adding as a command to the Bot Commands list
    - Revision 6.1
    - Fixed long standing problem with the bot not waiting for the map to finish loading before proceeding to the next command
    - Fixed bug with multiple windows appearing in the start menu
    - Moved saved data to a set path instead of locally (this means settings will (MIGHT) be unfortunately reset in this update. However, now you can move the bot file anywhere and it will keep its settings & data)
    - When loading in a .dmbot file, bot settings will now reset to default so it doesn't conflict with the bot
    - Revision 6.2
    - Fixed small error with "Kill Random until Items in Inv"
    - Fixed bot settings not applying correctly when loaded in locally
    - Revision VII
    - Removed clear button for "kill monster until item(s) in inv"
    - Removed "kill random" buttons and instead you can just leave the monster textbox blank to set it to random
    - Added "gold <=" & "gold >=" to if statements
    - Added "item in bank" & "item not in bank" to if statements
    - Made the explanation for if statements easier to understand and added an explanation to Anti-Anti Bot Kill Function
    - Organized all the checkboxes for the bot to one place
    - Removed "Recently Used Bots"
    - Changed "Index Up & Down" to "Goto Index" (bots with index up & down will still work)
    - Moved index command to the main bot window
    - Removed attack monster command (bots with attack monster as a command will still work)
    - Added "logout" to bot commands
    - Commands that get the "current cell" or "current pos" will now update the input values instead of being added into the Bot Commands list
    - Removed drop config (drops have been recoded)
    - Changed "More Functions" into "Advanced Functions 1" & "Advanced Functions 2"
    - Added Logout (bot command) (WILL ignore/disable auto-relogin)
    - Added Equip Item
    - Added Bank -> Inv & Inv -> Bank (WARNING: It takes approx. 2 seconds for an item to be registered to your inventory after it's sent from Bank -> Inv! Use your delay commands!)
    - Made commands more detailed & readable when added to the list
    - Added separate command list tabs for "Drops" 
    - Renamed "Map Items" in command list tabs to "Utils"
    - Removed "Skills" in command list tabs & the command to add skills in the main bot window (skills have been recoded)
    - Changed duplicate commands that contained the prefix "current" to "#"
    - Added support for "Boosts" cmd under "Utils" for Revenant bot files, but will not be a command in Cetera because there's already an auto-boost in Cetera
    - WARNING: bots that have been locally saved might have had their "map items" deleted as they are changed to "utils"!
    - WARNING: bots that have been locally saved might have had their "drops" deleted as they have been recoded!
    - Recoded autorelogin
    - Added an option to relogin on afk in auto relogin (only works if AFK'd while bot is running)
    - Fixed rare occurences where you could open only the console when you log in
    - Skills have been recoded! Skills are now UNIVERSAL! click the lightning bolt in the start menu to manage your class's skills for botting!
    - Drops have been recoded! (which means the removal of drop config)
    - Auto-decline has been recoded! check miscs to enable/disable (will only work while bot is running for safety reasons)
    - Cancel target on kill has been added to miscs
    - Commands under the "Main" tab will now have "indexes" (example: #: Command) to make it easier to use "Goto Index" command
    - Drop speed is now editable/changable as bot speed (BE CAREFUL)
    - Autobots have been removed 
    - The power button on the start bar that was originally for the autobots will now act for the bot manager (press to toggle the bot on/off)
    - Pressing "ESC" no longer closes Cetera (overlooked this one in the last update, sorry)
    - Reworded a majority of the display text for the bot commands to make it more visible and cleaner
    - Cell grabber has been removed from misc and moved to the start bar (compass icon) for convenience
    - Drops that are detected to be inside your bank will be left on the screen until they are detected in your inventory (must use "Load Bank Items on Start" for the bot to detect bank items)
    - Added "Manual Pickup" command to allow the old & traditional way of picking items up (basically the same pickup command that Dark Mystic/Le Bot has) (BE CAREFUL: Auto-Decline will still decline these as they are not under the "Drops" list!)
    - Removed console messages for every bot command executed as an effort to reduce botting lag/improve botting performance
    - Item quantity in "Kill Random until Items in Inv" will now be the value that you enter and not modified by how many you currently have to lessen confusion
    - Fixed a bug being unable to delete a command under "Utils"
    - "Skip Unavailable Targets" has been disabled by default in the Bot Manager
    • The new setting "Load Bank Items on Start" is essential if you are going to have the bot interact with your bank. Once you start the bot, a bank GUI will open: just close it. This is necessary for the bot to be able to interact with your bank.
    • Bots that have been locally saved might have had their "map items" deleted as they are changed to "utils"
    • Bots that have been locally saved might have had their "drops" deleted as they have been recoded
    • It takes approx. 2 seconds for an item to be registered to your inventory after it's sent from Bank -> Inv! Use your delay commands
    • Auto-Decline will decline drops that are not under the "Drops" list (Manual Pickup bot command will not prevent auto-decline)



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  3. #2
    Trash's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Christ man, lots of additions for those who want the full package, nice return on Cetera.

  4. #3
    meme's Avatar
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    Great work, looking forward to trying everything out!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hennessy View Post
    meme is shittiest general mod ever.
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  5. #4
    mehtzm's Avatar
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    Thanks for the hard work man. Can't wait to try it out.

  6. #5
    freakishly's Avatar
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    I am just gonna take this time to thank you for your contributions to this community, I feel like you aren't appreciated enough. You are using so much of your time helping other people, FOR FREE. I think I speak behalf of all Mac players that you are the best thing that happened to this community for us after Oliboli. I hope you have a great day

  7. #6
    mezo31200's Avatar
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    thanks waiting for approval.

  8. #7
    whyumadbro's Avatar
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    Really looking forward to this. Thank you so much for the hard work!

  9. #8
    theguy62's Avatar
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    Thank you for your hard work, and get some sleep I can tell your tired from what you have wrote here

  10. #9
    Silent's Avatar
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    Approved, everything appears safe, although I did not test to see they work.
    Post back results.
    Click Here to visit the official MPGH wiki! Keep up with the latest news and information on games and MPGH! To check out pages dedicated to games, see the links below!

    Member - 31/01/2015
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  11. #10
    rvsbgriff's Avatar
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    A really solid bot!

    1 major thing keeps on eating RAM until your computer lags so hard :/

  12. #11
    kprbrt123's Avatar
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    I liked it

  13. #12
    133spider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvsbgriff View Post
    A really solid bot!

    1 major thing keeps on eating RAM until your computer lags so hard :/
    I recommend using Revenant if you're going to run it continuously in the background

  14. #13
    hddz's Avatar
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    Very good work on Revenant man but It keeps crashing whenever I use it longer than 1 hour straight

  15. #14
    133spider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hddz View Post
    Very good work on Revenant man but It keeps crashing whenever I use it longer than 1 hour straight
    Very odd. I've ran it 2 days straight without it failing on me.
    How much RAM do you have and what CPU do you have?

  16. #15
    hddz's Avatar
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    8GB RAM and Intel Core i5-8400 CPU whenever i minimize it and play other games or just browse the bot disappears after 1 hour.Happened twice since I downloaded it 2 days ago but before I posted my comment it has been running fine all night.It crashes randomly

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