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    It looks like you’re writing unsubstantiated nonsense. Would you like to turn on all caps?
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    MPGH News - 101st Edition

    101st Edition - May 9th, 2016

    MPGH hasn't been an exciting week this week... Nothing headline worthy besides @Dexter being the most hated pharaoh... But he's really worth mentioning.

    - If you are interested in getting closer with the MPGH community without any restrictions via Skype, you can apply to join the MPGH-1 Skype Chat here.
    - If you are interested in getting closer with the League of Legends (LoL), the Realm of the Mad God (ROTMG), Adventure Quest Worlds (AQW) or the Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CSGO) community and you meet the requirements, make sure to drop by and apply to be part of the Official MPGH League of Legends Official Skype Group, Realm of the Mad God Skype Group, Adventure Quest Worlds Skype Group, or Counter-Strike Global Offensive Skype Group.
    - MPGH Pharaoh nominations are up. This month's theme is People You Hate. Hop on down here and nominate someone you hate!

    None this week

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    (Call of Duty Hacks & Cheats, Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Hacks & Cheats and Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V Hacks & Cheats)
    (Combat Arms Hacks & Cheats, League of Legends Hacks & Cheats, MapleStory Hacks & Cheats, Mission Against Terror Hacks & Cheats, Other First Person Shooter Hacks and Other Semi-Popular First Person Shooter Hacks)
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    (Blackshot Hacks & Cheats)
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    Game Hacking

    Official Middlemen


    Hot Threads:

    Canada's Devastating Wildfire Slowing Down
    Over 100,000 people have been forced to flee their homes with a scorching wildfire crawling towards their homes. Miraculously, there have been no fatalities caused by the fire. Two people however did die from traffic accidents during the evacuation process. Without any rainfall, firefighters estimate it will be months before they can tame the raging fire and bring it under control. The once 700 square mile covering wildfire is down to about 621 square miles. This will easily go down in Canada's history as the most devastating natural disasters, with insurance fees already skyrocketing past the billions in costs. A shocking statistic, almost a quarter of Canada's oil production was forced to a screeching halt because of the fire, raising many worrisome questions on how the economy would be affected. So what caused this massive wildfire? Rob Gazzard, a Forest Commissions adviser states ""Where a slope is going upwards at a 10% gradient that would double the speed of the fire, if it's 20% it would quadruple the speed of the fire." It was not the work of a gradient alone, but severe heat playing a major part in adding to the blaze's inferno. More than 500 firefighters are spending long gruesome hours battling the fire with helicopters, air tankers and other heavy equipment.

    Archeologists argue over King Tutankhamun tomb theory
    On Sunday, a conference was held where archaeologists argued over a theory that states hidden burial chambers could be located behind the walls of King Tutankhamun's tomb. Infamous Egyptologist Zahi Hawass rejected the theory of burial chambers located behind the walls of the Tomb that could potentially contain the tomb of Queen Nefertiti, a famous Egyptian pharaoh. In contrast, British Egyptologist Nicolas Reeves defended the theory, stating that radar scans done within the tomb have shown results of open spaces found beyond the walls of the tomb, with signs of organic and metal in those open spaces. The conference aims to bring more comprehensive scientific methods in tomb exploration. Antiques minister Khaled el-Anani, who was present at the conference, stated radar scans of the tomb would continue with the contingency that no physical examinations would be conducted on the tomb until there is a one hundred percent confidence rate that there is a cavity behind the walls of the tomb.

    Source: CBC

    The Binding of Isaac Gets A Console Expansion.

    Finally, The Binding of Isacc is getting the expansion Afterbirth On PS4 and Xbox platforms.
    This massively popular indie game is continuously being released on other platforms
    since its release in 2011. It has even been released on the family oriented Nintendo systems.
    The expansion will be released on PS4 and Xbox on May 10th for $11, unfortunately you current owners will
    have to wait until later this year to get there hands on the new expansion.

    In this new expansion there is tons of new content, including 120 new items, 25 enemies and a new playable character 'Lilith'.
    There is also a new boss in its own final arena. Lastly the new game mode Greed mode.

    Written by - @Gaar
    Edited by - @Jester

    SpaceX lands its reusable Falcon 9 successfully once again
    Elon Musk's rocket company, SpaceX, has completed a landing for its Falcon 9 rocket. The Falcon 9 was delivering a Japanese communications satellite into orbit. SpaceX landed the rocket on their unmanned drone ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean "Of Course I Still Love You."This marks the second successful landing of Musk's reusable rocket on a ship. SpaceX made the first historical attempt in April after many unsuccessful attempts which ended in fiery crashes. Even with the success in April, the company wasn't as confident about the landing due to the rocket reentering the atmosphere much faster; Musk tweeted that the odds for a mission success were "maybe even, but we should learn a lot either way." The mission will surely be helpful to Musk's plans for an unmanned mission to Mars in the coming years.


