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  1. #31
    Frought's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post

    1. Point was that you didn't read the entire article.
    2. I don't understand how you think Israel controls the US and I don't care. Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself.
    3. Why yes, you should get an education.
    4. *Facepalm*
    5. *Facepalm x2* That was the point, hypocrite.
    6. You can read but not understand, education, get on it.
    7. I wish death upon no man, but performing military actions in the middle of a civilian area? What cowards endanger their own people? This just shows that they don't fight for their people, but only against.
    8. Soon? Been saying that for the last 50+ years, talk is cheap bitch.
    9. Yeah......doesn't really make sense. Again, education.
    10. Idiots will be idiots too I guess.

    1948: Yeah actually. You ever read up on the history? Ever?

    Shows how little you know really. Its becoming more and more pathetic.
    -Also, palestine is such a small amount compared to WWII for the jews, man the fuck up already and stop bitching.
    You're more idiotic than i though I'm talking about 1948 war , they attacked Egypt and yes I have to get Education on language it isn't my main so you get education to learn Arabic.

    -No comment for what you said because you id...

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post
    Ask yourself, what is the motive for Israel?

    They have no religious hatred, they are the forefront of the technology industry(commercial and military), and the last thing they need is war.

    Israel defends. They have no plan for offense, the majority, if not all their "attacks" have been in retaliation to stop further conflicts. If they really wanted to, they could wipe everyone in gaza, in palestine, and probably even jordan off the map. You don't see Israel just launching thousands of rockets at palestine, why? Why doesn't Israel just bombar Palestine instead? Restraint.

    Notice the trend: Hamas or whoever attacks, fires rockets at civilians nowhere near military operations, Israel retaliates knocking the rockets offline/killing people who are attacking.

    Then the aftermath "oh why does Israel kill palestinians?" Its a joke! Palestine plays the pity card every single time because they are the ones in the end who suffer the most losses, because they lose over and over, and it only fuels the cycle more.

    I just get sick of hearing "they just want their land back" like anyone in current palestinian army/terrorist group actually owned land in Israel. Its this bullshit "holyland".
    Well your reply was kinda convincing but still has some wholes in it , stuff that is lies.
    I'm going to ask you a question ==> You said that Israel has no reason to make war and they want just peace and they could've wipe Gaza out of the map right ?
    Well the questions goes like this ==> If they really wanted peace why do they shoot people who are protesting and throwing rocks at the soldiers ? they can kill anybody who is protesting , now tell me protesting is also a terrorist action ?
    Also trying to destroy Al Aqsa mosque is not considered as war ? Religion war ?
    The're trying to destroy it and sabotage it cause they claim there is Suliman's.
    And what do you expect when something does that with any Muslim mosque ? Definitely they would go for war , Jihad , Protesting.

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  4. #33
    Lehsyrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temperrr View Post

    Well your reply was kinda convincing but still has some wholes in it , stuff that is lies.
    I'm going to ask you a question ==> You said that Israel has no reason to make war and they want just peace and they could've wipe Gaza out of the map right ?
    Well the questions goes like this ==> If they really wanted peace why do they shoot people who are protesting and throwing rocks at the soldiers ? they can kill anybody who is protesting , now tell me protesting is also a terrorist action ?
    Also trying to destroy Al Aqsa mosque is not considered as war ? Religion war ?
    The're trying to destroy it and sabotage it cause they claim there is Suliman's.
    And what do you expect when something does that with any Muslim mosque ? Definitely they would go for war , Jihad , Protesting.
    I'm just nitpicking a portion of that. You can't honestly believe Israel would attack Egypt with no reason after only becoming an established country as part of the UN's Partition Plan four years earlier. Almost right after the Partition Plan, Arabs started attack Israeli's in groups of civil wars in the region in retaliation of the Partition Plan. The civil war would have stayed at a small scale, however an alliance of Arab states grouped together to attack Israel in an all out war.

