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  1. #1
    Psychotic's Avatar
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    May 2012

    MPGH News (1/18/13)

    18th Edition

    We're Upgraded!
    A few weeks ago, Dave84311 had noticed a lot of downtime, and slow navigation with MPGH. In result, Dave upgraded MPGH's servers that we were on. Navigation has increased significantly while the downtime has decreased greatly. With the upgraded server, Dave has also added some new features and has big plans for MPGH in the future.

    Because Dave84311 had upgraded the servers on MPGH, he also added Experience back, a vBulletin plugin that gives each user their own stats. MPGH used to have Experience earlier a few months back, but MPGH was unable to handle it; lag, slow navigation, and in general a lot of downtime so it was taken off. You may have noticed the newly added feature which can be found below every users' "Thanks" stat. Under "Thanks" you will find: "Credits", "Level" and also a few bars for: "Points", "Points TNL" (Points to next level), and "Overall Activity". All experience and stats are pretty self explanatory and the stats are conducted by your posts, and basically what you do on MPGH. Posting attachments, making a thread, etc.

    Trusted Members
    It's that time again. With the holidays cheering up MPGH, and the snow falling in, Dave84311 has opened recommendations for a few TMs! If you would like to recommend someone or possibly yourself for Trusted Member, you may do so here. As of now, no one has been given TM nor has Dave made a statement of who will get TM.


    User News
    Recommendations for Trusted Member has opened up. You can recommend someone else, or possibly yourself here.

    Earlier this week arunforce opened up the most recent cocksucker voteout... You can see the results here.

    Applications for the Need for Speed World section has opened up. If you'd like to apply, go here.

    Applications for the Crossfire section has opened up once again! If you'd like to apply you can go here.

    If you would like to become a middleman, you can apply here. Applications to become a Middleman have opened up, but may soon be closed.

    Post Bans
    Congratulations to Singularity on 2,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Dawgiistylz on 6,000 posts!
    Congratulations to DJ_Dreamer on 2,000 posts!
    Congratulations to amrit0965 on 1,000 posts!

    Happy birthday to Denelf!

    Congratulations to Ravallo on Level 100!
    Congratulations to Jorndel for being accepted once again as Minion of the Call of Duty section!

    -InSaNe- has resigned from his current position as a Minion of the COD section. Good luck in your future endeavors.
    Arabian resigned from his position as a Minion for the Crossfire section. Good luck in your future endeavors.

    Old user news can be found below. This is for the past ~2-3weeks. Above is the user news for the past week.


    Congratulations to Flengo on 2,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Hero on 19,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Exicsion on 3,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Hugo Boss on 5,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Boombox on 13,337 posts!
    Congratulations to Versa in 7,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Rhythm on 1,337 posts!
    Congratulations to Geometrical on 5,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Sev. on 1,337 posts!
    Congratulations to Gab on 6,000 posts!
    Congratulations to 666HiddenMaster666 on 11,000 posts!
    Congratulations to StupidFuck on 2,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Tall Kiwi on 3,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Arcton on 1,337 posts!
    Congratulations to heythere123 on 3,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Ederan on 2,000 posts!
    Congratulations to Lightning on 2,000 posts!


    Happy Birthday to derkman!
    Happy Birthday to Hannibal!
    Happy Birthday to iverson954360!
    Happy Birthday to Dave84311!
    Happy Birthday to ZeroTroubles!
    Happy Birthday to Ghost!


    Congratulations to Flengo on minion!
    Congratulations to Ghost on NIGBOI!
    Congratulations to Ravallo on Level 100!


    Stevenom is no longer a minion.
    Realityz is now a cocksucker. Enjoy hell.
    Doc is no longer a minion.
    amrit0965 is now a cocksucker. Don't swallow too much.
    Bananaboy. is no longer a middleman.

    Interview - [MPGH]Jorndel

    Mischief: Hey there Jorndel, how are you doing today?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Well, all fine today. Little bored now. Since @Isaakske isn't online. so no one to play / voice chat with You?

