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  1. #1
    059's Avatar
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    Mar 2011

    [] 059client - Oryx 3

    Hey, had to get O3 fully working before releasing, and that includes finding groups that would even run O3. All the special effects during the fight are now implemented (DECA intentionally left them out of the client), should be working fully now.

    Changes this build:
    - Oryx 3 effects implemented
    - Fixed the Fullscreen option in Visual options not working properly
    - Fixed Ally damage not appearing ever
    - Moved Dynamic Hp Damage Dolor to Visual options
    - Removed Unity Signup Popup
    - Fixed Archer Auto Ability from being non functional

    How to play on Bard and allow Oryx3:
    Enter in game, open the Options menu, then under Other options turn on Exalt Mode (in purple). That's it! The reason I did it this way is because by default, DECA blocked flash from playing as Bard, so I made a mod to allow it and fully make the client act like an Exalt client - the reason for the second part is that DECA could potentially detect this, without these extra protections.
    For maximum safety, play on the EXE version, as it has full exalt-like URL headers that the SWF version alone cannot do (flash does not let you modify the user agent of http requests, however with a simple exe mod you can remove the restriction).

    - Login to Steam or Kongregate accounts - the Secret on the login menu is for these types of accounts, if you paste in the secret like what muledump uses, it will login to your Steam/Kongregate account and you can play normally
    - Custom sound effects - white bag drop notifier, dungeon dinger for when people open keys, private message notification
    - A lot of performance optimizations, this client should run a lot smoother than normal and also use less memory
    - Custom Stats Monitor shows ping too (taking suggestions as for where to put this, it currently covers up rank in the top left), shows FPS, LATency, and MEMory usage
    - Fame options to avoid losing fame bonuses
    - Debuff ignoring like normal, except ignoring server debuffs (in red) shows you how many you've ignored - threshold is at 25, it will stop blocking them after so you don't dc from the server
    - Auto Ability has been completely seperated from Auto Aim, they are independent of each other
    - Loot preview showing item icons over bags
    - Auto Responder for Thessal/Cem/Sewers (no Lod for now)
    - Has custom timers for boss phases, if you click on it it says the timer in chat so be careful, you can set your own timer with /timer 120 for 2 minutes or /timer 2:00, also some of the marble colossus phases are wrong - if you have proper phases (chat message that the boss says and the number of seconds the phase lasts) enter them here and I'll include it, this goes for any boss
    - Number of enemies left in dungeon, during events, is not shown in chat but is displayed on the screen below the timer area
    - Reverse cultist staff and make etherite shoot straight and fix colossus sword.
    - List keys in player's inventories
    - Typing /realm <name> will keep joining a random realm until you get into that realm, so type /realm cyc for Cyclops
    - Vault Only mode, check it on the main menu to make it so you never join Nexus, ever
    - Low CPU mode hotkey, disables a LOT of stuff, including enemy shots and aoe bombs
    - Questbar, shows quest hp, could use some improvement
    - Show damage dealt to enemy under their sprite
    - Good autonexus, with seal heals and everything, it should only very rarely desync, no guarantees as usual, it is possible to die with it and it has happened, avoid playing in laggy servers. There's a hotkey to manually reset HP and an option to automatically reset if it gets too far off.
    - Teleport to self, useful for anything where you need 1 second of invulnerability, great for parasite den and other shit
    - Auto claim daily login
    - Language strings and all sounds are embedded in the client to reduce bandwidth, but at the cost of making the client an extra ~4 mb
    /aig <#> - add enemy to ignore list
    /alpha <#> - sets transparency level, 0.5 is default
    /an - show autonexus percent
    /an <#> - set autonexus percent, type /an 20 for 20% autonexus
    /ah - show autoheal percent
    /ah <#> - set autoheal percent, type /ah 20 for 20% autoheal
    /ap - show auto hp pot percent
    /ap <#> - set auto hp pot percent, type /ap 20 for 20% auto hp potion
    /am - show auto mp pot percent
    /am <#> - set auto mp pot percent, type /am 20 for 20% auto mp potion
    /ao - make other players transparent
    /bg - toggle rendering map backgrounds (sprite stars and nexus blue perlin noise island things)
    /bgfps <#> - set background fps
    The following /con command arguments can be combined and all used in one, for example: /con usw wiz left - enters left bazaar of USWest on a Wizard
    /con <server name> - connect to server (/con usw, /con aus, etc)
    /con <character class name> - switch to a different character
    /con <left or right> - walk to a bazaar and enter it
    /conn - same as above if you have replace /con in options
    /constructs - toggles ignoring of all constructs
    /copy - take the appearance of someone else