    Also, after the war ended, nearly 600,000 Jews were exiled from Arab lands, and 700,000 Arabs fled from Israel (however, they were not exiled). The Arab refugees were taken in by Arab countries, but were treated as scum by their own people, whereas the Jews who went to Israel were given support and Aid by their own country.

    The original political views of the Zionist Jews were to simply survive, but because of the consistent attacks they expanded their borders to create a defensive line and to spare any Jewish settlements outside of the territories. The Arabs basically gave away that land. And considering Israel survived an alliance of multiple Arab countries only a mere four years after becoming a country, I'd say they were more powerful than the Arab nations.

  5. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lehsyrus View Post
    I'm just nitpicking a portion of that. You can't honestly believe Israel would attack Egypt with no reason after only becoming an established country as part of the UN's Partition Plan four years earlier. Almost right after the Partition Plan, Arabs started attack Israeli's in groups of civil wars in the region in retaliation of the Partition Plan. The civil war would have stayed at a small scale, however an alliance of Arab states grouped together to attack Israel in an all out war.

    Also, after the war ended, nearly 600,000 Jews were exiled from Arab lands, and 700,000 Arabs fled from Israel (however, they were not exiled). The Arab refugees were taken in by Arab countries, but were treated as scum by their own people, whereas the Jews who went to Israel were given support and Aid by their own country.

    The original political views of the Zionist Jews were to simply survive, but because of the consistent attacks they expanded their borders to create a defensive line and to spare any Jewish settlements outside of the territories. The Arabs basically gave away that land. And considering Israel survived an alliance of multiple Arab countries only a mere four years after becoming a country, I'd say they were more powerful than the Arab nations.
    You quoted my reply , still nothing was related about it.
    I'm talking about the present times , or 10 years before as maximum ...
    Never mentioned Egypt or anything you said =/

  6. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temperrr View Post

    Well your reply was kinda convincing but still has some wholes in it , stuff that is lies.
    I'm going to ask you a question ==> You said that Israel has no reason to make war and they want just peace and they could've wipe Gaza out of the map right ?
    Well the questions goes like this ==> If they really wanted peace why do they shoot people who are protesting and throwing rocks at the soldiers ? they can kill anybody who is protesting , now tell me protesting is also a terrorist action ?
    Also trying to destroy Al Aqsa mosque is not considered as war ? Religion war ?
    The're trying to destroy it and sabotage it cause they claim there is Suliman's.
    And what do you expect when something does that with any Muslim mosque ? Definitely they would go for war , Jihad , Protesting.
    "Protesting". You act as if all they do is throw rocks(which can wound a person). Are you this naive? Do you truly think that these people are just sitting around throwing rocks and that the Israeli forces just mow them down?
    -Again, restraint. They don't kill everyone and anyone, but you think they do. Naive as you are.

    If an Israeli threw a rock at an arab soldier he'd be shot on the spot. Double standards much. Expect more from the enemy than you do from yourself. Its this complete cycle of bullshit that you see from the arab vs Israel argument.

    Also that mosque? You mean this?
    All Media, Libel: Israel to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque | PMW

    Conspiracy theory, all the way. Nice try. Just another excuse you will use for war I'd bet.

    really now, you believe this? God dayum I lost all respect.

    Man, you are just as bad as Dopedog, naive as fuck and you believe anything. This is sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Temperrr View Post

    You quoted my reply , still nothing was related about it.
    I'm talking about the present times , or 10 years before as maximum ...
    Never mentioned Egypt or anything you said =/
    This whole thread is about the history of Palestine.

    Even 50-60 years back, it is important. You bring this up questions as if the arabs were neutral from the start, when history shows otherwise.
    Last edited by Empire; 04-28-2013 at 01:31 PM.

  7. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temperrr View Post

    You quoted my reply , still nothing was related about it.
    I'm talking about the present times , or 10 years before as maximum ...
    Never mentioned Egypt or anything you said =/
    I quoted the wrong person, ffffuuuucccckkkkkiiiiinnnnngggggg a.