    Mischief: I am doing quite well today, sad to hear that you don't have anyone to play with at the moment. So, how did you stumble upon MPGH?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: That was when I started with MW2 Modding. (GSC Coding) and ever since that day, I have been staying within the CoD section :P

    Mischief: Awesome stuff, how long have you been a member and sharing all these amazing things with MPGH for?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Since my join date :P Jul 2010. And still going on

    Mischief: haha nice, what were your thoughts and impression when you joined MPGH for the first time?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: I can't really remember. I just wanted to get help. But later on, I found out that I some how I had a life there. Most people was nice, and everyone was helpful.

    Mischief: Wonderful, many have said that you were quite the friendly guy as well. I believe so too, do you remember what your first thread/post was about?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Not 100% but I remember I posted it in the wrong section. I think it was in the hardware section. asking for some kind og GSC (MW2 Modding) related question. How can I forget one of my first posts :P PS: Googled it. (Since I'm epic with google) My first post

    Mischief: Haha funny stuff, so you've said that you have been modding for MW2, besides that did you get any positions on MPGH?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: By positions you mean? Former Staff, Wiki Editor, Contributor and Donator? On Forum: I try to help people. Try to make myself a little known among people. Since I'm to believe I will spend much time on MPGH. So mainly my main section is CoD. I now try to be more active in general. But so much crap being posted there... not everything is worth posting. (I'm not that kind of person who just post to post, I feel I have to come with something "useful" or so :P)

    Mischief: Yes, that was exactly what I meant, you must have been 1 busy but helpful guy. I am assuming that those are recent positions as you have former staff. Did you have past positions that you had before but maybe not now?Tell us all about it if you did.As the looks of it, the CoD sections are definitely not dead thanks to you. mhmmm I also agree with you on that one, general does seem more full of spam and not as "useful" threads.
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Well, @master131 suggested me for contributor for keeping the MW3 section alive so. (Thank to master131 <3). I was CoD minion, and worked hard there. But then I had some problems at school and resigned. (Now I regret it, because No I'm so active, and sometimes I bother Dave to do stuff :P) I'm not that busy as I may appear. I just feel that people some how just contact me to get help with something. (Most of times this is true so...)
    And yes, some of the hackers that are creating hacks on the CoD section. (Most left now but) they learned to hack from my tutorials. (Some have been removed by Activision :P) But yeah, I always try to make MPGH a better place for everyone. (Even if I may appear un-friendly, I try not too)

    Mischief: That is quite a lot of contributions through many different ways, whether you help others, release cool stuff or just even making the place a better place.I definitely see why you deserved those positions, too bad you were busy, hope you keep up that hard work and eventually redeem yourself again and earn those spots back! Through that time of hard work, did you find or feel that there was someone in particular that might have been an inspiration or a role model to you?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Hmm, not really. I'm a bit selfish :P I like to challenge myself and do better. And I over-work myself. Well, now days. I kind of hope to find myself as an CoD Minion again, but then again. I know that won't happen But, I'm a bit shocked that so many people have "voted" me for TM. I didn't know people knew that much to me. So that is what I hope for next, maybe get TM. But, I think everyone deserves it. (Not everyone but... You know what I mean )

    Mischief: Well definitely not the CS for sure, hopefully you get TM as I have voted for you as well . Hmmm, tell us a bit more about yourself,maybe some hobbies and outside life when your not on MPGH,what you like to do and such.
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Thanks I got no life beside MPGH. (I know, I'm not social and I got my problems :P) Well, I love to help and teach others but... Now days, no one want my help.But I enjoy chatting with people, and having fun. Just so sad that, there isn't many people who enjoy the same as me. And my worst side is.. I don't manage to maintain contact online. Because it's so easy to forget a person, while you're "busy" with someone or something else (Sorry to everyone who feel touched ;()

    Mischief: ;( I cry evrytime. What do you like doing on the internet other than chatting since your on it so much.
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Well, I kind of said that already tho :P Help people, teach them, and just try to be a good friend. (Without being "abused" of the spam help questions that so many add me to ask for :|)

