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    Elon musk123's Avatar
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    Elon Musk's essay services- best price around for excellent quality writing

    Are you tired of wasting your time writing essays or doing labour intensive writing assignments for your university or high school level classes? Well luckily for you, I'm offering my writing services at a special introductory rate of $10 per page: double spaced, times new roman, size 12 font.

    As far as my qualifications, writing has always been my strong suit, throughout high school and university I've done almost all my essays at the last minute and still pulled almost straight A's. I have my B.A. in philosophy from a west coast state school, and my degree has given my plenty of practise in analytical reasoning as well as articulate and persuasive writing skills. Additionally, I am adept at writing quickly and under the pressure of time constraints, so last minute work will come as nothing new to me. I have extensive experience in the fields of philosophy, history, political science, english, and other humanities fields. I can take on other subjects as well, but please contact me first. Textual analysis is my forte, but I am also well versed in research based papers as well.

    If extensive research or reading needs to be done on my part, the first 50 pages of reading/research material is free, but additional material I have to read will be charged at $10 per 50 pages. I can provide writing samples on request, and will work with you closely to ensure the paper is tailored to your specific needs. No material is recycled, all of my work is 100% original and will not show up on plagiarism software. Feel free to message me on IM if you are interested in purchasing your custom essay. Thanks!

    While I am getting established, this is how payment will work. First, you send me the topic and specifications for the writing you need done as well as when it needs to be done by. I will then complete the essay/assignment by the due date and send you a copy with every other line redacted. Once you send payment, I will send the full unredacted document. It's as easy as that!

    Add me on IM

    Writing sample of the first couple paragraphs of an essay on Marxism I wrote-

    When one thinks of capitalism, an association that often wrongly comes to mind is freedom. One is free to sell their labor power and become a commodity subject to market fluctuations which are out of anyone’s control. Free to toil or die, free to become part of the vast machinery of industry- “all that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned” (communist manifesto, Marx). This is the dual nature of freedom that capitalism has given to millions under the yoke of feudalism. No longer tied to the land of the nobility, no longer under the yoke of the feudal guilds, Vast swaths of people have been subjected to the freedoms of capitalism. In this essay the tensions between freedom and capitalism will be further examined using the writings of Marx. By engaging with Marx’s texts it will be shown how capitalism and true, liberatory freedom is fundamentally incompatible, and how democracy will continue to elude us as long as we operate under a free market system.
    While capitalism is first and foremost an economic system, that does not mean that it’s effects are limited to the economic sphere. In fact, Marx writes in “The German Ideology” that “This mode of production (capitalism)... is a definite form of activity of these individuals, a definite form of expressing their life, a definite mode of life on their part” (150). Looking upon capitalism through this broader lense, we can see just how important our economic system is for shaping the lives and experiences of everyday people. For instance, the phenomenon of alienation is a byproduct of the capitalist mode of production that affects the entirety of wage labourers. Marx writes, “The object which labour produces confronts it as something alien, as a power independent of the producer… the realization of labour appears as loss of reality for the worker” (72). Alienation, the phenomenon where the product of one's labour appears to one as something alien, is a direct consequence of capitalism’s structure. By paying workers a wage in exchange for their labour power, the system creates a constant ripping away of the fruits of one's labour from the labourer. Instead of being able to personally reap the benefits of spontaneous and creative work in the material world, “The worker puts his life into the object; but now his life no longer belongs to him but to the object” (72). Labour becomes a means to an end instead of an end in itself, although it is a questionable to what extent labour is really the defining characteristic of humanity. While Marx offers the reasoning that the capacity to produce objects beyond one’s immediate needs is unique to humanity, a person's life is more than just the realm of production. While important in that labour constitutes the basis for the formation of society; interpersonal relations, education, and leisure activities also are a key component of the human which Marx seems to overlook.

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