    First autonomous robot outdoes human surgeons in soft tissue operation
    Peter Kim and colleagues at Children's National Medical Center have designed STAR, a supervised autonomous robot that can perform soft tissue surgery. Researchers have noted that the new machinery surpassed the consistency and precision of expert surgeons, laparoscopy and robot-assisted (non-autonomous) surgery. This technology is not intended to replace the need for surgeons completely. The technology could ensure a smoother operation and better outcomes for patients. Although robots have been used in hospitals in Britain for 16 years, they can only be worked by surgeons. Now a robot has been able to do a soft tissue surgery successfully, exceeding experts in open bowel surgery in pigs. Despite its accuracy, the operation took considerably longer than a human surgeon. It took STAR, on average, 50 minutes, while a living doctor took about 8 minutes. Equipped with a robotic arm and surgical instruments, STAR uses fluorescent markers and smart imaging technology to navigate through and adapt to the complexities of soft tissue. It will likely be years before STAR shows up in a real operating room, but soft tissue surgery done by autonomous robots are on the horizon.


    Atomic Oxygen Has Been Detected In Mars' Atmosphere

    The dream of living on Mars is becoming a closer reality.
    We already know that there is salty liquid water on Mars, and that although it has a thin atmosphere, microbial life could infact lurk within the sediment
    Recent data from NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission revealed that that mar's once thick atmosphere had been stripped away by major solar storms, now, another NASA mission called the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy has found traces of atomic oxygen lingering on the red planet.

    Although atomic oxygen was first detected in the martian atmosphere some 40 years ago by the Mariner and Viking missions, it has been picked up since, as atomic oxygen in is extremely difficult to measure.
    Although atomic oxygen is far different than our breathable oxygen found on earth, its discovery is still important, as Atomic oxygen is the key element in controlling several atmospheric processes, some including energy and mass flow in and out of the planet.
    Ultimately, it influences how fast the martian atmosphere disappears into space.

    Hack of the Week

    This Weeks Hack Is Brought To You By Our CS:GO Contributor @ImWhacky
    An very nice looking and simple hack. This Hack Looks Super Nice w/ it's color scheme and layout. It looks very interesting and noob friendly.
    I used it myself and it ran smoothly, was simple to use, and the UI looked nice too!
    Features In This Hack Include: Glow ESP, Adaptive Crosshair, No Flash, Triggerbot, BHop, Radar, FOV Changer, Slow Aim, and Autoshoot.
    The Hack Looks nice w/ it's simple with it's stylish simple and easy to use UI.
    This hack Has Earned 443 Downloads In Less Than 24 Hours!

    Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V) Hacks & Cheats

    This week we are featuring the Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V) Hacks & Cheats section, which is moderated by [MPGH]akim14, [MPGH]Dakota, and [MPGH]ZectixV1. This section provides the hacks you need to become invincible in this game. There are hacks that have features such as godmode, teleportation, and many other hacks that you can think of from previous GTA games.
    The game is currently $74.99 USD on Steam. For those who have the game or are interested in buying it, I personally recommend you to hop on down to this section and have a look at these hacks and perhaps try them out.

    Dog Survives Life-Threatening Encounter With Ninja Turtle
    A nine year old dog named Bobo was rushed to the vet after he had been sick for a few days and refused to eat anything. At first it didn’t seem like there was anything wrong with Bobo, but then the vets took a couple of X-rays which showed that there were some small objects that were causing an intestinal blockage. The vets decided to perform a surgery on the dog and discovered that the small objects were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toy and a kinder egg.


    Quidditch Comes To Life

    We all know that book series that turned into a movie series called Harry Potter, and how their favorite sport to play was basically rugby on flying brooms. Yeah, well, it became real. They had made a version of this game, Quidditch on foot in the movie The Internship but this group of skydivers had actually recreated it while falling through the air after jumping out of a plane. Just watch the video.


    Views | Drake

    The highly anticipated album Views, originally titled Views From The 6, was released on April 29th. If you're a hard core fan of Drake then I'm going to assume you've already bought your copy. This review is mainly for those who are not that in to Drake.
    Drake has a history of talking about exs in his music and talking about women in a very mellow way. With the release of his joint album What A Time To Be Alive people saw a very different side of Drake. With every song on WATTBA being a banger many people were expecting the same result on Views. Now, that being said there are a few bangers on Views, but that was not the purpose of the album. Drake released a single in March titled Summer 16. Basically this was just a hype song to push the album pre-orders even further.

    Now let's get into the album. There are a lot of Jamaican references and dialects all throughout the entirety of the album. Whether or not Drake implemented this because of Rihanna is unknown. This 20 track album is very fluid and tells a very deep story. This album definitely helps us see deeper into Drake's lifestyle and his feelings.

