Quote Originally Posted by /b/oss View Post
I think humanity did way better in the dark ages than it's doing now.

You can't deny that; everything was better.

And survival has nothing to do with capitalism
Do tell me how US/Israel are hunting down scientists? I know they've made stupid mistakes that slow down progress (stem cell), but they're not oppressive to the point where they stopped, and even reversed progress. Which is why I can deny that, because everything wasn't better. And survival doesn't have anything to do with capitalism because capitalism requires a society whereas survival requires anarchy (in this case for both terms). Anyhow, when you boil down capitalism, you get greed, and as I mentioned, it is required to enhance the survival rate of an organism, to enhance the organism's chance of successfully passing the "test" of Darwinian natural selection. Because greed increased survival chance to reproduce, it's been adopted by evolution to be encoded into an animal's instinct. The taking apart of this encoded greed starts at the lowest but most essential part of a society, the family. That's why, as society evolved, greed was carved and polished into capitalism.