    Mischief: Just like a magnet Other than that do you have any favourite quotes or words to live by?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Not really. I use logic to find my answers and ways. So I don't have any really. if it would be any, it would have to be like: I don't focus on the coming days, I only focus about what's here right now. (But that's only how my mind works, so not a proper answer to your question)

    Mischief: Works for you,works for me.Truly understand to focus on the days right now but not the days coming.A good one!Unfortunately this will sum up our interview,would you like to give a shout out to anyone?
    [MPGH]Jorndel: Yep: @Isaakske (My best friend online, we chat almost everyday) @zolferno (Good friend, we have fun. And we chat when we can) @Dave84311 (For being so kind and friendly. Very good friend) @Prepix (Had some fun times with him. Now he went all dead ) Thanks for me

    Mischief: hehe, thank you very much for your time!
    [MPGH]Jorndel: You're welcome. It was my pleasure

    Interview - Ecstasy

    [MPGH]Shane : Hey there Ecstasy.
    Ecstasy: Hello.

    [MPGH]Shane : How are you doing?
    Ecstasy: Fine and you?

    [MPGH]Shane : I'm great, thank you for asking. I'd like to interview you for our next issue of MPGH news, do you mind?
    [B]Ecstasy: Go ahead.

    [MPGH]Shane : So, how did you stumble onto MPGH?
    Ecstasy: YouTube because of Dave's mega hack back in 2009.

    [MPGH]Shane : Hah, same with me, except someone was advertising it on Crossfire. This hack, I'm supposing it was very popular back in the day? Well, you're on MPGH, that means you like playing/hacking games. What kind of games do you play?
    Ecstasy :Right now I only play DOTA 2, but back in 2009 I was addicted to Crossfire from 2009 till Dec 2011 I spent over 900 USD on my CF account, I had paypal account so, one day I bought like 50k of ZP which was alot, my mom's Credit Card was linked to my Paypal account so I just started buying alot of zp, after one week of that I was going to login to play and BANG my CF account was blocked for 230 or 240 USD because my mom went to bank and made a chargeback.

    [MPGH]Shane : Wow, that really sucks and it's sad to hear. Crossfire is my main FPS PC game, and I would be furious if that'd happen to my account. So, both you and I just got on the news team, how do you feel about that? Have you been staff on MPGH? If you have, what position?
    Ecstasy :
    I'm happy about news team it's a great opportunity for me and for the new people too, I'm going to do my best. I never have been staff on MPGH because (Dave thinks I'm a scammer) :P. I'm on MPGH for the community and friends.

    [MPGH]Shane : Well, Dave hates me, if that makes you feel any better. Tell me about your daily life, besides going on the internet/MPGH, what else do you like to do? For example: hobbies, sports, etc....
    Ecstasy :
    I started running last month I wake up everyday (Monday-Sunday) to run from 8 am to 9 am I also go out with my friends sometimes, besides that nothing more. XD

    [MPGH]Shane : Interesting , seems like you're productive at least. Back in the day on MPGH, you've gotten CS before, how was that like for you? Can you give some tips to the other CS out there on how to get people to vote for you whenever there is a voteout every month?
    Ecstasy :
    I got CS in 2010 because Dave trolled me , I made a bet with him, Dave said if Spain (yes I'm Spanish) wins the World Cup, he would give me TM and if Spain loses he would ban me for one month, well... Spain won and he made me CS. I stayed for one month, after that I just left MPGH for one year when I came back in 2011 CS was gone, also MPGH was using #VB4, that is how i got out from CS.

    [MPGH]Shane : Lucky for you. I got CS as well, for almost the same reason, it was because of a stupid bet made by Toxin. And I got out of CS when Dave upgraded to VB4. Before we end this interview, would you like to give out any shout outs?
    Ecstasy: Yes, I want MPGH to know that @arunforce smokes my dix daily, also @Dave84311 smokes a lot of cakes, ALOT! My last wish @Arcton stop BEING A ******.