    Popular tracks that stand out would be; Feel No Ways, Controlla, One Dance and Child's Play.
    When I first listened to the album all the way through I was not impressed. After listening a few more times I've now become obsessed with it.
    I give this album a 7 / 10.

    Underground Underdog | Pouya

    Pouya is an unsigned Dark Rap artist. If you've ever heard of the $uicideboy$ then you've most likely heard of Pouya as well and vise versa. Underground Underdog was also released on April 29th and held the second place spot under Drake's Views for top Hip-Hop/Rap album on the iTunes top Hip-Hop/Rap Album list. Both albums being released on April 29th was incredible. Views is emotional music while UU is more hype and set around Pouya's creative mindset and struggle to get to where he is. UU is one of those albums that you can listen to all of the way through, from start to finish. From raw beats to edgy lyrics and sketchy features this album is definitely among one of my favorites.

    My favorite song on the album would be But Wait, There's More featuring the $uicideboy$. You can listen here: ( )
    I give UU a 9 / 10.
    This might be a very high rating but I think the fluidity and the core honesty of the album provoke me to rate it so highly. Truly a work of art.

    Interview - [MPGH]Batman

    [MPGH]Hunter: Hi, Batman. How have you been?

    [MPGH]Batman: Hey, Hunter. What's up? I've been great, how about you?

    [MPGH]Hunter: I've been good too. Thank you for asking. So tell us, how did you stumble across MPGH and what made you stay on it?

    [MPGH]Batman: I originally came to MPGH back in 2009 looking for Combat Arms hacks. I was extremely inexperienced in this kind of stuff and could never seem to get my hacks to work for some reason. I quit for about a year or two, but came back to the Combat Arms section to begin a short career in .REZ modding. Honestly, what made me stay on MPGH would probably be the General section. There's such a variety of people there that it never ceases to amaze me. In it, I found the heart and soul of MPGH, all the old and new members that actively keep MPGH what it is and has always been.

    [MPGH]Hunter: I see. Well, yes, there's a colossal variety of people among the MPGH community, especially in the General section. If you were asked to create a Combat Arms Hack nowadays, do you think you would be able to make it, now that you seem to be quite more experienced in terms of coding and such than you were before?

    [MPGH]Batman: Definitely not, unfortuantely. .Rez modding is completely different than the actual coding of hacks. Although I am a Minion+ of several sections and have to deal with reading code daily, my experience with coding is almost non-existent. My background as a Staff Member originally stemmed from becoming an Official Middleman and a Marketplace Minion afterwards, which in turn causes me to have a strong ability to moderate the forum content instead of writing/reading code well.

    [MPGH]Hunter: I see. It's nice that you have mentioned that you are currently a Minion+. How do you consider that your journey throughout your time as a Staff Member has been? Also, how did you feel when you realized you had been given such a position? Extremely happy, I assume.

    [MPGH]Batman: I first became an Official Middleman in 12/12/13 and I've got to say that my time as a Staff member has been a bunch of ups and downs. My time as an Official Middleman was lackluster and dull. I wasn't really ambitious and was also constantly trailing behind the other Official Middlemen. I didn't get demoted due to it, however. Eventually, the time came when I was demoted and had become a full-time Minion. Ever since then, I've been constantly improving not only my dedication and activity, but also myself, constantly striving to get better overall as a Staff Member. Attaining Minion+ was a goal that I've long wished to achieve and now I've finally attained it. However, now that I've achieved it, it's time to move onto my next goal, Head Administrator.

    [MPGH]Hunter: Head Administrator? Are you admitting to want to throw Dave84311 off of his throne? On a serious note, hopefully everything will go as you expect. Alright, you have also mentioned the Combat Arms section. I'm guessing it's one of your favorite sections. Which other ones are your favorite sections? Other than Combat Arms.

    [MPGH]Batman: I love all of my sections, they all mean something to me either in my career as Staff on MPGH, or my childhood.The very first actual section I received when I had become a full-time Minion was the Other First Person Shoot Hacks one, and my childhood has been filled with memories of hours of Maplestory, Combat Arms, and League of Legends. I also had invested a ton of time in APB:Reloaded which belongs to Other Semi-Popular First Person Shooter Hacks section which I became in charge of later on. I guess you can say that it was by the grace of Liz that I could have sections that are actually meaningful to me.

    [MPGH]Hunter: Do you currently play any of those games as hobbies? If not, do you have any other hobbies?

    [MPGH]Batman: I recently picked up League of Legends again. Other hobbies that I have are playing guitar, working out and going out (to parties). I also like to just spend time with my friends in general often.

