The website for the game is IOURPG dot COM

Requesting a bot / trainer for Idle Online Universe. The game is more or less a Idle MMO, still quite beta though with lots of issues.
I haven't looked through its source yet, but based on general observations, I assume pretty much everything is server sided, so AOBs would have little to no use.

Im requesting a very basic bot - similar to the likes of an AQW bot in that the program has the game sit inside of it and simply adds on bot functionality.
- Pet training
- Mining
- Woodcutting
- Basic attack / clicking

Would make it myself, but I honestly have no idea how such a bot is made (wrappers/w.e sitting ontop of the flash game). If anyone has any tutorial/link, please share it with me. I am code in VB.NET and C#.NET, occasionally C++ as well.