I and Crash and mmbob talked on MSN and asked who to strap to the rocket...

here's the story:

We asked what would happen if someone stood 100% on the magnetic pole and we came up with different answers:

[PHP]Crash says:
*It would go around
*and around

mmbob says:
*the compass would explode

Crash says:
*super fast


Crash says:
*until it explodes

mmbob says:
*into a ball of firey gas
*incinerating the north pole causing a rise in sea levels

Crash says:
*Then it will implode
*and vaporize the water

mmbob says:
*coastal cities will be a mile under water

Crash says:
*massive rainfall

*or... it will implode time and space itself

Crash says:
*or nothing will happen

mmbob says:
*maybe it will just not move

*let's try
* /exited[/PHP]

then we came up with the idea to strap someone to a rocket and give him/her a compass and send him/her to the northpole...

Who shall we strap?