    [MPGH]Shane : Ok, well thank you for your time.
    Ecstasy: No problem baby.


    U.S. News- President Barrack Obama addressed gun control policies at a press conference Wednesday.
    His plan was presented at a White House event that included relatives of victims killed at Sandy Hook Elementary.

    "My starting point is to focus on what makes sense,
    what works, what should we be doing to make sure that our children are safe
    and that we're reducing the incidence of gun violence," said the President.
    "And I think we can do that in a sensible way that comports with the Second Amendment and then members of Congress,
    I think, are going to have to have a debate and examine their own conscience."

    His plan is to invoke Congress to write into policy a ban on assault weapons sales which expired in 2004,
    require criminal background checks on all gun purchases, close a loophole for gun show sales, and pass a new federal gun trafficking law.
    He also announced 23 steps he plans to take immediately without approval of Congress.
    These steps include improvements in the existing system for background checks,
    lifting the ban on federal research on gun violence, putting more counselors and resource officers in schools,
    and better access to mental health services nationwide.

    President Obama's Bill is expected to get strong opposition from the House controlled Congress whom have members that oppose anti gun legislation.
    The National Rifle Association did not respond directly regarding Obama's recent proposals
    but only stated that they look forward to working with congress on a bi-partisan level to insure the safety of the nations children.

    China- The nations capital, Beijing, is experiencing world record high levels of air pollution.
    The air pollution index was at a staggering 993 micrograms per cubic meter Wednesday,
    almost 900 levels higher than the United States most air polluted city.
    The people of Beijing describe a dense fog lingering over the city daily,
    causing irritation to the eyes as well as making it very difficult to breathe without the use of a breathing mask.
    Over half a million breathing masks were sold in the last 48 hours.

    Even on a sunny day it is almost impossible to see the shape of the sun when pollution is this bad.
    Many residents with health issues have been staying inside, some even fearing death.
    Beijing recently implemented an emergency response, shutting down factories and construction sites,
    as well as keeping government vehicles clear from the road until the pollution index drops.

    London- A group of vigilantes known as "Muslim Patrol" have been harassing local residents in various neighborhoods within East London.
    The group has uploaded multiple videos to You Tube showing it's members not only harassing citizens on the streets,
    but also vandalizing local businesses.
    One video shows a commentator painting over an advertisement which depicts a scantly clad woman in a push up bra.
    From what was gathered from these videos,
    it appears Muslim Patrol seeks to impose Sharia controlled areas in predominantly Muslim neighborhoods.
    It is not yet known just how many people belong to the group, or whether they are linked with larger extremist networks in London.

    Back in 2011 flyers were being hung on street poles, bus stops and businesses in London,
    the flyers declared that the area was a "Sharia controlled zone" with a small diagram of laws that would be enforced.
    These laws included no alcohol on the streets, no drugs, no porn or prostitution , no music or concerts, and no gambling.
    It is unknown that if the group "Muslim Patrol" is linked with the group responsible for the flyer.
    Local law enforcement nor the government has intervened with stopping the group as of yet.


    Day Z Standalone Information

    Where is Day Z standalone? That's the question people are asking all the time. At Eurogamer Dean Hall said it should be out before the end of the year (2012), but we still don't hear any news about it, until today...

    Today Dean Hall the developer that made the Day Z mod posted an article on the Day Z development blog where he answers some of the many questions people have, he admit they failed to get it done before the end of 2012 but work is in progress. They don't want to just improve the mod, and BAM! There's the standalone, no they are actually redeveloping the engine and making the game the way we all dream about.
    They are planning to have a small group of testers (500-1000 people) to test the architecture of the game, not the game design. Once they have confirmed fixes for issues arising from the closed test, they will then reschedule an internal date for their public release.
    He also explains some of the changes that have been done so far, something people are going to be very happy with - a overhaul of the inventory system. They rebuild the entire inventory and item management system from the ground up to make the usability easy and functional. Also they added a new system that opens the door for durability of items, disease tracking (cholera lingering on clothes a player wears…), batteries, add-on components, and much more.