    /cstat - toggle showing ClientStat packets, removed the option from Visual
    /fake <name> - spawn a fake object at your location
    /fgfps <#> - set foreground fps
    /frameskip <#> - set milliseconds to frameskip by, doing /frameskip 50 means it waits 50 ms before rendering the next frame
    /follow <name> or /f <name> - follows a name, type /follow or /f to stop
    /fpm - shows current fame per minute
    /fpmclear - resets fpm
    /fps <#> - sets your fps
    /fs - toggle fullscreen
    /gkick - kicks someone from your guild
    /gmake - creates a guild
    /goto - join server ip
    /gquit - quits guild
    /grank <name> <rank> - changes the rank of your guild member
    /gwho - sends /tell mreyeball mates
    /hidepets and /pets - hides pets
    /igdefault - reset ignore list to default
    /ip - current server ip
    /keys - show players with keys
    /keylist - toggle the keylist
    /l - show coordinates but shorter
    /left - potions left to max (one of two things stolen from crazyclient, this and showing your roll when you level)
    /loc - show coordinates
    /lockfilter or /lf - hide nonlocked players
    /lid or /lootindefault - reset autoloot inclusion list to default
    /lil or /lootinlist - list all items in the inclusion list
    /lia or /lootinadd <itemid> - add item to inclusion list
    /lir or /lootinrem <itemid> - rem item to exclusion list
    /led or /lootexdefault - reset autoloot exclusion list to default
    /lel or /lootexlist - list all items in the exclusion list
    /lea or /lootexadd <itemid> - add item to exclusion list
    /ler or /lootexrem <itemid> - rem item from exclusion list
    /moveload - load recording from text file
    /moveplay - playback recording
    /moverec - record your movement
    /movesave - save recording to text file
    /movestop - stop recording
    /msc or /mscale - fullscreen's map scaling
    /mserver - sends /tell mreyeball server
    /mystic - reveals mystics in train
    /nt - go to nexus tutorial
    /pa <#> - adds id # to the custom priority list
    /pa <name> - adds name to the custom priority list
    /pr <#> - removes id # from the custom priority list
    /pr <name> - removes name from the custom priority list
    /pl - lists every enemy in the custom priority list
    /pc - clears the custom priority list
    /private - sends /tell mreyeball private profile
    /recondelay <#> - change delay between map changes
    /rig <#> - remove enemy from ignore list
    /s - swap all items in inventory and backpack
    /sbthreshold <#> - set spellbomb autoaim threshold (also in options)
    /scui or /scaleui - toggle fullscreen's uiscale
    /setmsg1 <message> - sets a message to be saved, can be resent with the Custom Message 1 hotkey in Options under World
    /setmsg2 <message> - sets a message to be saved, can be resent with the Custom Message 2 hotkey in Options under World
    /setmsg3 <message> - sets a message to be saved, can be resent with the Custom Message 3 hotkey in Options under World
    /setmsg4 <message> - sets a message to be saved, can be resent with the Custom Message 4 hotkey in Options under World
    /sfadd - add word to spam filter
    /sfclear - clear spam filter
    /sfdefault - reset spam filter to default
    /sflist - list spam filter words
    /shop - open mystery box shop
    /skulltargets <#> - set skull autoaim minimum target amount
    /skullthrehsold <#> - set skull autoaim threshold (also in options)
    /sound <name> - play a custom sound or in game sound
    /suicide - disables autonexus and makes all shots spawn on you
    /timer <seconds> or /timer <minutes:seconds> - set a custom timer, like /timer 5:04 will set it to 5 minutes and 4 seconds
    /tooltip <item> command - Typing /tooltip Demon Blade will show a tooltip of a dblade, for debugging purposes
    /tut - go to tutorial
    /uitextsize <#> command - change text size of custom timers/keylist
    /vault - toggle vault only mode
    /world - show world #
    /vol <#> - set volume level
    Check the options under Fame options. Explanation of the Fame options:
    Distance Threshold: the distance from each player to include in the density calculation (it loops through each player, then loops through each player again and checks which player is under this distance from the outer loop player, if they're under the threshold then it counts)
    Offset from Center: how far away from the center (calculated above^), in the direction others are moving
    Tele Distance: how far away from the center until you teleport to the center
    Fame Point Offset: randomly, your player will walk away from the center in each direction, the distance away from the center is multiplied by this number - this is to prevent multiple people from looking stacked on top of each other if they're botting - INCREASE THIS IF YOU LOOK STACKED ON TOP - ALSO INCREASE IF YOU'RE GETTING STUCK ON ROCKS (1.0 is good)
    Walk back to Train legit: makes it so you don't reconnect immediately back to the realm, instead you will walk to the realm portal and wait until it opens
    Disclaimer: YOU CAN GET BANNED FOR FAMEBOTTING, BE WARNED! It has happened and it can happen to you. I added randomization to avoid detection, but it's not a guarantee. The way you get banned is by other people recording you and spending the time to figure out who is botting and who isn't.