  8. #37
    Snake's Avatar
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    You live in America.
    America was discovered by Europeans, so America is not your country.
    If the Native-Americans started attacking you for that country, would you rather call it self-defense/protecting your homeland or would you call it keeping the victory?


    Jews lived peacefully amongst arabs since the islam ruled in Mekka/Medina.
    Idk what these kids are on about now.
    About the Hamas thing:
    The reason why they say they hurt their own population more is because:
    Hamas hides in schools, hospitals and whatever they can find. Due to them being a possible threat to the jews, they must neutralize this threat whether there are innocent civillians around or not, by any means.
    So if they have to bomb the whole school down to kill that one Hamas member, they will.
    This is why they say Hamas is actually the reason why their own people get killed. They don't actually harm their own people.
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  9. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    You live in America.
    America was discovered by Europeans, so America is not your country.
    If the Native-Americans started attacking you for that country, would you rather call it self-defense/protecting your homeland or would you call it keeping the victory?


    Jews lived peacefully amongst arabs since the islam ruled in Mekka/Medina.
    Idk what these kids are on about now.
    About the Hamas thing:
    The reason why they say they hurt their own population more is because:
    Hamas hides in schools, hospitals and whatever they can find. Due to them being a possible threat to the jews, they must neutralize this threat whether there are innocent civillians around or not, by any means.
    So if they have to bomb the whole school down to kill that one Hamas member, they will.
    This is why they say Hamas is actually the reason why their own people get killed. They don't actually harm their own people.
    Unfortunately you don't understand ethics.

    Yes, what the American settlers did to the Native Americans was wrong. Yes, they had every right to "fight for their land", and when they lost, they lost. The Native Americans are integrated into American society, Palestinians show no signs of this. Its simple religious/racial hate.

    Its apples and oranges.

    The jews didn't come in there and kick the palestinians out, they didn't slaughter them, they didn't even start the war. Nothing in the Israeli/Palestine conflict compares to the American-Indian wars.
    It would be more realistic if you compared any sort of racial ghetto joining and one side going apeshit, then losing the fight moves out on their own. Then they hold this insane ass grudge they instill on their sons and daughters to hate Israel, refusing to make peace.

    But yeah, sure, the American settlement which has absolutely no relevance, yeah lets use that.

  10. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post

    Unfortunately you don't understand ethics.

    Yes, what the American settlers did to the Native Americans was wrong. Yes, they had every right to "fight for their land", and when they lost, they lost. The Native Americans are integrated into American society, Palestinians show no signs of this. Its simple religious/racial hate.

    Its apples and oranges.

    The jews didn't come in there and kick the palestinians out, they didn't slaughter them, they didn't even start the war. Nothing in the Israeli/Palestine conflict compares to the American-Indian wars.
    It would be more realistic if you compared any sort of racial ghetto joining and one side going apeshit, then losing the fight moves out on their own. Then they hold this insane ass grudge they instill on their sons and daughters to hate Israel, refusing to make peace.

    But yeah, sure, the American settlement which has absolutely no relevance, yeah lets use that.
    Its a good comparison. I geuss the only difference is that America doesn't shut out the original country holders like Palestina does.

    Tbh, I think they're asking for it but w/e.
    The only thing that bothers me is how the Palestinians act all sad and shit on facebook and stuff, while Israel is also suffering greatly just because they have no country to settle down.
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  11. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post

    Its a good comparison. I geuss the only difference is that America doesn't shut out the original country holders like Palestina does.

    Tbh, I think they're asking for it but w/e.
    The only thing that bothers me is how the Palestinians act all sad and shit on facebook and stuff, while Israel is also suffering greatly just because they have no country to settle down.

    The amount of hate the middle east has for jews is no small secret. The jews could have owned the land from the start and we'd still have this war.