    There are also changes on moving things in your inventory, the use of drag-and-drop, 3D models rather than 2D pictures, and being able to add items/clothing to your character in 3D in the inventory screen.

    ^Just for Dave

    Don't expect a complex and ultra special UI for it, they are putting their focus on keeping things simple and effective:

    Read the full article on the Day Z development blog.

    CES: Mini Steam PC - Valve Investment

    It's the beginning of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and we already see some very interesting news about a very tiny PC (code name "Piston") that can play Steam games on your big screen TV. Xi3 Corporation is the company that created the hardware and said they received an investment from Valve.

    Although there isn't a lot of information about it yet, Engadget have got their hands on the prototype unit and report it has a Quad-Core processor and can support up to 1TB of storage space. The PC is very modular and components can be swapped out for easy upgrades.

    Insurgency 2 Early Access Information

    Since earlier last week, the Insurgency website redirected to a timer counting down the days until the early access of Insurgency 2 was launched, which will be the 1st March. The 'early access' is essentially a closed beta which is to be used to iron out any final bugs or glitches and a 30%-off promotional code will be sent to all backers from the kickstarter page. The timer can be found here.
    Some other information was released onto their Steam group:
    What will be in early access:

    • Intense 32+ player online action with a focus on teamwork.
    • Three unique classes that affect your movement on the battlefield.
    • Our most popular maps and game modes.
    • Gain supply and customize the game’s arsenal to your play style.
    • Use 3D VOIP to coordinate with other players. But always beware - nearby enemies can eavesdrop and use this information against you!

    Bioshock Infinite System Requirements

    Are you excited to play BioShock Infinite? If you are I suggest taking a look at these system requirements to make sure it will run smooth on your system.
    BioShock Infinite will have full control over every key bind and mouse setting you want, so no cheap port from console to PC. Also they made sure not to alter the sensitivity of high-end gaming mice by applying artificial mouse smoothing.
    If you prefer to use a controller you can, there are three separate controller layouts (Default, Marksman, and Retro) and there are many settings you can tweak to make it the way you like it.
    Graphics wise BioShock Infinite is a DX11 game but only needs DX10-compatible hardware to play.


    • OS: Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHZ
    • Memory: 2 GB
    • Hard Drive: 20 GB free
    • Video Card: DirectX10 Compatible ATI Radeon 3870 / NVIDIA 8800 GT / Intel HD 3000 Integrated Graphics
    • Video Card Memory: 512 MB
    • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible


    • OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64-bit
    • Processor: Quad Core Processor
    • Memory: 4 GB
    • Hard Drive: 30 GB free
    • Video Card: DirectX11 Compatible, ATI Radeon 6950 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
    • Video Card Memory: 1024 MB
    • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

    More information about BioShock Infinite can be found at Age Gate | Bioshock.



    This past week the experts give a warning to the users of "java" since the software program Oracle had a security issue.
    According to director of java was about hackers attempting to steal information, the laboratory director said this:
    Java is a disaster. 'Not safe, You have to turn it off. -He added
    The "Java" program is installed on multiple / millions of computers and is a programming language that allows programmers to write software in the game.
    The "Java" program is used to allow developers make their website accessible worldwide primarily in Micrsoft and Mac.
    Java is a plugin for Internet Explorer and Firefox also for other browsers.
    The laboratory director also said that computers using the Mac OS X or Linux are easier to be infected.

    The problem is that some companies have to use it in some applications and the security must improve a lot.
    The security experts said the risks are very high and that hackers use exploits. Exploits kits have added a program which hackers can explore or browse the bug in Java.

    This week, The Wall Street Journal newspaper did an experiment with two computers consisting of one in 2008, and another during 2009. The experiment was about the new Windows 8. They said that these two computers were not as bad, as they have met the minimum requirements. These two computers were perfect with windows 7.

