Quote Originally Posted by Momo5000 View Post
Hey good work but i have a question, is there any chance to get a view in the source code?

i would like to know how you get the process min+max offsets, i tryed that also once before scanning from 0x0 to 0x7FFFFFFF but it takes years with ReadProcessMemory 2MB each read....

it would be awesome if you could tell me how you made that.
You can parse the PE Header of the file and find the correct address ranges where you would expect to find the data. Either that, or you can use some of .NET's inbuilt "process" properties, such as "BaseAddress" (of a module) and "MainModule"

Dim p As Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
MessageBox.Show(p.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToString( "X8"))

scanning over 20,000 bytes at a time with RPM will start fucking up by the way.
But yeah, to optimize scanning you really need to narrow down the scan ranges.