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    MPGH News - 217th Edition

    217th Edition - September 3rd, 2018
    Snapple Fact: France was still executing people by guillotine when the first Star Wars movie came out.


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    Shooting at Madden online gaming tournament in Jacksonville
    Story goes hereA livestream recorded a 24-year-old man fatally shooting two people At Madden online gaming tournament in Jacksonville on Sunday afternoon, and soon after turning the gun onto himself. Police has been able to identify the shooter as David Katz. The shooting took place in a Chicago Pizza hut in Jacksonville, in total of nine people has been injured in this incident. Police confirmed all nine victims are in stable condition. When the shooting occured the restaurant was hosting a livestream tournament for the game "Madden NFL19" a witness told Los Angeles Times that, David Katz, was a gamer who was also competing in the tournament but has lost. Later he had a small argument with another person, after that he went towards the back of the room and seconds later the gunfire started going off. Police cannot yet confirm what David Katz's motive was for targetting specific persons. The company "EA Sports" creators of the game "Madden NFL" has indeed confirmed that the shooting took place in a Madden competition.

    Famous YouTube Star McSkillet Dead: Two Others Also Dead In Wrong Way Car Crash
    In shocking state of events, YouTube star McSkillet has died and so have two other people. The deaths occurred after McSkillet’s car rammed into another car, as he drove on the wrong side of the highway. Sources reveal that the YouTuber killed a mother and a daughter when he was high speeding on the wrong way at the California highway.
    Famously known for playing the infamous game Counter Strike and also for selling/designing custom content on the web, McSkillet’s car was destroyed in the crash, which led to his death.
    According to reports, Heitmann’s McLaren sports car collided and thrashed with the car of a woman who was driving with her daughter. This happened on Thursday. The mother and daughter were 43 and 12 years of age. The women have been identified as Aileen and Aryana (mother and daughter).
    While Heitmann’s car was completely destroyed during the incident, Aileen’s car burst into flames. She was driving an SUV.
    However, aside from all of these cars, there were other cars involved in the crash. Those who witnessed the accident revealed that McLaren was driving at a speed over 100 mph during that time. He was driving at the southbound but in a northbound lane. The accident happened on the interstate-805 freeway.
    The deceased YouTube star was also involved in a crash earlier. However, at that time, his car drove in a fence of an elementary school but it didn’t injure anybody.
    Aileen Pizarro leaves behind her grieving family. Her son, while talking about his mother, described her as being the ‘kindest and most caring’ person in the world. He had the same things to say about his sister as well.
    YouTube star McSkillet was a renowned name as he had nearly 900,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. He was followed by hundreds/thousands of people on Twitter as well.
    Heitmann revealed himself as the ‘King of The Skins’ on social media, for selling a designing custom made content or skins for Counter Strike.
    Earlier this year, Heitmann’s account was banned by Valve, the owner of Counter Strike. Heitmann allegedly got a trade ban, as he was involved with a ‘crack down’ on gambling that involved customized content. Since the last 5 months, Heitmann had not uploaded any video on social networking site YouTube.
    The car crash that killed Heitmann and two others has shocked everybody and left them in dismay. However, it is clear that the reason for the crash was the fact that Heitmann was high speeding on the wrong way.
    Nonetheless, the event has left everybody in a state of shock, especially CS fans and YouTuber’s.


    Ubisoft has revealed at GamesCom 2018 that it will not launch the new Assassin's Creed Title in the year of 2019, and will instead continuing to support this year's title which is Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, with some additional content to keep the players engaged in the game. Speaking at the GamesCom, the Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot explained that the Assassin's Creed: Odyssey's 2018 release was enabled because both 2017's Assassin's Creed: Origins and Odyssey were being developed at the same time, and Odyssey will not be immediately followed by another's game release!

    "On Assassin's Creed, we had a game [in 2018] and we have one this year, but we are not going to have a full-fledged Assassin's Creed next year," said Guillemot. "It is because the team were working separately, so we have two games now, one year after the other. But next year you're not going to have a fully fledged one."

    Asked whether this meant there would be a spin-off title or something smaller, instead of a brand new, fully fledged entry in the Assassin's Creed's Series, Guillemot confirmed that this would not be the case either.

    "What you'll have is lots of content coming on [Assassin's Creed: Odyssey].
    The team really want to give, on a regular basis, some new possibilities for play, so when you get [Odyssey] this year, you're going to get in for a couple of years, actually."

    $uicideboy$ - Meet Mr. NICEGUY
    The $uicideBoy$'s time in the spotlight is almost here. With their debut album releasing on September 7th, fans are more hype than ever. This week the $uicideboy$ released their first single from the upcoming album, "Meet Mr. NICEGUY". This song is a huge change of pace from the $uicideboy$'s earlier works. It's unlike any other track we've heard from them thus far. The two artists are heard singing and rapping on this track, over some nice guitar. The theme of the subject matter, however, has maintained the usually substance we're used to receiving from the $uicideboy$. In this track we hear the $uicideboy$ visiting sensitive emotions and feelings. Drug abuse is ever apparent in this track as well as suicidal thoughts. The song starts out mentioning how Ruby's relationship went downhill, and progresses into $carecrow talks about the pain of expressing your feelings only to be left behind.
    Give it a listen for yourself on SoundCloud here.

    Gary Neville on Manchester City's new challenge as others take note of Wolves' draw with Premier League champions
    After the first match between Manchester City and the new Wolves team, Gary Neville claims that other teams will start copying the Wolves in their strategy to not lose against Manchester City. The Wolves have a 5-4-1 strategy for playing the game, and other teams have decided to probably copy the strategy too. Liverpool and Manchester United did cause them problems last season, but overall Manchester City had a decently big lead previously. The 5-4-1 strategy allows the opposing team to always be able to counterattack, allowing them to have both a strong defense and offense. Now that teams are able to stop Manchester City, most teams will now also formulate strategies to score points against them in order to win the game. This will probably result in Manchester City having to face many 5-4-1 strategy teams, and this will possibly result in them trying to figure out new strategies in order to win games.