    They had a comparison with the two computers from the time period of 2008-2009 and the result was overwhelming because some drivers did not work and they lost some features, the models they tested was a Lenovo 2008, and other touchscreens such as the Hwelett-Packard 2009.

    In spite of all the mess that "The Wall Street Journal" had, Microsoft had called asking why they had not warned users about this problem. The technician said this
    "does not know how each model will behave, therefore it is recommended that the user reads the manufaturer's instructions and warnings" he said".

    Good news for iPhone users in the United States.

    From now Facebook Messenger users in the U.S. will have free calls only in the U.S. territory. This application is available from the date 07/01/2013.This new application known as the "Facebook Messenger" will be the new rival of "Skype" which applies to iPhone users only. This new application will allow iPhone users to make VoIP calls using WiFi or the their data plan contract

    Unfortunately this application has no means of telecommuniation resources that can currently make connections with other platforms and phones.
    Unfortunately for now, it can only be accessed in U.S soil.

    [IMG]https://i281.photobucke*****m/albums/kk231/drsynyster/NEWSTEAM_zpsf7613f6a.png [/IMG]

    MPGH News Team
    Last edited by Psychotic; 01-18-2013 at 10:42 PM.

    Super User since 02.02.2020
    Global Moderator since 09.23.2017
    Moderator since 09.01.2016
    Minion+ since 07.22.2016

    Marketplace Minion since 06.09.2016
    Trove Minion since 06.06.2016
    Middleman since 04.21.2016
    Social Engineering Minion since 02.03.2016
    News FO Freelancer From 11.08.2015 to 07.23.2016
    News FO Head Editor From 08.23.2015 to 11.08.2015
    News FO Head Editor From 07.19.2012 to 08.11.2014
    MPGH News and News FO Founder
    Programming Minion From Unknown to 04.23.2013
    Minecraft Minion From 09.19.2012 to 04.23.2013
    Member since 05.13.2012

  2. The Following 26 Users Say Thank You to Psychotic For This Useful Post:

    -Madara_Uchihã- (01-18-2013),AirCanada (01-18-2013),amrit0965 (01-19-2013),Arcton (01-18-2013),Boombox (01-18-2013),Delko DJ (01-19-2013),[MPGH]Doc (01-19-2013),[MPGH]Ethereal (01-18-2013),[MPGH]Flengo (01-18-2013),FoxALT (01-23-2013),[MPGH]Hennessy (01-18-2013),[MPGH]Hugo Boss (01-19-2013),Intellectual (01-19-2013),Jorndel (01-19-2013),HalfBajan (01-19-2013),Maxedout (01-18-2013),Mega Man (01-19-2013),numanumajosh (01-20-2013),Paralyze (01-19-2013),Reyo. (01-18-2013),Royce (01-22-2013),[MPGH]Shane (01-18-2013),Sky_____ (01-23-2013),Symmetrical (01-18-2013),Vehrdyn (01-19-2013),[SMA] Paradise` (01-22-2013)

  3. #2
    Hennessy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    My Mood
    Great job guys!

    You forgot the editor promotions though
    1/08/2011: MPGHian

    1/27/2024: Global Mod
    6/08/2023: Moderator
    1/22/2021: Minion+
    9/29/2020: Minion
    7/26/2020: GFX Team
    8/07/2017: News Force
    12/03/2012: Combat Arms Wiki Editor
    10/03/2011: CA Public Hack Support Team
    7/11/2011: Donator/Premium
    6/25/2011 - 7/06/2013: Combat Arms Modder

  4. #3
    Arcton's Avatar
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    Yay !!! My first post ban !!!

  5. #4
    THE J0KER's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Arizona - from jersey
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    Great work to the news force!

  6. #5
    Psychotic's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gambrinous View Post
    Great job guys!

    You forgot the editor promotions though
    We only did user news in the past like.. 3 weeks. You guys were most likely promoted way earlier so that's why. If we did for the past 2 months then we'd probably go over an imaginary character limit.