    To set a new fame train realm portal type /fameportal, otherwise just turn famebot on and walk to a portal to set it the first time.
    Dye preview don't go away when you step off the cloth in bazaar
    Realm joining inside /con isn't working
    (Why bother when unity is coming out? )
    Auto disable bannable hacks when (optionally, non guildmate) players are nearby
    Show tooltip of player when hovering name in chat, while holding shift maybe
    Correctly detect current server when reconnecting to a previous realm after switching servers
    Optimize vulnerable enemy list rebuilding (would help performance)
    Fix reconnect menu and reimplement the hack
    Implement pathfinding, with multithreading
    Add freecam
    Show more info on quest tooltip
    Remove tp cooldown notifications maybe
    Fix darkness
    Hold rightclick to spam ability option
    Option to disable using abilities on invulnerable targets with aim at invulnerable on
    Option for Ninja auto ability - hold for speedy, or spam ability for damage
    Dye/Skin faking
    Customizable low CPU mode options
    Fix pet hiding
    To use this client with a Steam or Kongregate account, here are the steps:
    Open your Steam Library and go to Properties of RotMG:

    Click the Local Files tab and then click Browse Local Files:

    Rename AssembleeGameClientProxy.swf to anything else, it is the original loader SWF, download the 059client.swf and put it in this folder, then rename 059client.swf to AssembleeGameClient.swf:

    Then launch RotMG through Steam:

    On the main menu of RotMG, click account, then click the red Save, it will prompt a file save dialog, just click Save again:

    Then open the client normally on a flash projector, and on the main menu login using those credentials:

    If done correctly, you will now be logged into your Steam account on a flash projector:

    Do not share this information with anybody!

    Open jakcodex's muledump repository, go to the wiki tab and open the Kongregate Users Setup Guide on the right hand side, you can find this directly by google searching: jakcodex muledump "kongregate users setup guide"

    I had to censor the name of the website as MPGH does not allow any links to the site.

    Follow that guide and you will end up with credentials that look something like:

    Open the client through a projector and enter the credentials like so on the login page:

    Do not share this information with anybody!

    If you have very bad fps with this and you have a playstation controller plugged in, try the latest flash player 32 if you're not on it, or unplug the playstation controller.

    Virus Scans:
    EXE Flash Player 18:
    EXE Flash Player 32:
    Last edited by Kate; 08-19-2020 at 06:01 AM.
    My Vouches
    Having an issue with RotMG? Check for the solution here.

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