    Realm of the Mad God Hacks & Cheats
    This week's hack of the week will give you a little taste of Realm of the Mad God Hacks. This is an update to the well know 059's client. We all know its one of the most reliable hacked clients for Realm of the Mad God Hacks. Do not confuse reliability for safety. No hack in the world is ever going to guarantee you from safety. Therefore, it is always important to hack with caution. Dial down the hack settings by a little, use hacks when absolutely necessary and avoid bragging about it in chat! That is a dead giveaway. Enough of the negatives, lets get down to reviewing 059's client. It has a tonne of features such as Auto Responder for Thessal/Cem/Sewers, Teleport to self, Auto claim daily login (you won't ever forget it) and so much more which are listed in the hack's thread link below. And as always, happy hacking!

    This Man Has Such A "Dim View" Of Female Drivers That He Shoots Them, Police Say
    In Harris County, a 29-years-old guy thought female drivers were so "incompetent" that he shot at them from the window of his car. The authorities arrested the suspect Nicholas Dagostino for the second time, this is related with two recent shootings in the city of Katy near Houston where two women told that they have been shot in the arm while driving. Authorities have previously arrested him for the same reason, in July he shotted a woman in the left arm while she was driving, in total he got charged for five different incidents over the past few months. The suspect told the authorities that he shot the mother in "self-defense" because she was driver badly and dangerously. But, investigators proved that his Facebook post shows that he was targeting random female drivers on purpose because he "held a very dim view of women.". In his post, he also said how bad female motorists drive and how important it is to give birth to male children. They also found some photos of firearms on his Instagram, including a .45 caliber handgun which could be the weapon used in the last shootings. At this moment he is being held in jail on a 250k$ bond for 2 charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In his home, authorities found the .45 caliber handgun which was a Beretta and they confirmed that the weapon has been used to shoot at women. However, Nicholas sill contests authorities and the fact that he is targeting random women on the road just because he hates them.

    16 Intensive Care Nurses Pregnant at Once
    There's a baby boom coming to a hospital in Arizona, with 16 nurses preparing to give birth over the coming months. The intensive care nurses work at Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa, they are all expecting between October and January. Nurse Rochelle Sherman, nearly eight months pregnant, said: "I don't think we realised just how many of us were pregnant until we started a Facebook group." Her pregnant colleague Jolene Garrow joked: "We all formulated this plan to have the holidays off." Ms Garrow added that non-pregnant colleagues have been helping by taking care of patients whose illnesses or treatments could be dangerous to expecting mothers and unborn babies. These include tuberculosis, shingles or chemotherapy because of the radiation. But Ashley Adkins said that the other nurses might be getting tired of pregnancy-focused conversations, saying: "They just roll their eyes: more baby talk." Hospital officials have said that a group of floating nurses should be able to cover the workload while the 16 nurses start to take their 12 weeks of maternity leave.

    Interview - Ganja:


    Trol553: Hello Ganja, thanks for accepting the interview invite! I go easy on you, so let's start with telling how was your day today?

    Ganja: My day was good. I've yet to eat tho & it's 6pm

    Trol553: Oh, I got 12:09 AM, so we got little different timezones. Let's move to first topic, regarding your personal life. I actually wonder, are you owner of a car?

    Ganja: That's cool. Yeah, I own a great car Nissan Maxima 08.

    Trol553: Do you use drugs? If so, what drugs?

    Ganja: Haha, yes, I do. Cannabis.

    Trol553: I actually never tried drugs, did you try anything except cannabis? What is the best drug in your opinion?

    Ganja: I've tried Mushrooms and Acid. Those were some crazy trips. They're dope if you like that psychedelic high but it ain't for me. The best drug imo is easily weed, it's the safest & if you know the right people, the cheapest too.

    Trol553: Wow, I thought on MPGH are people not using drugs at all, haha. Silly me. Why did you actually join the MPGH, I can see that you joined in 2011?

    Ganja: Haha, everyone does drugs, just in different forms. I came here in 2011 for Rakion hacks. I used to be apart of an old forum site called gam3rzneeds when I was like 16, but GzN slowly died when Rakion died.

    Trol553: Everyone does drugs? Yeah, maybe. What is your opinion on IM chat addon?

    Ganja: Overall, I like it. I think it's a great way to prevent scams. There are some bugs, but I feel like the IM notifications need some tweaking to be more noticeable. Or even a notification that works like when you get a PM. Letting you know that you have IM messages.

    Trol553: Yeah, about those notifications I can only agree, I never know if someone adds me there, no sound notification, which is making it harder to use for me. Okay, from me that will be everything for now. Shoutouts to anyone?

    Ganja: Yeah man for real lol & shoutout to MPGH! I learned a lot from this site and its community.

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    [MPGH]Dave84311 (09-04-2018),dummy97 (09-23-2018),Hackinet (09-04-2018),MikeRohsoft (09-05-2018),Orbit (09-03-2018),Schuba (09-03-2018),[MPGH]Venom (09-03-2018),Zaczero (09-04-2018)

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    Great work as always team!

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    Ech maachen just dës Idioten :^)

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    Dagger's Avatar
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    the interview is about drugs
    bad interview cuz drugs are bad and a sin
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    I Too, Shoot Female Drivers. Also 16 Preggo At Same Time... Maternal Leave Scam? Hurr Hurr
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    Now it makes sense that Paris is indeed a shit city

    Paris like most French city's are shitty once you get to know them.

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