    [MPGH]Hunter: You play guitar as a hobby? That's quite an interesting one. Have you ever thought of making a band with your friends? I presume some of them also play guitar as well. Actually, have you ever been asked to play it in an event of the college you currently attend to or so?

    [MPGH]Batman: Not really, probably because I consider it to be just a hobby that I like to do on the side. I have no intention of actually pursuing a career of any sort in the musical industry. I can also play violin and piano by the way.

    [MPGH]Hunter: Making a band doesn't necessarily mean having to purse a musical career, and that's nice. Anyway, back to MPGH-related matters, do you think your life has been affected by MPGH in any way? Be it for the better or worse.

    [MPGH]Batman: If I were to say one part of MPGH that has influenced my life, it would mostly be the Marketplace.

    [MPGH]Hunter: Why's that so?

    [MPGH]Batman: Well, it's because since I'm in college, I don't exactly have a lot of funds. Selling my Ebook and getting a bunch of nice freebies on MPGH has helped me live a more comfortable college life.

    [MPGH]Hunter: That's good to know. Also, what do you want to exactly become once you finish whatever course you're currently attending to. How's it going, by the way?

    [MPGH]Batman: I was thinking about majoring in MIS or Finance. College is going well, I'm classified as a Junior in my freshman year.

    [MPGH]Hunter: "As long as you're happy with your choice, that's all it matters." Okay, time's running up. Before we end this interview, would you like to do any shout-outs to anyone in special?

    [MPGH]Batman: Shout-out to me. That's it.

    [MPGH]Hunter: It was a pleasure to interview you. Have a nice day!

    [MPGH]Batman: You as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by congress_ man View Post
    only time im not in the sky is when im low and dry


    Joined: 12-14-13
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    League of Legends Section: 2-21-23 - ∞
    OFPSH Section: 2-22-23 - ∞
    Global Moderator: 6-1-23 - ∞

    Rep and Thanks always appreciated!!!

  2. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Cursed For This Useful Post:

    AE$Tgryae35ryt (05-12-2016),[MPGH]Hova (05-09-2016),Hunter (05-10-2016),Illuminati (05-10-2016),monstertoast (05-13-2016),Ticherhaz (05-10-2016),Warrenous (05-11-2016),Yemiez (05-10-2016)

  3. #2
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    On time this time good job News Force!

    Always be aware of impostors, ask for verification by having the person send you a message on MPGH.
    Please do not waste my time & your time with useless messages. These will be ignored and actions will be taken.

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  4. #3
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    Nice words m8

  5. #4
    Freeze's Avatar
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    @Jester @Light @Organized Chaos @Snake @Trol553
    Goodjob Guys...

  6. #5
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    Next time I must be a pharaoh

  7. #6
    Ahl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hova View Post
    On time this time good job News Force!
    With you and Raple editor, the push for punctuation has really come through
    News Force Head Editor from 09/14/2018 - 03/02/2020
    Publicist from 11/23/2017 - 06/07/2019
    Global Moderator since 09/24/2017
    Minion+ from 04/16/2017 - 09/24/2017
    Market Place Minion from 04/16/2017 - 09/24/2017
    Minecraft Minion from 02/23/2017 - 09/24/2017
    Realm of the Mad God Minion from 11/06/2016 - 09/24/2017

    Middleman from 09/14/2016 - 09/24/2017
    News Force Editor from 08/23/2016 - 09/14/2018
    News Force (Section of the Week) from 03/21/2016 - 07/17/2017
    News Force (User News) from 10/18/2015 - 09/14/2018

    Donator since 03/16/2015
    Realm of the Mad God Editor from 05/20/2014 - 07/08/2014
    Member since 12/23/2012

    Rep Power: 82

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Ahl For This Useful Post:

    [MPGH]Hova (05-10-2016)

  9. #7
    Illuminati's Avatar
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    Awesome job again News Force!

  10. #8
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  11. #9
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    Good job, everyone!

  12. #10
    Light's Avatar
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    Good job!

    (Loving the Cock Suckers list)

  13. #11
    Windoge 10's Avatar
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    Got the GTX 1080!
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    @High I didnt get my PB mention

  14. #12
    meme's Avatar
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    Great work on the news everybody!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hennessy View Post
    meme is shittiest general mod ever.
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  15. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4MCCAkes View Post
    @Jester @Light @Organized Chaos @Snake @Trol553
    Goodjob Guys...
    I don't deserve this.
    Need a custom image title? Check out my thread

  16. #14
    ImWhacky's Avatar
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    Ayyy lmao I'm in the news


    CS:GO Rank-MG (but I'm a dirty cheater so who cares)

    P.M. me if you have any questions.

  17. #15
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    omg nice news, wow harry potter in real life. ._.
    Anything can PM me. I'm from Malaysia.

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