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    Ariful's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
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    Angry My Very Long Letter To Nexon About Combat Arms NA BAN

    Dear Nexon,
    I am just one person in the game of millions. Daily I play this game for a few hours between work and chores. I play by the rules. I've never once hacked, never once abused a glitch, and I've always tried to be a good player and support the community and you the company, but lately, I feel like so many others feel who are left out, unappreciated, and unwanted, but not by players, but by you.
    Hacking has overrun Combats Arms in the release of the Beta of Combat Arms rampantly. From hacked items, to constant duplicating, to even fighting off Aimbotters/Hackers in areas all around the game. We ask for help, but are met back only with silence and the occasional new article, "We're working on it" or the notice from your forum staff "It's being looked into", but we see nothing in results. For those in the community who try to speak loud and get your attention, they are met with nothing but contempt, they are despised, and end up silenced by you because the rules you placed up act only to guard you and the lack of service the players ask for. You lash out against Nexon for what are bad practices, you are banned. You criticize the staff’s level of actions, you get banned. You do what it takes to get attention of the people, mostly you, who ignore us day after day, week after week by using a harsh term, we are banned. I have been taught, criticism is key to understand who you are, where you stand, and how effective you are at what you do. Good means you need to stay vigilant and bad means you need to do better.
    Many players feel abandoned by you, but will not openly say it, because the majority of the community is not on their side. Most are players who thrive to see things like compensation, freebie giveaways, and more stuff added to the game. The minority of players are those begging, pleading, and asking constantly for repairs and fixing problems. I am one of them. We have asked when it comes to content additions, "slow down", "fix this", "take your time", and such, and we see things like Bravo and Papa servers, but poorly utilized, and when updates come, we see bugs, glitches, down times, and repeated server checks outside the normal maintenance cycles.
    So I, of all people who would dare to ask, what is important to you? Your players, your reputation, your community, your games, and your respect from us the players, or is it, your money that Combat Arms draws in above all the other games? It is so much to fix a bug? It is so much to repair a glitch? It is so much to stop a hack? It is so much to listen to your community and the people who want things for the better?
    What will happen Nexon when eventually players leave? What will happen to Nexon when hacking gets to rampant? What will happen when people simply don't care and stop playing? Will we be valued then? Will our opinions matter then? Will everything be done then to get more players back? It probably and only then will be done, but Nexon, by then, it will be too late.
    If Combat Arms goes, what will become of your other games like Vindictus, Dungeon Fighter, and Maple Story? By comparison, Combat Arms is your biggest game, and should be valued as such. If anything, we are the Nexon America Game. So you should treat this game as such. Bugs should be fixed with the utmost speed and vigilance. Hackers should be banned and prevented from returning. Players should be valued as if we are not just a commodity, but as family. Your CEO spoke of change and changes upon all types of change for the better. If that was your promise to us, don't break it and assume we will stay silent.
    We also know that Nexon supported the SOPA and PIPA acts. Controversial bills that would have crippled the internet. We know you had your reasons, but it shows how much and little you understand us the average user, the regular player, and the common person. You need to step out of the big shoes, and step into ours. Put yourself in our position and see what we see. Know what we know.
    So Nexon, I have, as one person, spoken my peace. I have settled for what is, and I will be pleasantly surprised to see how this is taken, but I am not optimistic, nor am I hopeful. I, like all the others who want our voices heard, will be silenced, if not by you, but by the masses who are compelled by ignorance, greed, hatred, and lust for what they don't have, the community who's voice is more easy to appease, easy to bribe, and easier to sedate. I know those people will attack this topic stating things like "drama", "nostalgia", and "who cares". I know however, some people will say also, "it's about time", "very true", and "I couldn’t have said it better", but those voices will be few and far between, the community who has been asking for help. I already know the staff will be reported for this topic, and I run a risk of being banned or suspended, the topic locked, and long forgotten because, the topic was controversial, the topic was out of order, or the topic was some other form of discontent that violates the terms of usage. I know there are volunteers and moderators who do not like these topics and will prejudice them and kill them right away.
    Whatever the outcome, it has been said, by one person, who does not speak for anyone but myself only.
    I have got banned for no reason
    As a player ever since August 15, 2010 I have noticed the presence of hackers and yet I still did not give up playing Combat Arms. As the ticket for combat arms is rising I hope a GM reads this. Why was I banned? I made my own Combat Arms Videos? As I was saying the drain of hackers was mainly present in the year of 2010 and 2011. But why Nexon why? I never violated the terms and conditions? And this is how I get treated? Getting banned? Perfect. I wasted over $200 and yet I get banned for some idiotic noob QQing saying I hack. Bravo Nexon that’s one point for you. Now to prove I don’t hack I will enlist you with my Youtube Videos, but not only that I will send pictures of my desktop, my downloads, my computer files. I really don't get this. The fact that I am legit, yet I get banned. Wow Nexon. Why would I get banned? I am not a hacker. I could careless about hacking and yet I get banned. Ugh am really tired after spending over $200. I noticed something money is never the key? Eh. Like I do not hack. I could care less about hacking. Why Nexon? Why Bann a truthful player? I never did anything wrong. I really don't get you guys I just don't. From the game you were from the game you are now. There have been many untruthful players and there have been many truthful players like me. Why ban a legit player? It’s not like I hack. What do you guys want? I’ll tell every account information on this account? I’ll send you guy’s snapshots of me not hacking. I also have videos of me not hacking. One thing to point out Nexon. If you are to ban one legit player why not ban all? What did I violate? What have I done? Ugh am done with this. I’m sure no one when I mean no one anyone will read this and so yeah. Since no one will I guess I will leave. And one more thing. I have a YouTube channel with my videos if you still do not believe me that I hack then yeah. We can do nothing right? I guessed it right though. I have yet looked through the Wall of Shame, yet I cannot find my name I was banned on 1/7/13. I find this embarrassing and insufficient to ban a player who maintains all of Nexon Terms of Agreement.

    Thank you,

    Ariful Islam Syed
    Last edited by Ariful; 01-11-2013 at 03:51 PM. Reason: Size was too much

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