    Super User since 02.02.2020
    Global Moderator since 09.23.2017
    Moderator since 09.01.2016
    Minion+ since 07.22.2016

    Marketplace Minion since 06.09.2016
    Trove Minion since 06.06.2016
    Middleman since 04.21.2016
    Social Engineering Minion since 02.03.2016
    News FO Freelancer From 11.08.2015 to 07.23.2016
    News FO Head Editor From 08.23.2015 to 11.08.2015
    News FO Head Editor From 07.19.2012 to 08.11.2014
    MPGH News and News FO Founder
    Programming Minion From Unknown to 04.23.2013
    Minecraft Minion From 09.19.2012 to 04.23.2013
    Member since 05.13.2012

  7. #6
    bowlcut's Avatar
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    Damn, this looks a lot better than our previous editions.
    I'm likin' it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave84311 View Post
    I hate you colin. I really hate you.

  8. #7
    Hennessy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post

    We only did user news in the past like.. 3 weeks. You guys were most likely promoted way earlier so that's why. If we did for the past 2 months then we'd probably go over an imaginary character limit.
    Oh yeah you're right, it was just over 3 weeks. but nonetheless you guys never fail to impress
    1/08/2011: MPGHian

    1/27/2024: Global Mod
    6/08/2023: Moderator
    1/22/2021: Minion+
    9/29/2020: Minion
    7/26/2020: GFX Team
    8/07/2017: News Force
    12/03/2012: Combat Arms Wiki Editor
    10/03/2011: CA Public Hack Support Team
    7/11/2011: Donator/Premium
    6/25/2011 - 7/06/2013: Combat Arms Modder

  9. #8
    .REZ's Avatar
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    I like how Stevenom got put in here for quitting like a bitch but myself, resigning to support myself and continue to go to work and school, not being even mentioned.

  10. #9
    Maxedout's Avatar
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    Well written and fun as always to read. Thanks

  11. #10
    Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by .REZ View Post
    I like how Stevenom got put in here for quitting like a bitch but myself, resigning to support myself and continue to go to work and school, not being even mentioned.
    >4 weeks ago
    >The old news was done by Hero
    >I did the past week's user news due to him having exams

    You really don't have to get that pissed about it. It is hard for us to keep track of everything, but you did infact resign about 4-5 weeks ago. Though, so did he. I don't understand how that happened, but I'm sorry. We haven't had a news edition for the past 3-4 weeks due to us getting situated and getting people recruited. It's hard enough trying to keep track of everyone who resigns and gets promoted especially when it's been such a long period of time.

    ---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------

    By the way, credits to @Doc for the headings. Thanks a lot buddy.

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  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Psychotic For This Useful Post:

    [MPGH]Doc (01-19-2013)

  13. #11
    .REZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post

    >4 weeks ago
    >The old news was done by Hero
    >I did the past week's user news due to him having exams

    You really don't have to get that pissed about it. It is hard for us to keep track of everything, but you did infact resign about 4-5 weeks ago. Though, so did he. I don't understand how that happened, but I'm sorry. We haven't had a news edition for the past 3-4 weeks due to us getting situated and getting people recruited. It's hard enough trying to keep track of everyone who resigns and gets promoted especially when it's been such a long period of time.

    ---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------

    By the way, credits to @Doc for the headings. Thanks a lot buddy.
    I'm not mad, confused because he resigned before me but I thought I would just point it out.

  14. #12
    Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by .REZ View Post

    I'm not mad, confused because he resigned before me but I thought I would just point it out.
    Seemed like you were mad. Though, I am sorry and it was due to a lot of hubbub going on in the past month.

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  15. #13
    Oneirish's Avatar
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    looks good bro. glad to see exactly what you guys do.

  16. #14
    Dreamer's Avatar
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    Nice release! Keep up the good work.
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  17. #15
    Psychotic's Avatar
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    Glad you guys like it. We used Doc's headings that he made a few weeks ago to see how it goes. Interested to know if you guys like these headings better, or our old ones. (You can see our old ones in previous editions).

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