  12. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post


    The amount of hate the middle east has for jews is no small secret. The jews could have owned the land from the start and we'd still have this war.
    Israel could have taken that Gaza line off the map easily.
    I bet even those palestinians don't know the truth about those jews there
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  13. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post


    The amount of hate the middle east has for jews is no small secret. The jews could have owned the land from the start and we'd still have this war.
    Oh yeah , they could have owned the land from the start but they cannot because they will get their ass kicked .

    Compare Egypt to Israel

    Egypt has modern weapons more than Israel . True Story.
    Israel has a better air force than Egypt . True Story.
    Egypt has better tanks than Israel . True Story.

    And yeah U.S is not your land.

  14. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by [D]opeDog View Post
    Egypt has modern weapons more than Israel . True Story.
    Israel has a better air force than Egypt . True Story.
    Egypt has better tanks than Israel . True Story.
    Israel has developed more modern weapons by themselves than Egypt. True story.
    There, at least it's 2 for 2
    Quote Originally Posted by Extravagant View Post
    The problem is that we're people. People are shitty beings, you just gotta keep that in mind.
    "Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off." - Richard Dawkins
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

    Quote Originally Posted by Lehsyrus View Post
    Troll nomination. Allah and Muhammad for 1400 years of bullshit.

  15. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by [D]opeDog View Post

    Oh yeah , they could have owned the land from the start but they cannot because they will get their ass kicked .

    Compare Egypt to Israel

    Egypt has modern weapons more than Israel . True Story.
    Israel has a better air force than Egypt . True Story.
    Egypt has better tanks than Israel . True Story.

    And yeah U.S is not your land.
    Relevance of Egypt vs Israel?
    -Lol "true story" means you are making it up, the lulz.

    Oh Dopedog, why even bother commenting? You clearly have nothing, yet you keep talking shit.

  16. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post
    Lately I've run into several people(not just on mpgh) who think that the Palestinians, "just want their land back".

    Here is the problem with that from a simple logic point of view detailing history.

    1. Palestine never existed as a country or state.

    2. The area of palestine, was not under arab control. The entire area was in fact under BRITISH control when the state of Israel was created. Meaning this territory of the Ottoman Empire was actually part of the British Empire after WWI until it was a given sovereignty as the state of Israel.

    Now here is the reality of the people who lived in Palestine "just wanting their land back."

    1. The age of a person who owned land from palestine at the time of Israel's "Occupying" is probably dead. The entirety is this point is that they aren't the ones pushing for their land back, its their sons, and their grandsons. Or more importantly: The arab agenda, kill all the jews. Shocking? not really, its been this way forever.

    2. They obviously don't care for the land. Palestinians have made this abundantly clear in tactics alone. Random bombardment with missles/explosives, killing their own civilians, and generally not giving a shit in the least bit what happens to their civilians or the land they so desperately seek.

    3. Hamas has done worse things to the population than Israel ever did. Sadly, this is overlooked.

    Basically: "they just want their land back" is a propaganda tool. Its meant to make you feel sorry for people who were "forced out of their homes", when their land had already been occupied by different nations for hundreds of years already.

    Palestinians should count themselves lucky. Compared to what the jews experienced in WWII, or the Africans in Rwanda, or the muslims under dictators and such, or the millions of other tragic situations, they got lucky. Grow some balls "Palestine' and suck it up.
    No such thing as plestines
    this made up thing came when they wanted to take our land
    and @[D]opeDog you realy say so much BS
    zionists are like patriots in every country people fighting for their country

    ---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Temperrr View Post
    Who told you that Hamas does kill their own people (us) ? It's just how you believe every shit the media says .
    Also Hamas is only ruling Gaza , and Fateh is ruling the Westbank.[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Black][SIZE=2][B]

    Because of the continuous USA threatening towards Arab countries ? USA is simply Israel's dog .
    Hamas not killing their owne people thats funny:

    and fatah and hamas fighted in gaza in killed each order in order to take terotory on gaza

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